Peltarch Banite College?

  • _Rumors spread amongst the common and oppressed masses of Peltarch of ways to gain power and escape the wretched lots of life. They offer promises of power and wealth arising from devotion and passion. "Seek out the priest, Zanetar, if power is what you want," the rumors whisper in the ears of Peltarchians everywhere.

    They say to be wary of those that would give them false warnings of ill-fate or unhappiness. Such people are those that would have them remain oppressed, those that preach hope and patience rather than action and passion.

    Zanetar himself is never seen spreading or even encouraging these rumors, though it is unclear whether he recieves those that seek him out._

  • Glowing red eyes watch Ogam warily as he leaves and someone puts him on the list of atheists. And of possible converts.

  • Ogam rolls his eyes and sighs in disgust

    "Of all the assinine suggestions… not to mention proselytizations... To follow a god of tyranny and strife to 'a better life'?"

    He shakes his head.

    "If one wishes to be free of oppression, it is he who must cast off those chains. Following any god who promotes order, be it in the name of some 'greater good' or simply a path to power is ultimately fruitless."

    He raises his voice, speaking loudly, his head high, a strange glint appearing in his usually tranquil blue eyes

    "You wish for power? For an end to oppression? What greater power can any man have than his own freedom? If you wish for that, than it is for you people to change the order of things - or to break free of it, and forge your own paths. You wait for some god or hero to do this for you, but it is a power you alone command - if you will use it. An oppressor can only hold you down so long as you grant him the power to do so… without your compliance, without your labours and strength to support him, he is nothing."

    His hair and cloak rise, swirling as a strong breeze picks up from the west.

    "Follow not dark gods nor overlords, for they will trade you nothing for your subserviance but a mandate to subjugate others in their names… and an unspoken promise to reap the full harvest for themselves. Instead, stand tall, and walk proudly wherever the wind will guide you, and you shall find happiness in leading a life that is truly your own."

    With that, he turns and strides from the commons, speaking a quiet prayer to the breeze which scatters dust and leaves from his path.

  • Never one to openly engage in hostile arguments without good reason, Gailyn hangs back as usual with arms folded across his chest listening to the increasingly confused populace whisper and argue amongst themselves, sometimes nearly coming to brawls only halted because of his interference. At one such violent argument where Gailyn intervened he explodes, shouting at both vehemently and can be heard around the commons

    When you're not drones of one you're drones of the other! Trust in yourselves and your leaders!

    takes a deep calming breath

    If you have issues, send a letter or have the local scribe send one to the appropriate official. They are there to help you…not these priests with their own agenda. You elected these officials because you trust their judgement and that they will do the right thing. If you don't feel that way elections are coming up and you can vote for one whom you do. I, for one, can promise that I will not try to sway you to one faith or another. I would make law and suggest to the current senate, no solicitation of Faith in Peltarch outside of the temple and leave you free to find your own paths in life without the not so subtle shoves of others with an agenda...

    Realizing he'd drawn a crowd with his shouting and then his rant, Gailyn scowls and walks off to resume his patrol of the docks, sighing with regret that he himself will likely now be a subject of discussion

    How I despise the subtle knife…

  • @db6ef1bac7=TheGnome:

    One man with the appearance of a soldier tries to explain with:

    What he is saying is that Bane can grant power to free yourselves from oppression, Bane is not doing the work for you

    Zanetar is pleased by the insightful warrior and issues a reward for him. (( find me IG ))

  • DM

    Magistrate Barrim is heard to voice his disapproval of guarded threats and bickering in the city. He is heard to issue sentements of disapproval at hints of dishonour but stays away from this arguement of faith. He states often to senior officers in the guard that this is why the city must have laws of tolerance. Faithful of all kinds break the law, that is true of even the finest and worst faiths it seems. "It is for the good of peaceful and prosperous order, just now we have this city back together that such laws exist."

    "People on all sides seem to be pushing toward a war of faith even as the final new blocks of stone are replacing the smashed and burnt ones born of disorder, blind faith and arrogance so recently."

  • One man with the appearance of a soldier tries to explain with:

    What he is saying is that Bane can grant power to free yourselves from oppression, Bane is not doing the work for you

  • @88756ff794=Gildor:

    "Ignorant is the Banite who calls a Paladin fearful.."

    (( Err, I was talking about Talgrath when I called a Tyrist fearful… Not that a Paladin's lack of fear is something tangible on an IC level anyways. ))


    Through the crowds stories filters, some says that when Zanetar first arrived to Peltarch, he fled from to Lady Natanya and Senator Roland when met in the wilderness, bartering that if they spared his life he would take citizenship elsewhere and he returned only once he had gained company of his cronies.

    Tales of how the young Paladin has twice challenged the Banite priest to honorable duals -to the death- circulates with heated excitement, and how the Banite priest either chose to flee, or not attend at the appointed time.

    Those that question these rumors questions how a Tyrrian can lie, and some question if this is true, how Zanetar can "Fear none but Bane".

    _Zanetar's defense – when Natanya's false rumors reach his ears -- is that the headstrong (and foolish) paladin twice challenged him and twice failed to set a time or place.

    He also (for reference) makes a point about the separation between fear and foolishness. He will not fear a dragon, but he'd be fool to try to slay it._

  • When these rumors and street preachers reach Oreth, usually through some urchin or merchant he meets in his wanderings through the city, he generally furrows his brow to the speaker, and asks simply

    In order to grant you power, would not this Zanetar need to have power in the first place? He promises you something he cannot grant even himself.

    After this, the druid generally shrugs, and averts his attention, muttering something to himself, the only intelligible words being "Dumber than Genki". At least one of these times, he turns back to the speaker and smirks, breaking his previously serious demeanor

    After you're done asking the Peltarch banites for power, why don't you head south and ask the Lizardfolk for skin lotion and perfume?

  • "Ignorant is the Banite who calls a Paladin fearful.."

    Through the crowds stories filters, some says that when Zanetar first arrived to Peltarch, he fled from to Lady Natanya and Senator Roland when met in the wilderness, bartering that if they spared his life he would take citizenship elsewhere and he returned only once he had gained company of his cronies.

    Tales of how the young Paladin has twice challenged the Banite priest to honorable duals -to the death- circulates with heated excitement, and how the Banite priest either chose to flee, or not attend at the appointed time.

    Those that question these rumors questions how a Tyrrian can lie, and some question if this is true, how Zanetar can "Fear none but Bane".

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Walking on the streets, Seaeak hears the rumours. His eyes roll up and ponder in wonder. Not bothered at all as he cares little about religions, however upon evaluation…
    "Maybe its not a good idea, the more the chaos, the more the opportunities…hrm hrm hrm hrm hrm."

  • First hearing about the rumors, Elissa just shakes head and grins, when she finally becomes aware of all the reaction she chuckles softly. "And they are supposed to be the wiser ones."

    Not bothering much about this, she merely adds a few sentences to her daily routine work. Sometimes she'd comment on any of these attempts to convert people, pointing out that no one god rules, but a multitude of gods are to be worshipped. And those that promise riches or power or justice or anything are just trying to gain a fool's trust.

  • On one of her frequent trips to Peltarch to help with the relief efforts, Jena the Ilmateran here's the rumors. She is upset that there is so much grief and suffering and that the proposed solution is to convert to Bane.

    She passes out flyers ((to avoid repost, visit here: ))

    Holding her arms out in the shape of a cross, she has a tranquil look upon her face. In a low, soft voice she says:


  • _… The Tymorans try to pass it off as humor. They try to keep you from what you deserve ...

    ... The Tyrist preaches patience and justice. Predictable ... The other Tyrist? Underhanded threats of wanton violence -- too fearful, even, to be straightforward in his opposition ...

    ... All of them, trying to turn you away from the one that can keep power from slipping between your fingers ..._

    (( On a side note, the "Peltarch Banite College" has no real significance, it was only a playful OOC jest, a parody of the Bardic College. ))

  • If Talgrath hears somebody talking about going to Zanetar, he remarks simply "Goin to Zanetar will just get ya a sore ass, if ya know what I mean."

  • _Some townsfolk walk by the Commons exchanging idle conversation about these rumours of Zanetar and freedom while Ty is absently staring at the sky, shuffling his cards as per usual. After a few seconds, the corners of his lips twitch a few times, then he begins laughing out his nose, and, finally, just starts roaring with laughter.

    Falling onto the bench, he grabs his sides and tears begin streaming down his face from the exertion of sheer laughter. Rolling off the bench, he curls up and continues laughing, ocassionally pausing to gasp and catch his breathe, then laughing some more.

    His cards, which he had been clutching with an increasing intensity, spray out of his grip and fly everywhere. Ty rolls onto his back and stretches out, so that he can spout hardy, full guffaws from the pit of his stomach and all the way to his toes. Eventually, he starts to suffocate and pounds on his chest, gasping and chortling, sharply inhaling breaths of air and slapping the cobblestone walk a few times. On the verge of passing out, he pulls himself onto his knees and wipes the sweat and tears off of his face with his hands, still chuckling faintly.

    He reaches around and gathers up his cards, still sniffling and laughing every once and awhile, and comments casually_:

    "Man, the day a Banite frees the masses is the day a Sharran hugs the moon . . . Don't be oppressed, oppress others weaker, instead, while still being oppressed, just by some freakishly tall guy in black armour! . . . Hah, right, brilliant recruitment ploy . . . "

  • There was a period when Natanya was seldom seen in public, but times has changed.

    The tall charismatic blond has taken to do rounds about the city, almost moving in a militant and erect manner with her polished golden temple plate and "bless" cast upon her enchanted blade, glowing white at her hip.

    The Paladin persuades the crowd to listen where she can, reminding them that "patience" and "justice" often are united, and if they have concerns or fears the temple of Tyr provide guidance and aid both for spirit and mind, something the High priestess Daisy in her greatness has shown repeatedly during the cities most difficult times.

    "I was once like you, I too felt alone, depressed, abounded and frightened -but not anymore- I have felt no fear since I turned to mylord Tyr, and you too may join in his compassion as has I and the high priestess."

    She lecture those uncertain, that they whom turn to darker faiths are usually insane or weak minded individuals drawn by the cheap promises of simple solutions and supposed power, where evil gods corrupts people for their own selfish gains.

    She adds that Tyr is a father figure with open arms there to teach, aid and shelter all who turns to him, and much like a parent he will punish those who wrongs his people, citizen or cities.

    After giving the location of the temple, she finishes the speech by shouting out in an almost fanatical tone as if there is no doubt in her heart

    "There will be Justice!" and "Evil will one day vanquish and a new greener Toril will one day arise!"

  • Hearing the rumors, Corana smirks and gets up in the commons, announcing to all who will listen.

    "All you who desire power, great and unbridled, like the rage of the stormy sea. Your goddess is none other than the scourge of the deep, the Sea Queen, Umberlee. Hers is a ferocity unmatched by any natural power. If you seek to possess this power, you seek her favor, and you seek it through me…"

    After her announcement, she can be seen heading outside the gates to prepare an offering to her goddess.

  • Whenever hearing of the rumors Zyph gives a laugh and a smirk

    Wait wait wait…let me get this straight...

    trying to catch his breath

    You think you're oppressed….and to get out of Being oppressed your going to...

    laughs again holding up a finger for him to catch his breath

    You're going to get a BANITE cleric, a cleric of the god of Tyranny and Oppression to teach you how to change that. Thats a marvolous idea. Next I say we find ourselves a maskite cleric and ask him to council all the thieves in the land on the wrong of thier ways.

    breaks out in laughter again

    That has to be the greatest joke I think i've ever heard in my life in this city. I mean the satire, the irony, the sarcasm…hell it surpasses any witty joke the college has put out. Banite leading people from oppression....just....classic. CLASSIC.