Deacon Sterr's Journal. (Former: A worn journal among..
Heh, I have finally arrived in Peltarch! Things don't seem too bad here actually. I wonder when I find my sister, Mae'Belle, but untill then I might aswell enjoy the country side.
I am thinking about going down Jiyyd soon, it seems a dull town, but ready for oppertunities. I had a run in with the law earlier, what a bunch of wusses up here, used to be different back in Amn! Let me tell you that!
Signed, Deacon._
((Wont forget garric man. He been a pain to Mae'Belle and Deac.
(love the garric references)
Bull told me he found a new recruit for our crew, one by the name of Zanetar. I met him and.. well, didn't exactly like him. Arrogant, snobby and above all an down-right evil bastard. Not the cool mobster, no, more like the mass serial-killer.
Told him to piss off.
Haven't seen Stirling or Linnatha in a few weeks now, I hope everything is alright with them. Also I met a noble woman in Peltarch this week, she wants me to captain a ship for her, or something.
Will need to talk with her again.
Signed, Deacon._
Well, I have returned. Things are all good back in Amn, nothing to add to that. Back in Peltarch I've had some problems dealing with the seafarers. Apparantly they expect me to store my gold, with them. For security reasons.. bah!
'twas nearly a showdown, but Xilo stepped inbetween. Nice lass. Really.
Also I met a new young girl, Cormyrian.. Yeah, I know what you think, but she's rather nice for a Cormyrian girl. Katjana was her name, I believe. Wonder if it'll turn out to be something.
Also we found Reth.. dead. Bandits got him.. I swear, here and now, I will never let a bandit escape from my blade, a promise I intend to keep. Bastards.
Signed, Deacon._
(( MAN! Where the hell you been?! .. Of course he is still welcome! And how could I possibly forget?
Man, good to see you, seriously ))
I enjoyed reading your stories there. Can't believe you still remember the chicken stealin' days. I do miss those long hours spent sitting outside the boarshead dreaming up ever more rediculous ways to make a few gold. I might bring Reth back if i can. Reckon he'd still be welcome in the black sails?
Well.. Stirlin' approached me with a idea this morning. She wants to set up a personal guard for me, consisting only out of females. Heh? How could I possibly say no to that, endless amounts of ladies all to willing to stay close to me.. life's good.
Although I have my doubts this idea will work, as rough and strong as Stirlin' may be, she has little experience organising things, only time will tell I guess.
I am leaving for Amn next week, my old bosses wish to speak me over something. Will let you know how it went.
Signed, Deacon._
Another lad is trying to take me down, some fella named Cray Vincent. What a joke, he is scared shitless of me and does everything behind my back. I asked Erok and Bull to reason with him.. knowing them though that will be the end of Cray, ah well.. I could care less.
Janita is getting rather clingy, it scares me..
She is getting old too, what age is she now? Twenty five? I don't dare ask, she recently bought a new sword and is itching to try it out.I managed to get Erok into that union too, if things go well we may soon start underselling them!
Money money money! HAH!
Oh, Mae'Belle visited me, demanding a piece of the operations.. I had Gnosh escort her out.
Which reminds me, a new half blood joined my crew, Gnosh Frost-Hammer, silent but smart one for his kind. Wields a gigantic flail that knocks you off your socks with one swing. He seems loyal enough aslong as I provide sleeping quarters and food.. I wonder how big this crew will grow.
Signed, Deacon._
Godsdamned thieves. Second time! I have to buy a lock on this!
..Again, a lass managed to steal my journal, I caught here in time though, before she could wreck much damage. Ugh.. what is it with ladies and journals? .. Bloody annoying!
Anyways! I promised a peltarch guard, Barrim I believe his name was, to ship in some horses from here. He seems to have a fetish for them, doesn't stop speaking about them, really annoying, but a friend worth having I guess.
Also, I met another guard by the name of Loreene..
Loreene, holy hells, I'm in love again, well, love? .. I just want to bed her, but hey? Isn't that more or less the same?
Signed, Deacon_
I have my eye on a warehouse up north, in Peltarch. Close to the docks and perfect for storing goods, if I ever get a new ship that is. Ah well.. I am laying new contacts, some of my crew joining the militia's to get me out of jail free, should I ever make a mistake. Not that I will of course.
I grown alot stronger from my time here, and even learned some orcish from Erok, great lad, I think he will be one of the few actually sticking with me out of friendship than money reasons. If I ever get a boat I am promoting him to be my first mate and guard.
Several weeks have passed since I arrived in Narfell, and my name is already well-known. Several gangs tried to stop me and the crew from advancing, although they were fairly easy cut down, time after time.
Militia is looking for any chance to imprison me, and most merchants refuse to deal with me. Ahh.. the sheer pleasure of being a criminal, the job for me and you! The last sentence is added in a entirely different handwriting, and squeezed to fit in
Signed, Deacon_
Remind me to never date a elf again, look what that thieving wench did! Wasted good paper with, as she puts it, "romantic and sweet" texts. BAH! What the hells? She stole my journal when I was asleep to ruin it with nonsense! ..
I am going to watch my journal better now, them lasses here way to quik for me.
Oh, things might turn out problematic for me, I am seeing three lasses at once, Stirlin' Janita and Xilo. What am I to do? I cannot keep them seperated forever by assigning them different tasks..
If any finds out, I am so dead, I am serious, I fear for my life.
Signed, Deacon._
On this page is little more than "I love you" texts and big hearts drawn in a female handwriting
Today I ran into that bastard Garric, I immediatly recognised him from the many descriptions of him going about. Good thing I hired this new half blood named Bull, butt-ugly but he proved his worth.
Garric wasn't alone, but with two others, some priest and a warrior. We were mouthing off and my crew gathered about me, it sure had the looks of a even and fair brawl over absolutely nothing, untill Garric spat at my boots… Bull just lost it, he ran into garric instantly knocking him out, proceeding to strangle the priest with one arm, the other holding off the warrior, who was desperatly trying to hit him with his sword, although hitting little more than thin air and his comrade.
.. Stirling says she will leave me for Bull. Hah!
I wish I could pull trees from the ground and hand them to ladies as a gift, I suppose roses will have to do though.
Signed, Deacon._
One word, Arrested.
Some bastard dwarf locked me and Stirlin' away for stealing chickens. Well! They didn't exactly had name tags on them now did they? How were we supposed that if they were behind a fence, they belonged to someone. It matters not, the bail is way to low, I'll be out in a matter of days.
Although Stirlin' is worrying me down here.. Talking about blowing up every dwarf in the region, and setting all towns alight as a payback? Ah well.. Ocean's temper I guess eh?
Me and Reth made some easy gold today too, we tricked someone into stealing the same chickens we stole, and made sure we warned the authorities. Finder's fee was twice as high as my bail, heh..
Money is everywere here.
Signed, Deacon._
I was right! HAH! Norwick is the town of oppertunities. Norwick, big city of dreams eh? .. Only it is a town, bah, nevermind.
I hired some new crew, a cannoneer by the name of Reth and a old dwarven mate decided to come visit me, Kross! Gods, did I miss that bastard. Some other names are scribbled here
Heh, this might be the start of what my sister never managed.
Signed, Deacon.
P.S: The dancing was a succes, the whole crew tagged along, we had a laugh and were thrown out of the Inn for breaking bar stools, ahh.. that's how a night out should go! .. Oh, and can that Janita dance, I'm still tired of keeping up with her._
// The next entry is several weeks later.
Ho ho! I discovered a new town, Norwick. Heh, truly a boom peasant town, goblins swarming at the gates, and men dying every odd day. I reckon I can make a good coin here, met some other people too, a gal by the name of Xilo and Linnatha, Oh and two that really caught my fancy!
Captain Stirlin' Blaze, what a lass, temper of the ocean but the beauty of returning to the land after a long voyage. And then that Janita,
Janita, hells, I never seen anyone swing a blade so ferocious, she seems to take a liking in me too, hmm..
This'll be a though choice. I'm taking the gals dancing tommorow in the Inn, maybe I have decided? Maybe not?
Signed, Deacon._
I have arrived in Jiyyd today! What a bloody piece of shit town, absolutely nothing going on! I also heard my sister is on the run, something about being ratted out by some fella named Garric. Ah well, shit happens eh?
On the bright side I met one of my sis' old aquintances, a bloody strong fella by the name of Erok Grodi. Very silent but hey, I don't complain aslong as he stomps faces, he not such a bad sort either, had a laugh or two with him.
We are thinking of opening a gambling den behind the "Regal Whore Inn" (The Inn name is underlined). Other than that, little to say..
Oh! Damn! The ladies here, soo many and soo little time. I might even start liking it here.
Signed, Deacon_