Umberlee worshipers?
Oh :oops:
So Corona… [Slides closer to her] How about we yaknow maybe…cruise around the Icelace...just me and you
(( oh this isnt the IC section :? Dammit...[walks away] ))
She is Chaotic Evil. And I'd expect any goddess that calls herself, "The Bitch Queen" would be VERY evil.
What is this post doing in the Evil Catacombs anyway? I thought Umberlee wasnt Evil? :? :?: :? :?:
Valkur is the prissy god of sissy goody goody sailors and merchant traders, really, not worth mentioning or talking about.
I might not be smart, but I make up for it with a lack of knowledge. Who is that God/dess? I love you, Round.
Always so interesting with your… Battle... Lust. -Nods.-
Valkur, that is.
Cleric of Valkur?!?
While I was looking for Umberlants, I wouldn't mind the challenge of a Valkurite showing up…
Bring it on!
As far as I, and the other people playing pirates and sailors are concerned, the Lake has a wide river connecting it with the sea.
We don't care if anyone agrees or disagrees with us, we want to play our characters as sailors so there
Actually a sea? No, I don't think it's been considered a sea. One thing I've often heard is explaining that the lake has a river connecting to the sea. And the trade with other places on the lake stands true (Damara for one).
Think of the Great Lakes in America way back in the pioneer days, that's what I imagine Icelake to be.
Yeah, snot, but in our adaptation of the realms it's actually a see, so we have an excuse to have sailors & the like. Thriving trade with the lake villages and all that
But… but.... It's the Icelace Lake!! The nearest stretch of sea is the Easting Reach about 50 to 100 miles west of the Rawlinswood!!
Heh heh. Sorry, bit of a pet peeve of mine, but thirty points on actually having a pro-active cleric.
I might roll up a Cleric of Valkur just to hinder your progress. ::grins::
Candy Goodman has been converted and accepte by Umberlee, though this fact is mostly hidden and would be known by practically no one except Corana and probably Deacon, unless either blab.
Present, ever sooo present.