Celeste Mithaleil (Niebelung)
Character: Celeste Mithaleil
Account: Niebelung
(And I thought I was being specific)
Written with ink and quill in elegant Elven script
It is quite uncommon that one of my kind should know how to write, and it is also unlikely that those I would wish to read this are capable of understanding what words appear before them.
I am leaving Cormanthyr.
The story of my parents is well known amongst our people - my distaste for orcs and their ilk is well-known. But now… they've taken my brother as well. Had I witnessed his death, perhaps I would stay and there would be some small measure of comfort to my heart. The orcs would not let me even have that.
In a skirmish, some days ago... we were but a small band of half-trained elves against a large orc ambush. Many were killed in a battle, the details of which I do not know. Only a few into the fight, an orcish cleaver tore through my ear and I was then hit from behind with what I can only imagine to be a club. Blurred though my vision was, I caught a glimpse of my brother Aarin being slashed across the stomach by some incredibly large orc with a sword, then dragged off. I awoke to find myself the only survivor, buried in a pile of my comrades' bodies. For some reason, fate had chosen me.
This is for revenge. I know now that my skill has been weighed and found wanting, but skill I shall acquire on my journey to rescue my brother, or avenge his death. I've been tracking the war party with some help from passing fur traders. I shall see where they go.
I take with me only my brother's longsword. The rest of the things about our house... distribute to the villagers as you will, or burn it. I care not.
Do not look for me, for the girl you knew no longer exists. The only things along my path are vengance and sorrow. Keep safe, brothers and sisters. You at least have eachother. Protect that.
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