About wonderfull and beautifull Basha

  • Every so often Kronk can be seen standing close to Basha when she is guarding the Jiyyd gates, with a wide grin on his face and a orcish red/greenish color on his face.
    It is allso roumored that a hin spotted him in the forrest north on the near east road, picking flowers wich he later presented to her.

    Confronted with these roumors of love kronk said:

    grins a wide grin and is starting to turn red, looking down well me thinkses she is very nices, and she would likes to invites her for un dinners or somethins before his head went all red and looked like it was going to explode, he then turned quickly grunted to whatchman D- something and ran of with the words me is goins to keeps the nears roadses safes.

  • growls to Wog Yous blinds Wogs, ye sees she is nices dont ye

    Nope basha is a wonderful girl, smasha on the other hand…....

    Edited took away something that was unneccesery.

  • ummm i might be wrong but isnt basha a man?