Gypsy Carnival: Penny's Singalong
The first part of the Carnival. Thanks to all for a rememberable time. Here is my log of the event.
Penny Lane: [Tell] snowy! =P
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] sorry Im a little late, will be there shortly
Penny Lane: [Tell] np
[Chripso] Nars Tradesman.: [Talk] nods slightly
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * beckons him to follow *
Penny Lane: [Tell] you're early by my watch
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]
Praeth Ellyn: [Talk] Good day, how can I help you?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] I'd like to see what you have in stock.
Praeth Ellyn: [Talk] Sure, take a look around.
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] chuckles if you ask for a rhyme it is best that you listen, else you'll never find out just what you are missin'
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] heya sir
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] I'm here I'm here … smiles
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Klazzy…
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles back snowflake!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Would you like me to see if I can repeat it, though it goes against my natire
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] hands Penny some items
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] looks Klaz over smiling faintly
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] ooo, 'ow pretty looks over the bells
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Hey hey Kay, smiles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Yip yup … one in a mil
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] May I see the bells, miss Penny?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] surely, darlin' shows him
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles gesturely and looks to Kaona, Cotton round?
[Dante Caoimhin] Yarian Roth: [Talk] *closes her eyes(
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Very nice
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] pulls her legs up to her chest resting her chin on her knees She will be here shortly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles and nods small
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] leave it ta klazzy ta find somethin' this unique…
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] A tall white haired fellow is Klazzy, see-through which is really quite snazzy.
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins
[Dante Caoimhin] Yarian Roth: [Talk] Don't repeat yourself. I heard. I'm just…rubs her head I need to cast magic.
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] looks round faintly concerned
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] watchs Yarian walk off
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Is that some sort of euphemism? Like see a man about a horse?
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Hmmmm…..
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Hey hey tats catch hehe smiles tpo Serina
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] rubs her chin in thought
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Kaona
[CategoryX] Kaona : [Tell] She will be here online in a few…
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]np
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] is still looking where Yarian went
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Excuse me…
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Ah! Now I can see you full well, I suppose that my name I should tell, Serina am I, and beneath the blue sky, there's no poet or minstrel so swell
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] interestin' lass, that yarian…
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] dozes, staring into the fire
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Hehe.
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] quite tha talent, ain't she? grins
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins wide and long with sparkling eyes
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] did we get a DM to help today, or are we running it on our own?
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] leans back and gazes up at the dark sky with a smile
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] I guess we are running it on our own. Do you need any dm help? Could have informed me eariler
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] rummages in his pack and pulls out a small pouch
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] So
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] offers the pouch to Serina Nuts?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Hehe. grins, Tis place is empty, Im guessing it will be much bigger fer ta boxing matches
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Mildly insane thank yoyu
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] pauses, processing
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] No no. I meant would you like . . . aw never mind Laughs heartily
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Hehe!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] winks
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] So what ya two gonna be singing later on tis evening? Any ideas?
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] No idea yet
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] I don't know any songs
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I will be doing the Perfect Rose, unless my beloved says not to
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] sorry… crashed
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Well, that's blatantly untrue
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, No ideas ey … mmm I see, wheres my pad of judging paper to tick preperation ...
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] i know lots of songs
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] but i won't be singing anything I know
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I already explained that to Penny here
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] chuckles to klaz
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grabs out a quick piece of pad and a quill, scribbling down
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Look out Serina, he has a pen. Here take my axe
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Ooooh, Humour, I like that … grins and seems to flick a tick
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] i 'ope ya will grace us with it, jerr… i'm very much lookin' forward ta it
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] I believe true originality springs from the moment
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Tis an old Damaran song so it doesn't rhyme as well, in common
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] planning ahead really does nothing for me
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I usually translate it on the fly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, Originality is always enticing
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] besides, most of my work involves audience participation
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Enticing, aye a good word for the young miss
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Damaran song ya say? grins, One point for out of land performance
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] seems to flick another tick
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] my my, klazzy, ya came prepared winks at him
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, Of course.
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] glances at the sky
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Hello there
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] looks around are we expecting more?
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah, ello there!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Ya say ya name was Jerr? And that was serina?
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins and waves cheerily
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Heya Bel, Cike, isn't it?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and scribbles the names down
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] nods
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Aye I am Jerr, skald of the Nars
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah sir Jerr!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] klaz darlin', i was considerin' doin' tha intermission song myself, instead a nate, since i don't think he'll be attendin' today
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, Better get the names down before I forget whose score is whose
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah perhaps another Lesson song? looks like a puppy lookin for a treat
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Belade, I heard a tale you should know of
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Ah, a song from the legendary Miss Penny, I look forward to it, along with many
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, Okay Penny, sounds sexy
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Oh?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Sit for a moment
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I will not make it long
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Smiles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] 'tis my newest work fer tha college… 'bout tha romani people
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] I have time
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] And therein lies her disappointment already Jerr
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, oooo very nice.
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] You know of the necromancer who haunts Norwicks crypts?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] grins thought it'd be appropriate
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] If you wish to entertain a lady it's always best to make it long first
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] The new chancellor?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Any sneak peeks?
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] winks outrageously
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Eh?! listens intently about necromancy
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] i don't give peeks, darlin' winks at klaz
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] No, he is a Malarite spits but more dead than a raiser of them
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Aww, hehe arright
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] nods
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Well then. He has been raiding tombs and stealing things for his foul purposes
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] anger in her eyes
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] eyes flash
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] surveys the people and smiles,
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And te good clerics of the area have been trying to lay the dead to rest as fats as he raises them
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Tis a see-saw battle
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] to klaz i was thinkin' we'd set up 'round tha big fire behind me, unless ya 'ad other ideas
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Nods
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Nods
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, I like it, cosy and warm
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods exactly
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Well, a cleric and a Paladin went into the crypt about a week ago, to do a routine sweep
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, I'm just a judge remember hehe.
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] It was not routine
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] nods
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] (( eek phone
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The dead rose in droves
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah they did not fall did they?!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] All zombies
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles to sy
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] quite an entrance
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] nods to Sy
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] shrugs
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] They did what they could but had to fall back to the town when the uprising vanished
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] touches the symbol of Sune on her necklace
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and blinks
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Sy sy , you singing?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] I believe I have heard of it
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] So they went back to the crypt to see if it was over
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] grabs right arm covering the scars
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And then they saw her
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] e: i do not sing, Klaz…
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] i asked 'im already klaz, he said no pouts
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] A faint whisp of a ghost
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Aw.
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] scootches closer
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] that's alright, I make enough noise for three or four big people anyway
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The sarcophagi shook and she just waited, llooking at them
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins to Serina, Good yup yep
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] As they moved towards her she turned and walked away, deeped into the crypt
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Eh was she the source of evil?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] So they followed
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] nods
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] She led them to the second level
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] To the raised hall
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] There they found a skull
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And some bones
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The ghost then turned to lead them out
[Dante Caoimhin] Yarian Roth: [Talk] stalks by annoyedly
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] They did not give her battel, sir for she offered no threat to them
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks up at Kay and smiles
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Nods
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] slides out of her armor
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] But the zombies had returned
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] so i missed your reply when i crashed… is there a dm for this, or should i be advertising via tells when we start?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] In large masses
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The cleric and the Paladin called upon their gods against the horde
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] smiles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] and bodies lay around in rows upon rows
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] looks worried
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] Via tells I guess, sorry I didn't know you wanted a dm, I will go see if I can fetch one
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] But more came
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] crowding the hall
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Thanks, Sy…
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] They fell back and made it past them
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] don't need one… just wondering
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] hand starts to shake as he imagines the hoard
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] has a bright smile on her face
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Making a break for the top, magiocs exhausted
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] To find the door locked
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] They turned and faced the lurching horde
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] smile dissapears
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] kaora? where's your friend
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] returns a bit
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] When the ghost appeared to unlock the door
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] nods to Vine listning intently to the story
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] She went to the city
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] leans back against the tree, his hood pulled low, and crosses his arms over his chest listening
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The Paladin made it out
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] When abouts do you plan to start?
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Fark!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The Cleric, fell
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] sighs
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] But they managed to get the skull clear
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] shakes head in sorry
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] //sorrow
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] It should have been the other way around
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And to a tomb on the far side of the graveyard
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] whenever cotton gets here i suppose… lilly was going to participate too, but her char got locked in a room in norwick during a crash and she can't get out
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Where the ghost called on her god Sune
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Give her this when you see her please
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] nods
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] nods slowly at Vine
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] It is our duty to take the hits for other
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The cleric returned, weaker, but alive
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] *others
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Good
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] all i can do I'm tired of apologizing to people that do not listen
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]Anything we can do? I have a lock pick of 1 hehe
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] smiles at the mention of Sune
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] looks up
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And this ancient Paladin of Sune thanked them for the rescue from service to the necromancer
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] it's in kyra's upper room… we'd need the special key
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The Palading now wheres her Plate
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] nods That such a great soul should be used in such a way…
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The cleric wields her whip
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] yikes … where do we get that key
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] But if this necromancer is found . . .
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] //argh, too bad I wasn't there
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] leans back on her hands listening
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] aeolderr is considering rolling up a lilly look alike to do it, but is checking with a PG first
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Bops Penny lightly on the head
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] rogue's get it by passing kyra's tests shrugs
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] It is not a jail I would put him in, but the ground
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] smiles up at ranger
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] grins 'ey there bow
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] nods
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah then peace was given to the ghost?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] ya gonna sing fer us today?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] I'd make him pay for using one of us
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::sits away from the fire, still seething::
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]… I could quickly spin up a rogue and see if we can get her out
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Aye, she found her peace and made her way back to Sune
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] //afk
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Hmm…
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smile to Ranger, hey h
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Sing?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] That is a truly great thing
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] good ta see you could make it
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Ello Klaz.
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] nods Ah that is good to heare
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles over at Vine
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Bow! grins, You should join ta contest
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] probably go quicker if she made the new char i'd figure…
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Mallic, and Nicholai, if you see them you may ask more
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] whispers an elven prayer to Sune
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] I will
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah indeed
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah thank you for that Jerr
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] //afk
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] Get your white ass here
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Bah, I can't sing.
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Looks up and starts at the sun brushing through the leaves
Miss. Cotton: [Tell] Bha
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Damn
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks to klaz well i suppose i should start gatherin' tha contestants together, no?
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] turns ring <e>Extinguish
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles and nods, Yip
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::looksa t Cotton: hi love
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] oh hehe .. oops you are here
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] looks about
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] nods
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] alright then Grins whoever's singin' bring me yer entrance fee's o'er 'ere
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah vine! you notice five new scars on Cike's arm 35 in total
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] grins slyly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins to Cotts
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Besides, I don't even have a song to sing.
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] waves to cotton
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Sing a teapot song bow!
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah … miss cotten ... backs up a bit
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Frog song
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] What emote do you wish to perform?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles thank ya jerr
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Helloas helloas
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] I can't remember the frog song for the life of me.
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Is it 50?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods to serina
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Just do it for the fun of it
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] ha, second will be better than nothing smiles down at serina
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles over at Cotts
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Only songs I know were the ones I wrote for Fady.
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] cike, Fark, never mind ::looks angry::
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] smiles
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Eh? looks confused
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] thank ya serina
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Eh there, Dar Dar.
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Womem:: curse::
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Hey Bow
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Here for the singing contest?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Any other singers? Just enter for the fun of it all!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] singin', daria?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Come on Daria
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah what troubles you brother?
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Fark it, sign me up.
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Up and at it
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Haha! Yay fa bow!
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] who is my competition?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] motions bow over
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] I am
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] No-one worthy
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] oh yeah Cike, talk to the lovely Lass beside me about bows that have excellent draw
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] We all pale before your skill
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] winks outrageously
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] 50 coin entry fee, cutie winks at bow
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles Maam! to Belade You should sign up as well.
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Ah, damnit.
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Eh? Ah I would … but I have not a coin!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Myself, the young poet here
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] I know you can sing
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] She makes the ones you seek
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Count me out then.
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Bow
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks over at Bow
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] chuckles
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah truly?
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] reaches into her pack
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] ah come on bow
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] young?
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] how many have signed up so far?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles to daria
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles sweetly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, Bow, I'll cover your entry fee
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] chuckles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] looks about again Well, my love is not here so I suppose I may sing the Rose
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] jerr, an' serina
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Come Cotton, have a seat on my lap:: grins::
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] nods
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] I won't pain your ears with my singing
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Since ya a carni member. smiles
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] I want to go last
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Smirks and bumps Vine with her bottom
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Not at all Belade. smiles
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] I need to write a song quickly
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] giggles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Your voice is exquisite
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] chuckles
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] chuckles
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] blushes a bit
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] blushesAh vine you are … to forward with ... the ladys
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] think we can get a DM to port lilly out?
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Writing it ruins the spontaneity, Daria
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Please sign up, for me?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] I don't know
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] sighs How can I say no to that?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Four hundred up fa grabs and some spiffy bells
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Come miss Bel. A song to glorify Sune
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] smiles
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] //agh, i gotta log in 5 minutes anyways//
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks around the crowd
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Cike, she is my friend and that is all, and it is an old joke
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] sits down pulling out a quill and parchment
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] //sighs//
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] 50 gold it was right?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] (( brb to fetch a dm ))
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] nods
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] ill see
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] //brb
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Eh? Ah "civilized" humor then?
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] //afk a moment
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] I'll see who i can find …
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] motions belade over bring it o'er 'ere if yer singin', darlin'
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] but if you talk to her real nice , she'll tell ye what ye need to save for your precious
Laerlilly : [Tell] big hug
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Wraps an arm over her chest and bens down pecking Vine's cheek
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Eh? what precious?
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Hugs Cotton,
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] //b
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] you have no idea how much I needed that luv
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Frowns in Bewilderment
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] ((AFK a tic))
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] flexes her fingers with a grin
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Smiles softly Always here for yas hun
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Pulls out a shortbow and starts engraving small symbols along it
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] yes Cike a Bow that hits harder and is more accurate than the one you use
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah truly?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins to Penny, Who have we signed up and forced? So I can jot down ta names as well?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] alright, well 'ow 'bout we git tha audience an' singers gathered 'round tha big fire 'ere, with tha judges by me smiles brightly
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] so far, klazzy, we got jerr, serina, an' daria
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah Miss … Cotton ... Ah ... I apologise again ... for the ... incident .... with the dog ...
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]I cant seem to find any … perhaps you may need to run a clone
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah … please ... what can I do ... just to glimps this amazing bow Vine describes?
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Shurgs with a bright smile Noes worry sweety
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Who do I give my money to?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] o'er 'ere, belade smiles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] points to Penny
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] To the delectable Miss Penny
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and points to Belade here another one
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] waves to Cotton to come over
Laerlilly : [Tell] i asked rary about that (since he's a PG) and he thought it was a bad idea.
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] thank ya darlin'
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] hands her a bag of gold
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Unslings a bow off her pack and holds it out Heres one me made, got cheaps ones to, but this is one of me pride an joys
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Hmm. nobody here's got a sheath for sale do they? grins
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Now I just have to come up with a good song
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] SNorts chuckling at Vine
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] grins time fer a costume change, right quick giggles as she pulls off her robe
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] //ah fark, gtg
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah truly it is a masterful bow!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] Yes ideally it is … but under this circumstances Im sure noone will disagree? I've seen other people do it for plays
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Comein Klazy!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] wolf whistle
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] I have to go
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Scuss me cuties, havta judges
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah … I have not the coin to perchase it but might I know how much I must save?
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] glances around watching
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Consider the money an extra prize
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Ah, Penny weaing her version of conservative clothing.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Cotts! Drag these peeps ta sing
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] It bout 2500 but me got nice bows that is less
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] sits writing, looking up from time to time
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods to belade ya sure darlin'?
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] e: i do believe Raryldor said he would sing….
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Belade, awww
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Hips sway in elegant motion as she sashays
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] nods, looking sad
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] grins
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Oh?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] blows a kiss
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] pouts, See ya
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] stares into the fire
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] :e: I heard that too, Sy…
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] <e>Perhaps a duet, Sywyn?
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] eyes the scribbling Daria with obvious amusement
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] <e>You and I?
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah Vine! 2500? I … I cannot even fathom that amoung!
Laerlilly : [Tell] alright, Lilly's perform is 11. I'll create a bard with 4 skill perform, 4 cha and skill focus perform to simulate it.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Penny an cotts darn … I need something white
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] sighs
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] e: maybe i heard wrong
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] ya got yer 'air, klazzy winks
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] look
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Eh?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]Dont worry, we wont be rolling any rolls
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Yes Klazzy, just strip off
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] seems very focused scribbling on her parchment, singing a line from time to time
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Hehe … Ym!
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] I got a robe that's shiney whiteish
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah truly this is a masterful bow as well!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Mayby not …
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Eeeewwww…, Klazzy, don't
Laerlilly : [Tell] kk. making a clone.
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] grins
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Sure I'll take it bow
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Thanks mate, I owe ya one
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] slips it on
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] But I need this back after.
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Now, I must be on my way.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] oof!
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Hm..
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] hands on hips looking around with her normal happy smile
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] mumbles under her breath
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] come to the fire, i'm cooled off now Cike
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Guess it's only shiney whiteish when there's snow around
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Nods
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Takes off Hide Armor
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] softly chuckles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] (( gah inv bugged
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Nods
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] 'ere ya go klazzy hands him the entry fees
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] All right, I must be on my way.
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles at Vine Not me, I hope…
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] //g2g//
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] ((Take care
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Thousands of years of evolution of the thinking mind, and the instant someone gets cross everything comes down to gender
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and holds his hands up, Your holding ta event penny, you hold onto it for now
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] 8chuckles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] chuckles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Oh sure, you'd say that . . . girly
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] e: who is competing?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] chuckles
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] pulls her harp out, struming it, singing very softly, warming her voice up
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah excuse me a moment Vine
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles brightly alright all, welcome ta tha first big event a tha gypsy carnival, tha singin' competition!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins WOoo HOo!
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] stops looking up, still scribbling
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] lightly smiles
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] murmurs about stuffing moss in Penny's top to make them bigger
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] Lillys making a clone she'll be here asap
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] today we 'ave fer ya performances by jerr, serina, an' miss daria… tha prize, 400 coin an' a set a performin' bells!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] k
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] claps
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] glad you can make it
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] smiles
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] one moment
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Thanks Sy
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks over to Serina and smiles to the others
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] an' yer judges fer today are standin' 'ere with me now… tha lovely nawen motions to cotton
Lilly Laer: [Tell]
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Ah well. If I am to lose, these two I don't mind, even if they are . . . bards
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins leaning on Rary
Lilly Laer: [Tell] another big hug
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] an' our own snowflake, klaz giggles as she says this
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] nudges Jerrm smiling
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] //jerr
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] grins back
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Dips low performing a sweeping bow, and showing more of her breasts then she wanted
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles at her sister
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] //but not as much as we might hope
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and bows like a retard
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] It's nice and warm down here though, I expect it skald up there, tallie
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles broadly
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Party] (( I think we should do the american idol thing ..))
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] strokes a finger on kaonas back
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] passes the nudge on to serina
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] an' as an extra special treat fer ya today, i'll be performin' my very own song while tha judges deliberate winks to the crowd and giggles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Party] most definitely!
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles down at Rary Behave….pld man...
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] *old
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] giggles
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Good luck Penny
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] do tha singers 'ave any questions before we being?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] begin
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] You'll need it, tough crowd
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] winks
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] She needs that not, we all know of the Lucky Penny
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] wiggles her hips at daria and serina and grins
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] run run
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] winks at Penny, then keeps scribbling
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks over the crowd
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grabs out a notepad of paper and looks down scribbling the names throughtfully
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] alright then, judges take yer seats, an' we'll 'ave our first performance
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I wonder who will be first
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] looks at the ver very small crowd
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Lilly! grins
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] looks a little breathless
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] grins at lilly
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah Sir Eric!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Ya singing as well?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] 'ey sis
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Ging?
[Jenny32] Eric Swiftrider: [Talk] nods back at Cike
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Twiddles her fingers with a smile
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] waves to Klaz hello
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] motions lilly over
[Jenny32] Eric Swiftrider: [Talk] then sits putting his arm around Daria
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] sits scribbling on a piece of paper
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] You gonna sing ging? hehe!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Come Miss Lilly, and sing. After all, Jerr needs to be outnumbered as much as possible by women
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] laughs I know the words to just one song in Common. I'll sing it if ya like
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] e: please…. not the teapot song....
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Come on ging, we've having a contest sign up to penny!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] any more entries before we begin?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Heh, I am a barbarian . . .I can 'handle all the women' Looks around to make sure Amith isn't here to hear that
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] //afk a min
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] who do i give the money to?
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] :e: I hear you Sy cringes
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] giggles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] raises her hand
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] points to Penny
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] takes the coin
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Penny, put my name down for the singing contest please
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles softly
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] alright ginger smiles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins Yea!
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] counts heads e: five competitors?
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] thanks
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Woah. grins, Thats a good mount there
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] 'tis a 50 coin fee ta enter smiles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] sighs And I was hoping for a small field
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] gasps 50 gold!
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] me too Jerr
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] why? somewhere to farm when you lose and realize a life of singing is not for you?
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Would you take some bottles of ale that are worth more than that instead?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] aye darlin', prize is 400 an' a set a performin' bells
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Ah, but I have never thought a life of singing was for me
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins to Jerr, Sing like a man.
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] covers her mouth to keep from laughing
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] looks to Eric
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] ale, eh? rubs her chin
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] softly if you are competing, please raise your hand….
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] raises her hand though you may not notice
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks from klaz to cotton
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] raises hand
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] raises her hand looking back at Sy
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Remember the gold goes for the good of the camp.
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] And not simply into our pockets, as noble a cause as that be.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, ohhhhhh I dont know. t wouldnt be fair … hehe nah just kidding
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] anyone else?
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] The shopkeeper was gonna give me a lot for it
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, Just get ta fee to us later, maybe if ya win then we can take it out of there
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Noes ael for me.. like me clothes on blushes
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] ale
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods in time with klaz and cotton
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] You do?
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] <e>Give the woman some wine!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Clothes off is always more fun
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] lofts a brow at Cotts
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] &grins&
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Hehe!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] alright ginger, yer in winks at her
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] or a bow instead? I have plenty of fine bows
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] thanks
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Do I get extra points for performing naked?
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Cike ,who's yer friend?
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] Lilly? you were singing?
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] alright, first up…
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Eh?
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Looks off turning several shades of red
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins to Serina, You might …
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] rubs her chin
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] starts scribbling the names down
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] serina! step right up smiles brightly
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah who means you Vine?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Naked!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins wide and long with sparkling eyes
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins wide and long with sparkling eyes
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Naked?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] what will ya be performin' fer us today?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] chuckles
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] thanks
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] looks around for a general consesnus
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles shaking a finger at COtts
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Can ya do anything for my voice though?
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] laughs <e>Smart, Sywyn.
[Jenny32] Eric Swiftrider: [Talk] //g2g cya
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] I don't know yet
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] //bye
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] winks
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles alright then, whenever yer ready
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] I don't do pre-planned and I do do audience participation
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Sticks her tongue out at kaona
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Well ya turn starts now … oooo making us wait ... grins and marks a cross on his pad
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah Vine who is your friend here? looks at Kaona
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] So I want a word from everyone, though I don't promise to use every one
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Zombie
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Miss Cotton?
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] (sorry, was semi afkish, miss anything?)
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Hmmm
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] nopeSerinas just starting
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Saggy! Looks at Kaona
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Takes a ration from her pocket. Nibbles it.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] laughs
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] There yas goes
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Muiss Penny
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] snorts at Cotts
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] sassy winks at her
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Klazzy?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Toilet paper!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] that's two words
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] laughs
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Ohss.. shimmies her top grinning sassy!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] whispers What is that?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] oops. uhhhh
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] which would you prefer?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Marshmellow.
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] elbos Rary grinning
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] The fark is toilet paper?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Daria?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Looks like somethin ya not use cotts
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] umphs at the elbow, and bursts out laughing
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Bugbear
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] bites her lip, trying to hold back a laugh
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles sweetly
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] shrugs
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] <e>It would be a sight, wouldn't it?
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Lilly?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] snickers and smiles writing down comments
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] is tearing now
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] hmm? looks up with a soft blush, not having been paying attention
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] A word if you please
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Hmm, saggy sassy and a sweet. Is this to be an ode to Cotton?
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Klaz ya just mad cuss me pinky finger long than yas fishy grins
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] smiles
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] wilflowers
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles at cotton
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] laughs
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] (*wildflowers
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] ((brb
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] wildflowers it is
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Miss?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Tsss, just because you need to use a trunk to feel anything do … err
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins down at Rary Behave…
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Anyway! looks up
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] laughs snorting through her nose
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Or shall I just assume it's teapot?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Party] // for the record, i'm not going to be able to judge the songs b/c i'm crying laughing =P
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::watches Klaz annoyed::
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Snorts beartrap mista, beartrap grins innocently
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] smiles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] snickers
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] well, if you want something else you have a moment
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Loose, loose like a dog lost his leech
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Hmmmmm…..what word to choose?? grins at Cotts
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Come now, before the judges doze off
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] pokes Daria
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Nay wanna hear bout yas backside Klazy
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] ((b
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins at Serina Fishing
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Dont smother me with ya melons
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] smiles
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] nods
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Bites her bottom lips flustered
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] kicks Rary A word, sir elf?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks down at her top at the mention of melons and blushes
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Grrrr
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Grrr!
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Hmm>
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] holds her arms out against them good thing i separated ya two
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] *grins8
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles and turns his back to Cott, I'm the good one.
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] You need aid, dear?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And a sandwich is always named for the contets, not the outer edges
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Me is behavin as always.. Hmph! nose goes in the air
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] I need a word
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] rubs at the kick
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] any word
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] :: chuckles:: need to here about that!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] contents
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] what about dour and glour here
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Ah. <e>Enterprise.
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] a word each?
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] snorts at Cotts Right…
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] laughs a bit
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to the other judges, Sure is taking a while
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Or is there only enough brain between them for one
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah well met miss Kaona, may be hut togeather some day
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] maybe none
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah my thanks to you!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] and lastly you sir
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Bah….hush, Klazzy....sticks her tongue out at him
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Ilaps litle one
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] badger
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Folks please keep an eye on Rary, we nay want him breakin ah hip chuckles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] that's 'cuz she's preparin' carefully, snowy… let's see what she kin do, hmm
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Laps
[Kell Durand] Cike Millant: [Talk] Ah! Luck with you then, goodbye waves
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Take care, Clive..
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins trying to look professional like
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] laps it is
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] seems original so far… smiles brightly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Judge needs to be mean lean and green
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] looks to the sky and grits his teeth
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] laughs a bit Folk, keep an eye on Nawen, we don't want her to fall out of her top, do we?
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] grins8
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Party] (( Guess I'll be simon ))
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] How bout, slim sexay an.. err neva minds
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Ahem, the judges are flaling asleep now sir
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Poor thing….pats Rary's shoulder
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] oh well
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I keep an eye on her in HOPES . . .
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] grins
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] turns his head and kisses her hand
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Party] i pictured klaz as simon and penny as paula… that leaves... hmmm... um...
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] strokes her nose thoughtfully
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Party] (( Cotton as the big black fat guy))
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] bah, <e>I'm quite fine where I am.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and watches
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] watches serina with interest
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] grins
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] leans back on her hands listening
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] A slip of a lad sat there fishing, his mind on so many good things, his heart he knew it was wishing for maidens and kisses and rings
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] :::Smiles Faintly:::
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] grins
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] notes down
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] jumps slightly, looking around her
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] A sassy young maiden came walking, sashaying, swaying as she came, up to the lad she came stalking, her mind not on fish but on game
Sorrow: [Talk] Rests head on lilly's lap
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] watches the cat
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] chuckles
Sorrow: [Talk] Yawns huge and clicks it's tongue
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] hums along to the gnome's tune
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] the … oh, scratches it behind the ears
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] grins as she listens
Sorrow: [Talk] Looks around lazily
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles looking over at the cat
Sorrow: [Talk] Watches the noise making two legger
Sorrow: [Talk] Yawns with half-open eyes
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] And the game she had in mind was not hunting or skipping, another thing glints in her eyes, her heart was set on first stripping, and then engaging in other enterprise
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles and rests his chin on his hands
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] giggles
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Grins nodding with the tune
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] snickers
Sorrow: [Talk] Yawns again, giving the halfling an odd look
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles innocently
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins listening
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Streches and tries to Relax::
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] The lad sat in thought his mind lost, in the water, the sun and the grass, not knowing that, much to his cost, came a girl with no saggy old ass
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] laughs
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] eyes Cotts
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Looks at Kaona giggling
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] chuckles whispers It is an ode to Cotton
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] grins at cotton
Sorrow: [Talk] Gets up, archs back for a sleek stretch and looks around lazily
Sorrow: [Talk] Bumps lilly with head
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Wildflowers scented her hair now, marshmallow, sedge and some clover, twas the scent that first warned the poor lad how, what approached had in mind a leg-over
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] uncorks an ale and sips, preparing her voice for the competition
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] grins at the cat
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and writes down
Sorrow: [Talk] ….Gives her a flat look as panthers have no facial expression
Sorrow: [Talk] Bumps lilly's shoulder
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] sways her head with the tune, a silly grin on her face
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Glances over at Klaz and wonders what stick figures he is drawing
King Horgan Mearst: [Talk] Evening to ya, want something ta drink? Made it myself! HAR!
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Aye, please.
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Now twas not an old lad that sat here, no sage old chaser of girls, but a green boy, all smothered in fear, and bound to be snared by her curls
Sorrow: [Talk] Sniffs allanna susiciously
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Sound like the lass need ta shave somthin
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] So the lass walk up bold as new brass, reached back and pulled back her dress, dropped it down onto the fresh grass, and waited for a lovers caress
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] snickers
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] covers her mouth giggling, flashing a look at cotton
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Grins wide
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] The lad bounded up in one motion, dropping line and rod into the stream, his eyes shows the mix of emotion, though he fought the desire to scream
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Heh.. poor virgin
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles nodding
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles covering her mouth to fight a giggle
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] bites her lip
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] hums along, murmuring now and then softly to the other judges
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and shows the other judges a drawing of a man slipping on a banana
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] makes a small pile of leaves in front of her as she listens
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Tell] lmao
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] nudges Rary
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] She reached for his trousers and tugged them, pulling him close for a kiss, he reacted as any young lad then, when meeting a naked young miss
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] pokes klaz and motions for him to pay attention
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Lips quiver trying not to laugh
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] laughs some
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] coughs and looks up
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Probly was poken her in the belly by thens
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Takes a ration from her pocket. Nibbles it.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] if is fishy was bigger than snowy's that is…
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] He blushed to the roots of his blond hair, no idea what to do with his hands, she reached, placing one here, one there, grinning, making obvious demands
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] snickers and leans away from klaz
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] squints at Penny
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] smiles up
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] snorts and nudges Penny nodding
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Bah, virgins.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] ITs what on ta inside counts anyway
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] fiddles restlessly with a ring on her finger
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] that's what we like all tha boys ta think
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Exactly, me wants ta feel it not get tickled
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] fluffs his cloak to shake a bit of the rain off
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] wrinkles her nose
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] Yas dont get tickled by nothing Cotts
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] What happend is little surprise now, a green lad caught there in a field, they fell to the grass, you know how, to our basic desires we yield
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] claps politely
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Lots of moanin slpas a hand over her mouth
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] busts out laughing
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] mumbles Or howling in Sis's case…
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] nearly guffaws
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] What shocked the lass was not how it started, but rather how quickly it stopped
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] snickers
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] giggles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] blinks and looks back at serina, covering her mouth
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] for the poor lad was really a zombie, and his head into her lap plopped
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] winks outrageously
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] rubs his forehead and laughs
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] ewww…
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] laughs, applauding
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] nibbles on a drumstick, washes it down with romani wine
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] claps enthusiastically
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] There went all me mental images grins
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and claps Wooo!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] brilliant darlin', simply brilliant! smiles brightly
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] claps smiling
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] me next!
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Yep yeps.. well done
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles clapping
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] claps lightly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Lets hear it fa Serina applauds!
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Burp
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] claps
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Care to enact the story with me? Anyone?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] applauds
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins wide and long with sparkling eyes
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Money well spent
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] applauds
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] grins and begins laughing heartily
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] elbows Rary grinning
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Applauds
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Spontaneity, the true reward is the applause
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Very fitting indeed yup yip hehe!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] smiles
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] turns on his side, laughing hard
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks to klaz and cotton next up….
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins to Penny
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] me! me! me!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] up, heh heh heh
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] tha lovely an' talented… miss ginger! giggles
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Ginga!
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Sing, miss ginger!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and leans back, Be tough ta top up
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] claps
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] glances up at Hedia
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] grins and pulls out a bottle of Romani wine
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] whistles and hoots
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] This one I learned from my good friend Chiero, adn goes best with a bottle of wine
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Burp
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] grins i like wine…
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins Huzzah!
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] ((he'd burp a lot too
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Elbows Penny
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] glances back and smiles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I've heard Cotton goes best with wine too
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] bangs out a drumbeat to a march on her thigh
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Clears her throat
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] stamps a foot and belts out:
[CategoryX] Kaona:</e></e></e></e></e></e></e></e>
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] smiles very softly and then elbows Klaz
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] chants very very softly
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] an' finally miss belade… any love story's got my 'eart from tha start, an' this one was no diff'rent... 'twas a pleasure ta listen to grins and then rustles klaz's hair
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles and lowers his head listening
[Oreth Meret] Oreth Meret : [Talk] ::finds a more comfortable spot on the leaves::
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles over at Jerr, listening closely
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Ahem … coughs
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] I drew a pretty funny picture through this one …
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] did she log?
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] nods slightly
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] when the sun finishes setting he stops chanting and sighs
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] chuckles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] sighs and elbows him
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] //afk
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles at Klaz
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Had like a monkey and like, he was sniffing another butt and like , h … oof!
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] kicks Klaz in the rump
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Oof! Gah!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] tha song, ya bugger…
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] blinks
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Well …
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] focus winks
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, Belades tale was … ...
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Farkin men giggles and adjusts her top
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] mumbles something about old senile men
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] It was good to see she tried. Pfft Men rule, at least no one wonders if we swallow
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] *gasps and looks around wondering if he just said that
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] blinks
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Eyes widen The hells!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] ANyWAY!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] giggles
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Ya did not just says that!
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] wrinkles her nose at Klaz Klaz!!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] guffaws and then tries to stifle it
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] swallow? swallow wha-….ohhhhhhh
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] some men do
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] It was good to see Belade trying her all
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] ya lil shite…
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Gha!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Cotton nervously
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] snorts
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Lets move on!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Tell] baaaaad man
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] giggles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Your turn …
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] bursts out laughing
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] ROFL
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] nice
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] The hells was we sayi for the nasty
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::sips a bit of juice, thinking and watchin Nawen::
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] giggling
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Urmm?
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] crosses her fingers
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, hmm?
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] The hells was me supose ta yap about?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Oh oh! Belades one
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] The song, sissy….grins
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Ahh Ohs!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Belades story
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] chuckles
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Tell] omfg if Yuna was here and heared that i could have had a line just as good
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Farkin nasty bugga eyes Klaz and shakes her head trying to focus
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Urmm it was.. good yeps.. sighs rubbing her temples
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] hahaha
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Yas so gonna get pelted with cow shite later Klaz
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] raises a brow over at Serina y'talkin' t'me?
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Tell] im sure you can guess something she would have said
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] eek … okay ... we need to wrap this up ...
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] nervously nibbles on a ration
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles and makes her way forward
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] oooos, yuna swallow alot
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] or, ah i dont know
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Tell] lol
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] so… despite 'ow 'ard it was ta decide, we came ta our decision before klaz started mouthin' off... smirks
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] crosses fingers
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] jerr, come up 'ere, aye? smiles brightly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and rubs the back of his neck nervously
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] I don't want to think about Klaz's mouth too much
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Party] I have a very nice second place prize for a lady if we wish to give it out… if so Penny you choose))
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] claps
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] aye?
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] smiles after a small frown
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] applauds
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] stands unsteadily
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] whistles and applauds
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Party] Serina would be in my books
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] offers him the performer's bells and a coin sack well done, darlin'
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] be back if she don kill me
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] seems disappointed
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and claps
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Jerr so deserved it!
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] whistles Yay Jerr!!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] thanks you very much
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles
[rexidol] Garreth: [Talk] claps
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] claps softly
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] keeps clapping
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] I have sommat fer ya
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles clapping Good job…
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] but I didn't even hear it. I fell asleep during his
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] pats Lilly's back reassuringly
[Dante Caoimhin] Yarian Roth: [Talk] Er…you do?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] claps claps claps
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] an' cotton's got somethin' fer tha runner up smiles
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] i figure since they was chasing me I owe ya
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] crosses fingers again
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] lil miss serina grins
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles back at Vine
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] tch
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks back to cotton
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] a bit o healing and a nights rest
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles and nods Serina iwith her sponty lyrics
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] lloks down at the bells
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] come on up serina Grins
[Dante Caoimhin] Yarian Roth: [Talk] Okay.
[Dante Caoimhin] Yarian Roth: [Talk] Uh…thanks...
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] looks over to Jerr congrats sweeite
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] takes out a beautiful dress and lays it so all can see It looks like nothin but lovely cloth, but it magicks an will protects yas
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] frowns
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] can't offer much else
[Dante Caoimhin] Yarian Roth: [Talk] looks faintly confused but smiles pleasantly
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] bye
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] there were two prizes?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I thank you all
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] smiles perplexedly
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] hugs Daria
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] well i aint dead yret so maybe there s hope
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles brightly an' fer tha final surprise ta close out tha evenin', my romani song…
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] leans back into Hedia
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, yip yop yep, was a secret
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Room 103 huh?
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Whisper] I'd like to offer another prize
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Well done miss Serina
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles at Vine patting his arm
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] chuckles at serina
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] winks
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] yes lovely job Serina
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] smiles and shakes his head to Vine, Thank you, perhaps next fair
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] sleep with the judges, works every time
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins wide and long with sparkling eyes
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] giggles
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] blinks
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Whisper] Well, it was admission to the Bardic College for any performer, but as you say
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] chuckles shortly
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I might remember that, next time eyes Cotton
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] looks to Penny and listens raptly
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] begins to sing in a soft a cappella, her voice radiating through the trees
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] But then again, the contestants . . . .
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles eyes fixed on penny
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] Do You Hear What I hear? Said the night wind to the gypsy girl. Do you see what I see? Tucked just off the Pass, gypsy girl,
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] practices bum bum bum bum OHTARRRRRRR, bada bum bum bum bum Oh ho ho hoooo TARRRRRR
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] strolls over and crouches down in front of gears
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Thank you
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] to Sy
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] Do you see what I see? A home, a home, nestled in the trees, With a people akin to you. With a people akin to you.
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] giggles think I have a winner for the next competition
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] tries not to start laughing at Ginger
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] winks at him before strolling behind the audience
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Grins at Ginger
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] waves at Jerr
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles to Ging
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::chuckles at ginger::
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] Said the gypsy girl to the Romani king, Do you hear what I hear? Resounding through the night, gypsy king,
[MND] Nars Skald: [Tell] thanks
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Me nay judgen no singin agains… not like ta havta behaves
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]That was beautiful.
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] Do you hear what I hear? Laughter, joy 'bounding by the fires, with a sound that welcomes me. With a sound that welcomes me.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] grins to Cotton its weird ey ey
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] skips back, smiling brightly
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles and waves
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Mm hmm me ratha makes trouble grins
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] Said the Romani king to the gypsy girl, Do you know what I know? In this peaceful camp, dear gypsy girl,
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] //b
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] heheh! I didnt make any trouble …
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] //afk
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] wide grin
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] Do you know what I know? We welcome you, join us and rejoice. Let us live here peaceful and free. Let us live here peaceful and free.
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] you want that ale now?
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] smirks slightly and shakes head at Penny amusedly
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] reaches behnd Klaz and gooses his bum
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] <e>Drink, Nawen!
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Please!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] eep! swats her with a chuckle
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles back to cotton and klaz
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] returns from his rounds looking exhausted, but merry
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins to Penny
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Thank sweety
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] Said the king to the Romani people there, listen to what I say. Welcome this gypsy girl with a cheer.
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] it's worth a lot. probably 120 gold, 130 in Norwick
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] eyes slightly widen
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] turns back to the audience
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] that was for the entry fee
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] Listen to what I say. Welcome, gypsy girl, with us here. We will give your heart a true home. We will give your heart a true home.
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] //b
[Skeet112] Syrano Silvanus: [Talk] Ah… Nawen....
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] smiles okays
[Skeet112] Syrano Silvanus: [Talk] I have something for you…
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] pulls her legs up to her chest resting her chin on her knees
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles brightly as her voice trails off into the night
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] well hoping thers no hard feelins now Kaora,
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] hate to have another Fadia
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] claps wildly and grins from ear to ear
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] grins Ohs
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] claps that was lovely penny
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] thank ya all fer comin' and good night waves
[Skeet112] Syrano Silvanus: [Talk] hands over a bag of gold
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Now worries, Vine…smiles
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] loosens the straps to his armor and removes it
[Oreth Meret] Oreth Meret : [Talk] ::applauds::
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles to Penny
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Thanks sweets
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles
[Skeet112] Syrano Silvanus: [Talk] I'll have the rest soon.
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] leans against the rock and nods off
[Skeet112] Syrano Silvanus: [Talk] nods
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] skips over the klaz and smacks him on the rear
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::chucks Pebbles at Ginger::
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Thank yas for all attending our first Gypsy Carnival with more to come!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles
[Skeet112] Syrano Silvanus: [Talk] Quite the crowd we've got here today…
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] smiles back to Rary and nods
[Skeet112] Syrano Silvanus: [Talk] chuckles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Lets hear it for our host Penny the Red! For holding the first event!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Well….I'm going to try my dress on
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] smirks and claps heartily
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and steps aback a clap for Penny
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] applauds Penny again and grins happily
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] curtsies, and waves, grinning
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Claps her hands smiling
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles clapping her hands
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Claps go to Cotton ta Va vavoom as well as guest judge!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] thank ya all waves again
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles nodding at Vine
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Bows low as her left breast pops out Yeeps! whips a hand over it and turns around blushed
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] laughs
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Shites!
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] blinks
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Claps to Jerr and Serina our prize winners! And Belade, Daria, Lilly and Ginger!
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] grins
[Skeet112] Syrano Silvanus: [Talk] laughs hysterically
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] laughs snorting through her nose
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] What'd I miss?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] shimies over to block their view
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, The contest Bow
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] and th'finale
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Nah, I mean what's so funny?
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] sighs adjusting things back in order
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Hedia, I think I am going to go for a walk, your welcome to come with me
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] laughing to hard to finish a drink::</e>
ah realised there was not a limit. Here is the rest.
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and listens
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] bobs her head to the beat, a silly grin on her face
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] GRAAAAAAAAG. Gen'ral GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] shakes her head smiling a bit
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] tilts her head
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] leans back stunned
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] bada bum bum bum bum
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Eyes narrow and she cringes at the name
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] GRAAAAAAAAG
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] crosses her arms
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Burp
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] claps
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] hums a bit, drinks a bit moer
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Cotton and Kaona
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] whistles, hoots and hollars
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] GRAAAAAAAAAAG, bada bum bum bum bum GRAAAAAAAAG
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] <cþ>((Charisma Check: 20+2=22))
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Think me have some wine afta all
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Chiero smiles down from the heavens
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] pulls out a bottle and offers it to cotton
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] does a little dance around the campfire, stomping her feet in the drumbeat, drinking more wine
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Burp
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Thanks sweets happily takes it
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins watching Ginger
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] shows penny and cotton a drawing of a monkey eating bugs off the back of another one dressed in blue and black
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Tell] hahahahahahaha
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] GRAAAAAAAAAAAG! He's.. he's GENRAAL GRAAAAAAAAG
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins, her eyes sparkling
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] wrinkles her nose at klaz and picks up the pile of leaves from in front of her, dropping them on his head
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] abruptly takes a bow
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Tell] haha
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] thank you
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Looks at Ginger kinda in shock
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Yikes! dusts off the leaves off his head
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] claps enthusiastically
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Burp
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] applauds wildly
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] grins and applauds
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] claps
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] looks confused but claps anyway
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] brilliant darlin', simply brilliant! smiles brightly
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] giggles, drinks her wine
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Leans against the tree and folds arms
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Great!
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] shrugs and starts to clap
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] claps enthusiastically
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] looks visibly shaken
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks up at ikurus and back to the crowd
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] whispers You ok?
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] claps smling
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] glances over to Lilly
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Tell] please remember I rolled a natural 20 on that. hahaha
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Eyes flicker from the hin to the clapping
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Another .. great song for another halfy
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] guffaws
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Slumps down slothfully
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] :), sorry but rolls dont count in this contest
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] nods
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] looks upset
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] thank ya much ginger fer that stirrin' drum beat, an' that originality!
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Tell] pff
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] I am not a hin!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] sticks her tongue out at Klaz
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] alright then, who's next? grins, looking over the contestants
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] elbows Jerr
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Lilly is.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] uhhhh I mean half height …l grins and sticks his tongue back at Serina
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Oof
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] ….Smiles politely
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] I uh.. guess I'll go..
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods to lilly miss lilly
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Watches lilly expectantly
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles glancing over at Cotts
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] step right up darlin'… an' after miss lilly, we'll 'ave jerr
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Tilts head to the left
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] No, you won't have me Miss Penny, I am spoken for grins wolfishly
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] takes her yarting from her pack I wrote this shortly after the orcs attacked Jiyyd..
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] leans back against Hedia
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] sticks tongue out at jerr
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins to Lilly
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Leans back on both hands, her breasts just barely shifting to her sides from the angle
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles to lilly
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles and holds Daria
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Eyes narrow at Kaona daring her
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles innocently at Cotts then goes back to whispering with Vine
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] still looking nervous, she begins to strum a sad but powerful tune
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Narrows one eye, watches lilly
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] …Grins and raises an eyebrow
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] leans against Vine trying not to start laughing
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Continues to watch lilly
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] her voice lifting into a melodic and steady voice, the nervousness seeming to fade from her
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] pulls her legs up to her chest, clasping her hands around them and resting her head on her knees as she listens
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] leans in getting intrigued
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "Stand tall ye warriors"
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "hold tight your shields"
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "hold tight the wall that for them will not yield,"
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Oh lords.. help me…
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "blades at the ready, held in hands by all"
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] listens raptly
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] looks into her bottle of Romani wine, picks out some floaties, takes a drink
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] shoulders shake in silent laughter
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to cotton, then turns back and listens
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "and when the blades dance, then the orcs must fall"
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] smiles
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] waits a moment, continuing on to the next verse
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] pokes cotton and continues to listen
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Me is feelin so up lifted groans
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "Stand fast ye bowmen"
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Yeep!
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "fletchings held tight to ear"
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Very pretty voice….nodding at Rary
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "hold tight the feathered-death til the orcs have drawn near,"
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] she fell in that raid cotton, and so did i, nearly…
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] leans over to cotton with a serious look on her face
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "soon they'll come close now, to breach shields and wall"
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] glances over at Ikurus
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] SHrugs at Penny with a look of back-off
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "but with bristling feathers and splinters, will every orc fall.."
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] listens quietly, writing down
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] smiles and waves to Clandra
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Smoothens out his shirt
[flomuxed] Ikurus Darkrune: [Talk] Oggles clandra as he leaves
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "Stand fast ye courageous"
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] waves Clandra over
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::waves at ginger::
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "hold the line all ye brave!"
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] nods and waves
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] looks back and up, and smiles
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "Valor and glory, just shy of the grave," the melody picking up in pace
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles up at Clandra
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Hello there
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] scoots back, and rests his head in her lap
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] Hiya!
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "blade meets axe, meets pauldron, meets bone.."
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] eyes lower as he doesn't show his picture of a moose doing the can-can
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Perfect pillow.
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::grins::
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins over at Cotts
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] kisses his forefingers and touches her lips with them
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Shrugs at Kaona
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "loudly do their drum s beat,the charge has its call"
[CategoryX] Kaona : [Tell] ROFLMAO
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] though our wall of shields are broken, they'll all soon fall."
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] listens, swaying her head back and forth in time with the melody
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] rests his hands on his stomach, and closes his eyes
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "they run in the town now.."
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Slumps trying to pay attention
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "buildings put to the torch,"
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles sweetly
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] takes a handful of nuts from her pocket, nibbles on them
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "women and children, men stuck to their own porch"
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] pulls out a bottle of wine
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] Burp
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "the defenders soon rally, to drive pests from their homes"
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] looks over to cotton and then hides behind Daria
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] softly e: if it had not been for the bowman shooting the powderkeg that wall would not have needed to be held…..
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] inclines his head
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "some of them wounded, most limping or crawl.."
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "but until none draw breath, these orcs must fall"
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] waits a moment, letting the melody slow
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "through the ruined gate they run now.."
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks at lilly entranced
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Burp
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] drawing out the last lines, letting the words sink in
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Burp
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "spoils held in greedy hands.."
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] eyes sywyn
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "away from the slaughter, run that blood sated band.."
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "the priests they now scurry, healing hands to blades kiss"
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::slumps tback to the ground::
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] takes another long drink of her wine
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Starts to blink slowly
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] "but some men and maids, never hear the priests call.. because on this day, not only the orcs fall…"
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] smiles softly
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] lets the melody slowly wind away, until it drifts away completely
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] makes some quick hand gestures
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] claps quietly
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ;Takes another pull on the bottle:::
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles to lilly and begins to clap
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] claps loudly::
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] smiles, blushing slightly as she busies herself packing her yarting away
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] About leaps at as the clapping starts Ohs.. looks around and starts to join in the clapping
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] claps softly
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] beautiful…
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] tilts back the bottle of wine, passes out
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and applauds loudly as well, Wooooo!
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles clapping
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] applauds
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] claps
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] leans back against the wood stack arms crossed over his chest
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] <e>True story?
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] applauds cheerfully
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] blinks as ginger's head hits the ground
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Now that was like … extranary
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] jerr… nods to him
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] takes her seat again
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] e: partly true, Rary
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins Beautiful! Give it a round fa Lilly
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] <e>Then gold for the author.
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] claps happily
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks up at Jerr and grins, Tough one ta match as well
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] smiles wide at rary
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] <e>For keeping alive the memory of a glorious battle.
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Many, these days, wed beyond their own race. This is one of the lesson songs of the Nars
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] Here here!
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] claps
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Yeh! Show what male bards do!
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] blushes
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] smiles down
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] giggles
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] mumbles under her breath
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] turns her attention to jerr
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] pulls Daria up onto her lap
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Chants softly in ancient Damaran for a verse then starts louder in common
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] squishes Hedia
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] A Gardener had two loves of his life
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] His garden and his lovely wife
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And each day in the passing years
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] He tended to each through laughter and tears
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] *lets his eyes close and he takes in the story with elven ears8
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] But one day his wife . . . she died
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::tickles those elven ears::
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] But theneighbors were shocked to see he no cried
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] tilts back
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] smiles like a child
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] He just tended his garden where his wife now rested
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] ((brb
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And watched the flowers, each tried and tested
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles as she listens
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Until one day on a berren thorned bush
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Grew a rose so perfect, full red and lush
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] *b
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And the gardener stopped when he saw that flower
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And cried to the heavens with all of his power
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] //lemme guess..I'm too late for anything?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] listens
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] he wailed and he weepd as the neighbors came round
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] tilts her head listening taking another long drink
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] motions Belade to the audience
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] All amazed at his responce to the perfect flower he had found
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] He cried and he cried, the tears did not cease
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::takes a pull on the wine botle::
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And his neighbors they wondered what would give him some peace
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] looks up at Jerr smiling
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] They wonder why he cried at a flower so pure
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] nods to Klaz
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] It was a crowning achievement, each of them was sure
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Till a we lass stepped up through th croud she did try
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] She looked at the the flower, the gardener and cried
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] So the two of them cried, to the heavens above
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] shivers
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And a neighbor asked stop, why cry, my love?
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The child looked up through the tears and she said
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The flower is perfect, but soon will be dead
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] pauses
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] leans back
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] looks to the elves in the crowd
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] rubs her chin as she listens
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] smiles softly
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::Wipes a tear off her cheek::
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] wipes at her eyes
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] tilts her head
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The neighbors now knew what the gardener thought
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] and into his sorrow each one of them was caught
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks down and covers his eyes with a hand
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The tears they flowed freely, down every last cheek
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] pulls his hood low and leans back stonefaced
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] sighs, a sad expression on her face
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Until one noticed the child now laughing (the sneak)
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The same neighbnor through her own tears asked the next question
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] takes a long drink of her wine
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Why don't you weep now? As if in suggestion
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The child bright eyed, wiped away her tears
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I laugh at us all, we give in to the fears
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] The flower is perfect, so enjoy it now
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] It may die, it might not, might be eaten by a cow
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::closes her eyes, her thoughts back in her past::
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] tilts his head
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] chuckles quietly
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] But to cry while it is here, is the worst sort of wrong
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] And the child skipped off singing a song
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] and so I ask you, of verying races
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] ponders what is being said, frowning
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods slowly
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] will you laugh while you may? or have tears on your faces
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] sniffles, wiping at her tears
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Claps loud Wonderfuls!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] claps after wiping a tear from her cheek
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins and applauds
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] smiles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] claps as he smiles with a grin wiping the side of his eye
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] bites her bottom lip
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] My philosophy precisely
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles nodding as she claps
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] thank you jerr… i knew i'd not be disappointed smiles at him
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] No wonder Amith fell in love with ya grins
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::keeps eyes closed tears freely flowing down her cheek::
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] That was very capturing … smiles, Thank ya
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] looks up and touches her cheek
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] looks around at the faces I told you it was a song with an effect
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Seems uneffected, having a pleasent time
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] seems cheered rather than saddened
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Pfftt…. thought it was great
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::forces a laugh:: Silly me..
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] seems drawn in on herself, oblivious to the world around her
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] looks around suddenly nervous
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] She's been dead for more than ten years..
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] waves her hands in front of her face and composes herself
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles to Penny And with that we come to our lucky last, yes?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] alright, miss daria… smiles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Come on Daria, show us all up
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] grins
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] and then the returned Miss Belade, after all she surely paid
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] aye aye
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] sniffles and wipes at her eyes… just give it to Jerr
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods to serina most definitely
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Belade and smiles, Oh, yes yes.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] I forget hehe silly me.
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] pushes her up go on
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] motions daria up
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles to Daria
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] smiles to Daria
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] come on now darlin'
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] Just do your best, Dar Dar.
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] No, no. A fair battle or there tis no honor, Up and at em girl or I'll have Eric hold you while I swat
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] takes a deep breath
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] offers daria an encouraging smile
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] smiles at everybody
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] of course, my song would have neded more happily if Jerr hadn't insisted on the word zombie
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] chuckles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Please welcome Daria to the stage.
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] seems to think about what to sing
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Or grass
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] leans back against the tree
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] winks at klaz
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Drinks a draught from the building
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] grins
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] opens her pack and slides a harp case out
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins handing Vine a bottle
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] lazes about happily
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] wow, they're all pretty good
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] opens the case and removes the harp out, tuning it swiftly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell]This event is going very well
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] this was supposed to be for my husband
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::pulls out mirror, fixing her makeup::
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] however he left me here
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] i agree, definitely
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] thanks, Eric
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles sweetly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Hehe
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] chuckles You saved something for your husband?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] chuckles
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::takes the offered bottle and smells it ::
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] shoot me!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] shoots you with a banana
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] lol
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] Burp
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] waits patiently, with a small smile on her face
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] takes a quick look at her parchment, nods then rolls it up and tucks it away
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] strikes a chord
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] I must admit jerrs one was very good
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] the best so far
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] :: takea long pull of the bottle::
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] settles into single soft notes plucked from the harp
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] <e>Morning.
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] starts into the words, her voice clear
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Some people say it's so easy
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins glancing at Vine
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] to put their feelings into words
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] takes one of clandras hands and kisses it, and then gets up to do a health check on the gypsies
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] but i don't want to sing old cliches
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::looks at the darkness that was surrounding gypsy tree::
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] and try to make them seem from the heart
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Now, i'm sure that i could sing of lfowers
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] writes down on his pad
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] *goes about to work, doing doctor/medic/wholistic healer duties
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] or softly sing that i love you
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] instead i'll sing of a dream of mine
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] looks back
[Hekatoncheires] Raryldor Siamytherelin: [Talk] *….while heka goes for food. Later all was fun
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] a simple dream of me and you
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] the pace of the melody picks up
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] I dream of us besids the sea
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] i dream of us growing old together
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] i dream of us forever
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles brightly as she listens
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] tonight… i'll sleep peacefully
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] ZzzzZzzzZz
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] smiles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] wake up
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] Rock and roll all night!
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Now i wish i could tell you all i think
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Much less say how i feel
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] Party every day!
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] what it means to wear your ring
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles wide
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] or even the vows we exchanged
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * carries a few large boxes *
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] all of this is a part of my dream
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] the simple song that my heart always sings
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] slumps a bit
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] and besides you already know
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] wipes away a tear
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] shows the other judges a picture of a baboon falling unconscous from sniffing another's behind
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] you are my everything
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * looks around the crowd *
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] you are my love
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] my life
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles at Dev
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] smiles at Daria
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] my rising and my setting sun
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Covers her mouth laughing and elbows Klaz
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] no overworn or overdone cliche will evver truly say
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * smiles and nods a greeting at Kaona *
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] rustles klaz's hair and steals his notepad
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] you are all i dream
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] draws furiously
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] gasps and reaches to try grab it
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] you are all i dream
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] leans back with apout
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles sweetly as she let's the melody slowly dwindle off
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] shows him a picture of a multi-pointed snowflake with his face in the middle before handing it back and grinning
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] keeps an eye on the jury
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] claps enthusiastically
[Chripso] Ranger: [Talk] smiles I know the feeling, Dar Dar.
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] claps wildly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] raises a brow and smiles
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * shrugs at NP *
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] blinks
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] applauds
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] claps
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Claps smiling
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] doesn't look very happy about them bickering, then turns back to Daria and starts smiling and clapping
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] starts clapping as well Yay!
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * smiles at Clandra *
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] packs the harp away
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] thank you
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles over at Daria clapping
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] thank ya darlin'… absolutely brilliant! continues clapping 'ow i do love a harp tune
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Wooo hoo!
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] applauds and smiles
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] pats her lap sit you grins
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] clapps softly
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * talking quietly *
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] claps softly
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * nods *
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] now…. flashes a grin our next ta last performer....
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Bel smiles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] miss belade
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Whisper] Do I have to sing it?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles up to Belade innocently
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Whisper] I'm more of a teller
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] leans back against Hedia
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] whatever ya wish, darlin'
[Mejare] Nars Prophet.: [Talk] looks over Clandra shortly
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] Oh, I'm fine but.. er busy
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] smiles
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] Again!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles and leans back
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] glances over
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] holds her around the waist
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] What the..
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] straps his plate on
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] nods at everybody
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] looks over at the darkness
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] glances over at the tree pulling her armor on
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] I know that I'm not good at singing
[Mejare] Nars Prophet.: [Talk] enters the darkness not visibly disturbed
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] … looks over his shoulder
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] So I'm going to spare all of you the headache, and tell a sotry instead
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] oh my
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] oh bloody hell…. lol darkness
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] someting?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] *story
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] looks over
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] turns around quickly and looks before turning back to belade
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] It's a very ancient one that I heard from my mentor, and I am sure you have all heard it once, in one form or the other
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] (( … ))
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] pulls Daria back onto her lap
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] //I do hope I'm not doing anything too stupid for words
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] smiles and hugs Gears
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] ahems
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] <h>got yourself a new girl, Gears?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] In a old land, beautiful and rich
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] that really pissed me off. Whichever dm spawned that
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] motions Dev over
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] smirks at Ginger
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Lived two little children
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * smiles *
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] One elven girl, L'tara
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] Me to, this makes it the 3rd time they have done it when either the GREAT or now the carni is trying to do somthing
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And one boy of fair, human blood, Jacob
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] that annoyed me a bit that darkness. We worked hard for this time slot, dms shouldn't steal the attention for their 30 mins of glory
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] It was a fertile land, and all was good
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] nods
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Two people grew up, side by side
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] yeah, unless it was a pc… shrugs
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] looks over at Ginger flatly
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * shrugs *
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] pushes the empty bottles of Romani wine away from her
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And what started out as friendship….gives all of them a smile
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] :: drinks some juice and shudders:
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] had me worried, frankly… thought we'd get broken up and slaughtered by drow
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] chuckles softly at Vine
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] leans head against Lilly slightly
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] …Turned into love
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] smirks at Gears
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] A sense of De ja vu to me. Everytime the GREAT performed, dms would interupt.
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Alas, things started going wrong
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles to belade
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] what? ::nudges Kaora back::
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] seriously? sheesh
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Harvests went bad, plants died
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And blame was put on the others
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] i can see giving a boost or something that'd add to the performance like special effects, but darkness… reminds folks around the camp of drow
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] ah, damn it! clamps mouth shut as he realizes the loud noise he made
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] So it was that while their world fell apart, two people came together
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] makes a hushing motion at gears, looking serious
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] digs out another bottle of apple juice handing it ti Vine
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] takes a deep breath
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] wraps her arms around Gears, hugging him
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] loudly, to Gears shhhhh!
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] sighs
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] If it adds to the performance, Im all for it, but it takes people away from , then its just rude. Ra ra ra, me mad me bash
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] smirks and nibbles on a ration
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] Hmm, not used to seeing this many folks here…whats going on?
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] folds arms and looks at the ground miserably
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Shhh! to vine, as he listens to Belade
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] But while they came together, others saw
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] looks crossly at Vine shhhh!
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] when
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] falls silent to listen
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] lol… btw, once belade is done, penny will do her bit while you and cotton talk... my top 3 i think are jerr, serina, then daria/lilly about equal
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And word soon spread
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Of a couple, true and pure
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * rummages trough a few large boxes *
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] I think we really should all just talk together, would be weird if one of the judges go off, but it is your decision.
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] But of mixed blood, and people talked
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] About honour and fall from grace
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] For those who mingled with people from other kin
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] * a shiver runs through her
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Tell] hmm… you're right... i'll do the song after the winner announcement... it'll flow better that way
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] So it came to be, that their families locked them up
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] perks up at the last couple lines
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] VINE!
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] arches a questioning brow at Sy
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] picks up a small twig and throws it at gears
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] shrugs
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] She, in the highest tower of gleaming white marbl…looks at clandra
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] looks wide-eyed at Clandra shhhh!
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] What?
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] Oh..
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] looks around, and sees that a lot of people aren't really paying attention
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ::grins::
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] nods back at him
Garreth : [Tell] died?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Well, yes, ehm…marble
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] except skald
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] looks with a raised brow at Serina
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Belade and weakly smiles for support
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And the boy, in a dungeon deep under the ground
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] picks up the pace again
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] is watching Belade
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks on with genuine interest
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And there they withered, loving but not living
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] //bah, misclick
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] looks ot Hedia and then to Belade, smiling
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] pays more attention to her half-eaten ration
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] watches on smileing
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] For years, it went on
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] She bangs she bangs, Oh baby, oh she moves, she moves, I go crazy
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] glances over to Katya's tree off and on
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] Heheh.. ZzzZzZzz
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And the once verdant plains, turned into desserts
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] ..yes?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] The cities crumbled, and the people fell
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] stretches her legs out in front of her listening to Belake
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] sighs a bit
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] 'Till none were left, but them
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] picks something off her ration, holds it up, looks at it, grimaces, chucks it into the fire, and takes another bite of the ration
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And that day, it all 'came clear
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] That Sune's love was always near
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] a grin crosses her face
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles sweetly
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles with a grin
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] For in the darkest hour, a light still shone
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] smiles with a grin? tries to do that and looks like a twat
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And while from the highest tower a fair maiden descended, the boy rose from the earth
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] heheh
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] leans back into Hedia, smiling, nodding towards Belade
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And bathing in liquid silver, they embraced
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Forever together, together forever
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] holds her and smiles still watching
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And they had children, seven times seven
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Penny then Cotton
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] softly woo hoos
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * holds his words *
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] flashes klaz a wink then a smile
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] Here she comes, just a walking down the street! SInging… Do wha diddy diddy dum diddy de!
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And from them, a great kingdom was born
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] looks upwards
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Looks over and forces a smile
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] indicates the gathering and looks at Clandra
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] something and something, da da dee da da do, singing , do wha diddy diddy dum diddy do
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] claps
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And when they passed away in each other's arms
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] hugs Belade silenmtly
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] stops clapping
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] She looked GOOD, She looked FINE, Oh I nearly lost my Mind!
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] The rose up to the stars
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] hands poised to clap
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] they
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] Singing do wha diddy diddy dum diddy do
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] And when you look up at night
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] gets ready to clap as well
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * sighs *
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] blushes
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] You can see, them side by side, twinkling bright
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] leans over to klaz
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] bows
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] claps
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] claps politely
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] starts clapping
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] claps
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] claps
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] hugs again for good measure, stioll blushing
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] how'd jus' two people make a whole kingdom… wouldn't everyone be brother-sister?
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] offers up an applause
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] claps softly
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] hugs him back
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] claps enthusiastically
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] …
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] claps and sits back up straight
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] blushes slightly, and is smiling frantically at everyone
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] looks do Penny, What do you mean …? Was that part of the tale? I ... sorta lost alreadyt.
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Beautiful Belade
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] well done belade, well done
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] //alright, next time I'll try to come up with a text before I start typing
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Who's next?
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] :::Smiles Faintly:::
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods to klaz
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * shrugs *
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles And I believe that comes to a close!
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] //why, I never do
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] How does one enter?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, By signing up early for the one at the next carnival. … looks to Penny,
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] slips her armor off
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods to klaz with a grin an' now tha judges need a few moments ta talk things over…
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] shrugs
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] chuckles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] What emote do you wish to perform?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] rises to his feet and then looks down, errr
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] after we announce tha winner, i 'ave a special treat fer everyone
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] hums her Gen'ral Graaaag song
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::squints at the dogsa little blurry::
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smiles brightly
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] That was a very nice song
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Yip yop yep. We'll be right back folks.
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles at Penny
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] well done ladies
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] all of you
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] continues to brood
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Gears, did you sing?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to them
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] well? what ya both think, hmm?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] still blushing slightly, and smiling brightly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and starts counting his fingers
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] Jerr jerr jerr jerr!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] they're all there klazzy
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] looks up distractedly what? sing? th'hells would make you think I'd ever sing?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods to klaz
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] You will have to sing that at our fest Belade
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] crosses both arms over her chest and just looks between them, her visage kinda blank
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] cotton?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, I know just seeing how many fingers I have on my hand
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] smiles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] whispers
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] chuckles
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Well, because you're here. I was just askin.
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] grins wide and long with sparkling eyes
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] takes out a lyre and absently tunes it
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Jerr
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] Shall we give comments for every song and you say ta winner Penny?
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] shakes head nah, I…no, I didn't
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] Of course whoever wins it will onle be beacuse I did such a spectacular job of wamring up the audience
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] if ya'd like klaz, sure… i will vote for jer also
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] winks outrageously
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] smiles, we'll go in order of comment
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Yeah, you did ok.
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Jerr, I am going to do a festival of love in Ormpur, you and Amith are welcome to come
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Of course Serina, I and the orcs agree on that
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] works on the middle ranges of notes, setting the tunes just right
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] chuckles
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] Hmm…
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] nods Arright, well your starting, * he grins, then I'll comment and cotts?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] I'll work on it some more
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] Meis for Jerr Klazy, they was all good, though me hates sad songs looks to Penny me have nuff pain in me life.. but Jerr was me favorite
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] smiles some
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods to cotton
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] How about we toast to the competition and sing the Gen'ral Grag song just once more?
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles and nods
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] then we're in agreement
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] this has been a tough competition..
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] takes a well wrapped harp from her pack and polishes it a little before checking the tuning
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Whisper] lowers her head fighting not to frown or let her depression show
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I am glad I am not a judge
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Whisper] Shall we then?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Whisper] comment on each song, then i'll announce tha winner
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] nods
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] strums idly
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] me either, I'd never be able to pick.
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] holds up a bottle of wine to the competition!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] comes back, a silly grin on her face
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Burp
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] alright…
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] stops
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to cotts then penny and grins a gypsy grin with a norwick nod
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] ((lol
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Tell] lol
[CategoryX] Kaona : [Tell] LOL
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] first, we'll 'ave comments fer each song, then announce tha winner
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] looks over at Klaz
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] leans forward
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles watching the judges return
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] ceases his lyre tuning
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Looks and waits
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] in order a performance, i shall comment first..
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] adds the bottle to the pile of her empties a short distance away
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Party] We'll do each song and comment on them
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] smiles watching Cotton::
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Party] Like american idea style
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] miss serina…
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Party] k
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] grins at the wee gnomette
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] the word you're looking for is unique winks
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Wooo Serina
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] yer improvisation was 'bout tha best i'd ever seen grins
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] smiles broadly
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Takes a ration from her pocket. Nibbles it.
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] nods and zombie was a dirty trick
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] in fact, we could use someone like yerself with that talent at tha bardic college smiles brightly and looks to klaz
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] they have a college? for bards?
[Mejare] Vine Spellsong.: [Talk] to penny I can admit any that apply.
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] we'll talk after winks at her
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] nods In Peltarch
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, I was a bit skeptical about ta time you took at the start for the song, I was I twas
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins at Klaz
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] But it was good to see it paid off, witty humourous and quick beat
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, Was a adlibed wonder
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * nods *
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Cotts
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] nods, grinning
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] //which one of them is Simon?
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] //klaz
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] // points to cotton
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] (klaz, definately)
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Always wonderful ta hear yas sing hun, an this time was no differnt, yas mind is sharp an ya wit is quick winks at her was very well done
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] I know more about him than you think, hun…..I have known him for years....smiles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] Aye
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] grins
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] smiles at Cotton cheerfully
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Pfft make me ta mean guy then. grins
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Tell] Im going to blast them for the OOC soon
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] I and the orcs did not our coin waste
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] next, miss ginger an' 'er gen'ral grag song…
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] sits up straighter
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] looks over at Ginger oddly
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Chiero's Gen'ral Grag song.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Heheh
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] hehe
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] i thought ya'd 'urt yerself when ya passed out an' 'it yer 'ead after ya finished…
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] smiles sweetly
[Archon Prime] Nars Trader: [Talk] * stomps off *
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] mutters I thought she hurt herself when I heard the first notes
[Wywernywin] Clandra Galpen: [Talk] Stop acting like a child!
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] Like I said, the song goes best with wine
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] looks back
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] a beauty beat ya carried, an' any song that kin incorporate wine is excellent in my book looks to klaz
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] bites her lip
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins Yip good rythme tat was spiffy right at the start
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] And I think you were ta only one who moved an inch for the whole contest
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] grins, looks expectantly at Cotton
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Hehe, everyone else like a vegetable. grins
[MND] Nars Skald: [Tell] lol, you ARE simon
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] pokes klaz and giggles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Other then tat, I've been looking for an Alarm clock
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Please meet me after about arrangements, cos you are LO lo lLo LOud!
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and looks to Cotton
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] blushes Mister, I won't sleep with you, if that's what you mean
Sereaneth : [Shout] Can any PGs on make themseleves known please
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] errr!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] laughs i don't blame ya ginger…
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] nods slightly
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] ah, but how you would wake him up . . . .
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] //sorry, my pc was beginning to make weird noises :s
[HalflingRogue] Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot: [Talk] smirks slightly
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] I moved a lot…..trying to get people to think of words winks
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Me thought ya showed great courage ta sing that song chuckles for that me gives ya respect Ginger, but havin Grag in it.. welll shudders made me think of ah walkin two legged mound of shite that says.. Boo!
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] grins
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] grins wide
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] seems hurt I sang it for Chiero, not for the Gen'ral
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] snicker
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Ya sang it for all of us to… smiles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Tell] lol eep oops
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] leans back and rubs lightly at his chin
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] an' now, miss lilly… i was there durin' that event, fightin' next ta ya when ya fell... ya sang a it with honor an' beauty, an' it brings a tear ta my eye ta think back on it
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] thank ya darlin' fer such a beautiful song smiles
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] is it over miss Kaora?
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] smiles
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] takes off her armour piece by piece
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks to klaz
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] nods slightly
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] you not gonna sing then?
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] adjusts her clothing slightly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, What can I say, ya had a wonderful presentation
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] bites her bottom lip softly looking over at Belade
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] shrugs
[elor danna] Belade Galadon: [Talk] ///gtg
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Made your voice heard well and true, making everyone know it was yours.
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Meet me in room 103 tonight … grins and looks to Cotton
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] guffaws
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] smacks klaz
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Oof! Ack!
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles behave yerself
[Aeolderr] Lilly Laer: [Talk] giggles
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] I'll meet you Klaz
[Katebush] Serina Berobomba: [Talk] winks outrageously
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins to Serina and blows a kiss
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] elbows Klaz Was ah touchin song an lets those we know live again in spirit as well of remindin the ones who lived of the great heroism that took place, very lovely
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] holds the newcomeers to be silent
[genetic-av] Tolin Smalvarktin: [Talk] seomone handins out gold ?
[rexidol] Garreth: [Talk] shhh
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] mister jerr… yer song touched me deeply, an' will always 'old a special place in my 'eart, for my father is elven, an' my mother was 'uman.. ya captured their experience, an' mine as a child better than i coulda imagined
[genetic-av] Tolin Smalvarktin: [Talk] bites lip
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] thank ya fer that smiles brightly
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] :::Smiles Faintly:::
[Alasdair0256] Vine Gelin: [Talk] ::watches the area carefully, but relaxed::
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] looks to Jerr and smiles
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] smiles softly
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks to klaz
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles, Now Jerrs, sound, there be nothing i can insult with that
[rexidol] Garreth: [Talk] must be the contest
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] I loved it, after each line it drew me thinking what would be next, like pie in ta oven
[genetic-av] Tolin Smalvarktin: [Talk] shh
[rexidol] Garreth: [Talk] pluffs his hair
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Rolls her eyes grinning
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Waiting for each line is just as a killer waiting each minute ta er …
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] thinks like pie?
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins at Klaz
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] shakes her head, grinning
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Anyway! grins, It came to a wonderful climax, as you builded up so
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks to Cotton, Not that sorta climax,
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] grins impishly at Klaz Hmmmm
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] chuckles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks back to the crowd and snickers, And ya also let it down smoothly
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] didn't make me think of pie…
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins, What a gentleman to leave the end of the song feeling complete
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Bravosomoso
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] grins and looks to Cotton
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] mutters not a song, a lesson
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Jerr, yas timin was grand, just grand.. the way ya let the words flow an ahng to keep all of our tention was masterful… indeed ah truely great performance
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Stomps on Klaz's foot, then smiles
[Regan Wiles] Ginger B Tealeaf: [Talk] yawns
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles at cotton and klaz then looks to daria an' now, miss daria… ya sing like a dream darlin', an' without a doubt, eric'll love that song, even if he missed it today... smiles brightly and looks to klaz
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Gah! oww! pulls his leg up and rubs his foot
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] smiles watching Klaz and Cotts
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] smiles a bit at Penny oh he willl hear about it
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] giggles
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] giggles and winks at her
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] smiles and winces letting his foot down and pauses silently, For Darias song …
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] grins
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] It had, one to one quality. smiles
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] looks around nervously, then to Cotton
[RoundHere] Penny Lane: [Talk] looks at klaz oddly
[Dish wash] Klazaroth Klisarah: [Talk] Yep, smiles
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Talk] Curls her lips eyeing Klaz Me thought the song was lovely, it makes those of us with heart think an reflect on othas in our lives who have meanin.. was a treasure ta listen to
[LowerDenizen] Sy'wyn Blackwood: [Talk] lightly smiles
[NillaWafer] Daria Arndon: [Talk] Thank you Miss Cotton
[CategoryX] Kaona: [Talk] glances over at Sy
[MND] Nars Skald: [Talk] looks to the sky and bites his lips
[Stoned Apple] Hedia Gend : [Talk] wide smile
[Godzillabase] Miss. Cotton: [Ta</h></e></e></e></e></cþ>
nooo… just short of the Gen'ral Grag song.. I've wanted to hear that so badly..