A large cart rolls into town

    • a large cart rolls into town with what appears to be Randos possessions. They are unloaded and bits taken to the legion halls and the Temple. It looks like Rando has a new home*

  • Rando goes to see Lens to see what he wants thats so urgent. he walks into his office and says

    "you wanted to see me?"

  • ::Word is sent to Rando that the Head council, Lens Undon wishes to speak with him. It is of an urgent matter. The curiour scurries off with a bit of fear in his eyes after handing the note to Rando::

  • After Rando appeared in town, Ezachiel was quick to talk to the council about the new situation, and asked for extra protection against possible violence by Rando, since Rando already chopped his head off once. And, as everyone knows, it is not easy to write things down without a head.

  • Mog is seen helping Rando unload and buys Rando a beer wishing Rando a new beginning.