Orcs and other delights

  • ICC

    Horbag walks up to Smasha at the gate

    ullos Big guys winks Mes just thought should tells yous dat da orcy now has traineds doggies, dem worg thingys. Saws some sort crusher orcy dat was handles dems. Dem howls reals scary likes, sos bes carefuls, no want yous gets hurtsis snarls

    Wants a rat-onna-stick?

  • Belade was seen, patting Horbag on the shoulder, and giving her extremely large doses of herbs. She could be overheard saying:
    "This stuff here is strong enough to get a dragon horny, for years…so if you give this to Smasha, make sure that he gets a couple of days off before...oh yeah, give some to Kara too, she could give some to Mr. Grumpy."

  • ICC

    one cold dark night near the south gate

    Nos worrys Smasha, is only mes snarls

    Mes..uhms..just thought yous bes hungrys sos made yous some nices hots rat pies snarls

    Made alots, seeings as yous sos bigsis and strongsis winks

    Let mes knows if wants mores….mes availables if...needs mes.

    walks off, hips swinging like a church bell

  • Ah me hearin thay makin pets out a them thar spidas too. Orcy's gettin smart. hmmm, wonda what makin them so smart?