A notice placed about the city concerning "absent priso

  • DM

    In notices placed one in each district of the city, Magistrate Barrim issues a demand with the approval of the Guard.

    Citizens of Peltarch

    I urge you all to be vigilant at this time for those folk who consider our recent troubles to be an opportunity for the damage to the Jailhouse to be an opportunity to ignore the will of the city and its unmatched justice. Some folk may consider it upon themselves to abscond from Prison during this time, which for matters of survival may have been necessary. However those prisoners who do not immediately hand themselves in to the jailhouse to resume their sentance will be considered an enemy of the city, hunted down and their sentance increased in light of any attempt to flee justice or the city itself.
    Consideration will be given to those prisoners that have already handed themselves in once more and simple increased privaleges will be granted within confinement.
    All guards and officers of the city should familiarise themselves at all times with the arrest records of the city, and see that all absent prisoners are brought in the moment they are sighted.
    All guard are reminded to be vigilant in important civc areas, the docks and marketplaces for any increased activity of thievery or threats to cizitens or senators at this time.

    To the citizens:- My personal thanks to you all for your fortitude, loyalty and hard work of reconstruction during the recent difficult and chaotic times.

    In service to the Jewel of the Icelace

    Magistrate Barrim Asbravn.

  • DM

    Upon enquiry it is told at the courthouse - if asked to the Magistrates office that in respect of Magistrate Barrim at least, that inquisitor positions and assistants are currently filled but applicants will be noted for future interest.

  • In light of the increased ammount of crimes that will need to be processed in light of the recent chaos in the city (as well as the brand new courthouse to accomidate them) Ting submits a letter of inquiry about open positions at the courthouse.

    In completely unrelated happenings, the nameless woman who has made herself known by her habitual wearing of a white mask and her eerie silence has applied for a executioners position.