Goblin Farming

  • A note left on the towns notice board
    There is a goblin that hath begun to farm upon the North Westerly most hill upon the Near East road as it goes west. I wouldst ask that the goblin be left in peace as the creature seems to hath changed its ways. Also be vigilant for any duplicity, and I wouldst ask thee to aid the creature if it is set upon without provocation.

    Yours in Faith

    Sir Mariston Thel

  • anyone going to the farm will find that the crops have been pulled, trampled and whithered into black heaps. The goblins will also find their clothing, food and bedding missing and an inordinate amount of ashes in the fire. No one is to clear on who destroyed the farm

    This was done without a DM present so disregard in game, I didn't know you needed a DM presnt to change stuff on the forum. Thank you bah bye.

    << Edited, by DM Durandal - unless there was a DM present, this didn't happen.. please amend your post accordingly, we can arrange for you to do just that anytime there is one on, and we will arrange for the farmer and his brother to be there >>

  • I met these gobs…i think any o you might have a hard time doin any harm to em.

    Plus, now they are under the protection of the Legion....

  • Eowiel gives the notice a funny look and wanders off to see if she can't find and kill the goblin, wondering alloud weither the poor Paladin has lost his mind.

  • Speaking of Goblins farming . .

    anyone want to go goblin farming?

  • greenskins farmin?

    aidin' it?

    I'll aid it to meet 'is maker should I see it!