Commoner banging on the door in the Bard district.

  • _Midnight..

    As night fall upon the cobblestone streets of Peltarch, and only the lit street lamps breaks the airy blue. A figure slips through her door at No.1 Bardic-street. She squints through the darkness, her almond shaped eyes focuses in the dimly lit night and settles upon a figure no less then ten feet from her house.

    A commoner, with a goaty and a pointed hat, banging franticly upon a door with passion and distress. She slips a dagger from her boot and tests the wight in her grip, twirling it around as she studies him.

    Trained eyes drifts from the exposed neck along the curved back, to his spindly legs. In a less then a minute she has mapped the man in her mind, kidney, liver, and heart.. all vital organs, no visual weapons, and no armour, a quick flick of her wrist and his throat could be slit, bringing the obscenity and curses that echoes across the abounded street in to blessed silence.

    She crosses the street.

    Her light figure is barely noticeable, her steps quiet as she slowly approaches, a glint of madness in her eye, she rises her hand and..

    Smacks him hard across the back of the head._


    Ya makin' enough racket tha raise a bloody demon from tha abyss. I swear, if ya wake me son up one bloody more time I will report ya puny arse to Guard Pete on the corner. I don't give a flyin' goblin shite if ya got locked out by ya wife for drinkin', I am tellin' ya,

    she ain' half tha infernal Hell as I'll be bringin' ya!"**

    With that she storms across the street and slams her door shut.

  • Anakore is hardly worried as the same guy gets locked out of his house by his wife virtually every night. He chuckles as he thinks what the wife must be doing every night that got the man to drinking so much.

  • ((This Moment was brought to you by Gildor, giving us explanations for all our OOC problems, like a true Player Guide should 😉 ))