Adventure Guide - Peltarch

  • Introduction



    The Silver Gate is busy as always. I wonder what marvelous things the traders and merchants are bringing nito the city this morning. Hmmm, perhaps a closer look, espacial at.. Excuse me, move there, coming through! There we are. Now, if I could just… HEY! Watch where you are driving that thing! You almost ran me over! Damn caravan drivers. They have no respect for.. YEAH? Here! A raised fist at you to! Blood and ash! I will get you, yo... OOF!

    Hey! Hey, are you alright? Hello? You will get run over if you lie there any longer. Belive me, I almost caught one myself, ox and everything. Come on now, get up. Yeah, there we go. Anything broken? No? All limbs attatched? Good. How many fingers am I holding up? Eh, well. That will have to do. You should watch where you are going, bumping into people like that. Had I been a half-orc, you would have a couple of broken ribs and a distorted nose by now. You dont remember bumping into me? I bumped into you? How many fingers am I holding up? Three? I thought so, you are probbly a bit dizzy. I didnt hold them up long enough? Of course I did! You are probably dizzy...

    No, no I dont want your gold. Keep it.. Yes you bumped into me, you are sorry, you beg for forgivness. Enough. I forgive you, apalogy accepted, alright? Now get that gold out pf my face. You are attracting glances. Yes, put it away. Yeah, good. There we go. Finally. Hey kid, you are new here arnt you? Yeah? Let me guess, you were tired of your life at your fathers farm and ran away? No? Alright, how about this, your parents were murdured by kobolds, and now you seek revenge? No? I shouldnt ask that. You dont want to talk about it? Hey, I got it! You stole something and you.. Where are you going? Hey! Hey, kid! Hold on there. No! What are you.. Stop it! Come here! Come... Here... Good.. What did you.. What were you thinking? Asking that nice man for help? ... Kid, you know nothing about life in the streets, do you? Tell me, have you ever been in a city before? A town? A village at least? No? Blood and bloddy ash. Alright.. Look, I wasent doing anything anyway. Stick with me, kid. I will show you around Peltarch. Yes, Peltarch, the city we are standing just outside! The Jewel of the Icelace Lake? Hello, kid, and welcome to the world. Just stay close to me and dont talk to anyone. Maybe you will learn enough to keep you alive the week out. Alright lets stpff... No! Get that gold out of my face!

    The gate we just passed through, that is the Silver Gate. Yeah its busy alright. Usually is this time in the morning. Farmers, traders and merchants from the south comming in. Why? Well, the market is in this part of the city. It is actually where we are heading right now, so dont start waiving that gold pouch of yours around, at least not if you want to keep it. It is going to take a while getting through the people here. What is your name kid? What? You have to speak up? Woah! I said speak up, not bring down the buildings! I dont think they quite heard you in in the Giantspires. So, Torall, son of Korall of the Windrunnerclan of the Storm mountian? ..... Are you a dwarf? Hey, no need to get upset. I thought you were a bit too tall.. And no beard of course. A few straws here and there though. Hey now, I am just teasing. I think I´ll just continue to call you kid._

  • The Civic District

    _Ah, yes, yes. I much agree with you, sir. The taxes on fine cloth is much too high. It dampens trade and, wich is an utmost scandal, turn a somewhat nice garb into a quite bothersom investment. Oh? Ah, I see. Very well. Good day then…

    Hehehe, good day you loser. This purse will make a nice adition to my little gold pile. Ah, Tymore is smiling at me. Here I am in the civic district. An upstanding citiezen on the rise. Heard one of the snators are seeking an advisor. Hehehe. That should make a nice pay, espacially with a little of the campaign budget going into my pocket. Life is smiling! Aha! Another unsuspecting noble. Just a little closer, yes, yes, keep looking the other direction and.... A little cut and i am home freeeeeeaaaa..

    Good afternoon, sir. Heh, what my hand is doing in your pocket?.. When you put it that way, i can honestly not think up a good reason, heh. Hey, wait. Dont I know you? I have seen you somewhere havent I? Oh, I know! You are that kid I met outside the city a couple of moons ago! Hahaha, ho are you, kid? A long time and no see, eh? Here is your purse. You have to watch out, thoose sneaky thieves are everywhere! I see you have traded that rugged leather you had last, to a shiny scalemail. And you have gotten yourself a sword too! Looks awefully, uhmm, sharp. It is sharp? I can imagine, I dont want to have it tried on me though, hehe. What my hand was doing in your pocket? Nevermind that, kid. Let me take you around the Civic District. You look lost like a little puppy and you dont want to get pickpocketed again, now do you?

    Ah, yes, the Civic District. The district for thoose that got out of the gutter and became something, or thoose that were born with a silverspoon up their arse. You know, rich kids. Not to use such language? You are right, the language is different here. You wont hear any sailor speak as if he has a broken jaw. You wont see beggars or homeless people sleeping in crates._

    to be continued

  • The Commerce District

    _Ah, here we are. The marketplace. Listen, here you can find almost everything, and if you cant find it here you can certainly find it.. Kid? Kid? Hey, what are you doing? Come here! Give the one legged beggar a couple of coins? One legged? Yeah, right. Come. Here. Do you see that hump there? On his thigh? Under the thick tunic? Yeah, thats one legged for you. Pfff. You have to be careful here, kid. Toss your goldpouch around to much and you will find it emty or even missing.

    Now listen up. Here you can find anything you need in your everyday life, alright? Food rations, arrows and such. A couple a tailors here too. Oh yeah, if you find a dump to live in and want to get rid of the rats, speak to one of the Dolvaks. They have some kind of extermination service up there. Up where I point of corse. For the love of.. North from the marketstands, get it? You are not the brightest one in the herd, now are you? What? No, i didnt say anything..

    Alright, kid, buy yourself a gnomish lollipop. We are going to take a rest at the commons. Yeah? What!? you payed how much!? Five gold? …. This is going to be a long day...

    Just take a seat, kid. Where? Anywhere! Not there. Where then? I said anywhere!.. Except there. I should make up my mind? Bah, rubbish. Here is good. It is in the shadow and not in the middle of the commons. Have a seat, kid. You suggested this spot before? Really? Oh well. Just sit down. Is the lollipop tasing good? Enjoy it, kid. Probably the most expensive lollipop the city has seen.

    This is the commons, kid. They say that if you sit here long enough the whole city will pass before you. What it is? Its the commons. Everyone who is anyone visits the commons at least every other day. See, there you have two senators, probably discussing somethign really importent. The one on the left is Evendur I think. What? Who the loud ones are? Probably bards studying in the college. What college? We will take a look at it later, kid. You can see their students almost everywhere. If they are not breathing fire the juggle knives. Who that beutiful woman is? Ah, she is something, eh? That is Lady Des. She owns the Amethyst hall right here behind us. Yeah, thats the one. Oh blood and ash! Look down, kid. A couple of city guards are headed this way. What? You were part of the militia back home? Wait! No dont talk to... Bloody hell!

    Eh, Betiful weather today, wouldnt you say, Lisa? You look most stunning today, oh yess indeed. Is that a new haircut? What? If you have seen me before? No, no I dont think so, heh. I knew your name.... Err.. well, eh, uhmm, the, ahh, the name of such a beutiful woman loyally in service of the city could no go me by, heh. You, no, no, I dont think you recognise me from somewhere, heh. You must be mistaking. Oh look! that hin cut that man´s purse!

    Phew! Kid, never do that again, dammit. Lets go now before she comes back. Who that was? Her name is Lisa and she is one of the City Guards. A good lass, woudlnt mind bedding her, but, hehehe, lets just say I am not really her type. What I mean by that? Nevermind, kid, nevermind.

    This is the Mermaid Inn. If you help clean the stables you may be lucky to have roof over your head for a day or two. What is down there? Hehe, a special kind of shop down that direction, The Whilting Flower Adult Toy Shoppe. What that is? I will just let you igure that one out yourself, kid. There is also Renaldos music shop. Frequently visited by the bards, ofcourse. Heard that he has trouble getting payment from someone lately. Maybe you can help him with that someday, kid. Lets see if we can.. Hmm.. If it is always this crowded? Yeah, espacially this time of the day. Ah, I see Bard street. Come, kid. Follow in my steps.

    Here we are. The bardic college! Impressive building? Yeah, it is, and even more so inside. Lets see if we can.. Hmm, closed for rehersal? Alright, nothing to do then. Now you know where it is, at least. Lets head back. Oh! Watch where you step, kid! You almost pummeled that little hin there. What she is screaming? You dont want to know, kid, you dont want to know. No, that finger she is holding up is not a compliment. Lets get out of here.

    Ah, Hemrods shop. What you cant find down at the market you can find here. Hemrod is an elf that sells the most peculiar items. Expensive? Very. Not enough gold? Heh, thought so. Dont worry, kid. Coins usually fall in from strange places but maybe you should try to get a job. If there are any? Well, best is to speak with some of thoose adventurous types. They are easily recognised on their strange equipment. Maybe you can fetch something for them for a couple of coins. You are not a delivery boy? Hehe, everyone starts at the bottom, kid. Lets go around this corner here, I have something more to show you... Here is OOF!.. eh.. Hi, I mean, hello Lisa! Apologise, have a nice day now.

    Come on kid, walk normal. How you walk normal? I dont know! Walk nromally! Hurry up before she recognises me? Dont look back! What? she is pointing and screaming at me? Blood and ash! She recognised me. See you later, kid! Good luck!_