*large poster left of the door to the Regal Whore*

  • Large poster left of the door the Regal Whore, at a height where creatures of all sizes, from hins to half-orcs can read it. There's a small wood balcony overhead, to protect it from rain, and some sort of glass-like substance is in front of it

    written in large, flowing letters at the top

    This is a public advertisement board. You are not allowed to write things here yourself. If you wish to have something put up, contact me. 10 gold for advertisements of a commercial nature, to be paid to me. I will see to it that it ends up in the coffers of Jiyyd.
    I will allow all kinds of advertisements here. Are you looking for somebody or something? Have a service to offer? Something you wish to sell? Contact me, and I will see if it is possible to have it put up here.

    not that far underneath it


    Ragnar Gloirin is offering his services as a weaponsmith. Iron, steel or silver? Ragnar is your man. Quality guaranteed. Real dwarven craftmanship, there's no better. Can be contacted at the Troff Legion Hall. I personally guarantee that he is a dwarf, and a member of our beautiful village to boot.


    OOC: I have not asked Belthor if this is okay yet, so no payments 'till I hear if it is alright or not. I will edit this often, and if it becomes popular, I am afraid that I will have to put a limit of 10 posts on it. The oldest is removed, but you are allowed to have something re-posted, multiple times if you want to. Please do not post anything else here. Contact me by pm, irc, tells in game, or just in-character.