A Sign on The Gate to Rawlinswood
A Sign has been pinned to the Gate to Rawlinswood. It reads:
There have been Bugbear sightings to the west near the Goblin CavesNalio Bladesong
The next time she's in norwick she notices the Blackguard head, and that the sign she posted on the gate is gone… She nods and thinks to herself that the danger was taken care of.
Cyrian removes the sign
An elf glad in green armour walks pass the sign, reads it and nods before he is seen walking towards the north east into the rawlinswood.
returning from the south Rawlins, Dwin and a fellow group of crafters and fellow travellers happen upon the sign and chuckle.
Maybe this will help folks understand the threat…
Dwin sticks a recently removed Blackguard head on a stick just behind the sign and tries to shape the mouth into a smiling position.
This way, some o dem lilly-livered cowards that shuffle their deck o cards all day will know what a bugbear looks like jus' before it swallows 'em whole.
They continue to chuckle and move along, dragging their recently chopped wood behind.