The malarite Arthro

  • notices go up

    The MALARITE cleric known as Arthro ::A picture follows:: is now an enemy of the city of Peltarch after his multiple attempted assassinations attempts against Magistrate Zyphlin Re'cual, as well as his attacks against Defender Talgrath.

    ANYONE found aiding this man in any way can and will be prosecuted to the full extend to the law under the "Conspiracy to commit murder" section of the law and possibly "Treason" as well.

    He is said to be extremely dangerous and citizens are urged to stay clear of him or any large red and black panthers

  • The Banite's apparent enthusiasm is not curbed by any adversity it has caused, whether or not he is made aware of said adversity.

  • DM

    Barrim in the privacy of his own office pinches the point between his eyebrows, irritation or slight stress show in his expression.

    "The rabble are showing interest, how on earth did that happen… All these years i spend trying to make peltarch's institiutions strong, wise and well informed and all the city needs to defend itself and now fools jump up and want in."

    "Some people just dont know when they are not invited..."

    Barrim drinks from a goblet of wine, and relaxes with a cigar in the smoke filled peltarch library occasionally sharing a joke with Henry of the Ceruleans.

  • The Banite cleric speaks…

    "Peltarch is a city of law. It is a beacon of order in so chaotic and barbaric a region. If you need a healer, Bane will have me serve to see this ordered city flourish. I will aid in any manhunt for the benefit of the city, as will my lesser priests and other servants, as they are needed."

    (( At level 7, though, I'd probably make a better auxiliary healer. ))

  • DM

    Magistrate Barrim adds the name of the two noble senators recently having problems with assassins to his "gentlemens hunting" list.

    Seantor Evendur and Senator Black.

    "Any hunters of our citizens in or around Peltarch will soon become the hunted - mark my words", Barrim scowls as he goes to speak to the ladies and gentlemen on his list

    ((Weekend this week sometime, and we can have a gathering)).

    "Hmm who else…. ah yes.. We need Eowien if not perhaps Khaya, a fine healer is what we need.."

  • Ogam Stormcrow reads the notice and frowns. He slumps into a nearby seat in the Mermaid, a look of extreme weariness on his face.

  • *see the Notice *

    I better make sure my axe is bloody ready.

  • Clad in golden and black armor, Nate frowns seeing the notices. He then hears of Barrim's proposol.

    "Terrorising citizens? Wanted by Peltarch?"

    He wanders off towards Barrim's office with a focused glint in his eye.

  • "Is he a malarite? Not what he told me… he said he wore black and red for tha same reasons I do..."

    strokes her hip

    "..its very slimmin'."

  • DM

    Magistrate Barrim scowls when he sees these notices..

    "Bastard like that terrorising our citizens is he? I wont stand for it. Well at least i know where those red and black panthers come from - perhaps there might be enough of them around to make another set of boots for a friend or two of mine".

    Barrim goes to find desdirata, roland, nate, maya and talgrath, and goes to look for Equinox.

    "I know just the people who would be up for a hard ride, and a gentlemens hunt."

    Barrim then goes off to polish his armour