List of Jiyyd inhabitants

  • Ezachiel Werner walks into Jiyyd, sets up a table near the gate, puts an ink pot on it, sharpens his quill, and starts writing up all the names of the people who live in Jiyyd

    "Would all of the Jiyyd inhabitants please be so kind as to step forward, and to tell me their name and some information about them? Where they are from, affiliations…"

    lies a huge book on the table, and opens it on the first page, dipping the quill into the ink

    OOC: Name, and all other information you are willing to give. A short description, job, guild, where they might be found...this is supposed to be a public list to find people and services you need. So, crafters, please add that you are a crafter

  • OOC: Please, just pm me your entries. They will just get copied together anyway.

    turns a page

    Page three:

    -Elith Healinghands
    -priest and warrior of Corellon
    -applying to the Legion (I would appreciate it if you just told me when you're not an apprentice in the legion, and save us all the trouble)
    -always willing to help out, but his greedy side gets the better of him sometimes, so he may charge you

    -Merarry Ydonig
    -Mage, representative of Spellweaver keep for Jiyyd
    -Gnome, male. Red hair, pointed beard, about 3 ft high and bald.

    -Lyte Bry'Gaede
    -Sergeant in the Legion
    -used to live in the elf encampment south of the barbarian town, daughter of Ir'yn

  • Nars Tradesman

    • Narsman residing in Jiyyd. Goes by the name of Rhyndar, but prefers something shorter, such as Rhyn or just Rhy. Current tradesman of Jiyyd, and is willing to lay down his life to protect Jiyyd and its inhabitants.

    Elith Healinghands

    • Priest and warrior of Corellon. Applying to the Legion, and hopes to become a full-fledged member in the Legion's ranks. Always willing to help out a fighter in Corellon's name, though he will often charge a non-elf (or non-friend) some gold for his blessings and healing. Very proud and intelligent, but enjoys teasing and just having a good time.

  • walks up to the table and asks Ezachiel Werner to write for him

    Any Wogshurgh (Wog)
    Recruit of the leigon
    Apprentice Crafter (Mog is his master)

  • Council of Moradin

    :Jirka signes::

    Jirka Larkur

    • Kaxanar
    • Weaponsmith

  • (Make an .erf if you are capable of and I will get the entire town's list brought IG with the names and sigs etc. You can all be famous Jiyyd members 😉 )

  • A dark-haired elven woman spies the book laying on the table, and while the man is distracted, copies all of the names into her own journal. With a cold chuckle, she walks off.

  • turns a page

    OOC: Sorry about changing this, but could future entries please be pm'd to me, or handled ig? I would prefer not making this thread too long, so it's easy to look things up. I might even catalogue it all, per job, and alphabetically, if I get enough entries.

    Page two:

    -Ragnar Gloirin
    -Priest of Moradin, General of the Troff Legion, Master metalworker of the Union.
    -Dwarf. Large, well trimmed beard. Wears dwarf plate in Legion Colours. Symbol of Moradin around his neck.

    Signed in dethek runes

    • Jach Dald
    • Priest
    • Dark clothes, black hair, brown eyes

    -Jirka Larkur

    • Extremely bad-tempered dwarf woman. Avoid at all costs. Has been known to accuse people of being a Banite at random. Has already assaulted me in Norwick.
      -Weaponsmith, priestess of Kaxanar (dwarf goddes of bloodlust)

    -Any Wogshurgh, or just plain "Wog"

    • male Half-orc
      -recruit of the leigon
      -apprentice crafter, apprentice of a certain "Mog"

    -Rhyndar, or Rhyn/Rhy…I wonder what people find wrong with their normal name nowadays.
    -current tradesman of Jiyyd
    -is willing to act as meatshield for our village

  • Legion

    -Ragnar Gloirin
    -A large, cheerful dwarf, with a thick well trimmed beard. Can usually be seen wearing his Dwarven Plate, in Legion colors, wearing the symbol of Moradin around his neck.
    -Priest of Moradin, General of the Troff Legion, Master Crafter of the Union.

    Signed in dethek runes

  • Kara walks up and inspects the book in thought, before lifting a quill and dipping it in ink to add in her entry

    Kara Du'Monte
    Stands approximately at five foot eight, with bright red and gold armour and long fiery red hair. Known to be a knight of the phoenix, and a member of the Guardians, a guild stationed out of Jiyyd.

    She's known to aid anyone needing her help, as well as having the ability to craft most iron armoured goods. Hasn't been keeping it a secret that she is highly interested in seeing Mintas Rhelgor (Phoenixis, inside joke) returned into true hands.

  • Eille walks up and signs the book with neat, girlish handwriting:

    Eille Krowes, a paladin of Selune, member of the Troff Legion. Human female, 18 years of age (DR 1456), tanned-brown skin, silver-white hair. Usually wearing a white robe, or Legion coloured leathers.


    Krea examines the book, leaning on his staff and chuckles: "Ah well, I might as well write my name here, because I cannot seem to leave this place and the friendly people here behind me."

    Krea of the Thre, a priest and humble follower of Lady Mystra. A human male, almost 60 years old, usually wearing a greyish robe, a fur cloak, fur boots and warm gloves. Sometimes accompanied by a pseudodragon puffing cloudlets of smoke. No real occupation, but spends a lot of his time reading books in the Inn.

  • Kerrith (Nars Zealot) pays the book no attention at all and continues to live in Jiyyd despite Elissa's prolonged absence and her recent betrothal.

  • OOC: you can choose how you wish to be entered into the book. Either you post here, send me a pm, or you can do it ig if you wish. I will be holding regular sessions in Jiyyd.

    IC: Ezachiel shows the book to all who wish to, and leaves it in Jiyyd if he goes out of town. It is a very large book, with a dark red cover, with, in gold, "Citizens of Jiyyd" on the cover.

    First page:

    -Horbag Hurkink
    -Large Half-orc. Wears red armour that shows her arms and legs. Skin colour is green, and has red and blue tattoos.
    -Basher, tailor, member of the Guardians, and is in the process of building a restaurant.
    (I would advice all who would wish to go there to give the food inspection some time first. We are not responsible for any casualties from not heading this warning)

    huge X

    -Tera Aerlson
    -Paladin of Tyr, safekeeper of his scales
    -Human, female. Grey-brown hair. Blue robe, yellow armour.


    -Kricho Meynolt
    -No beauty, looks strong. Over 30 years old, wears green armour


    -Eille Krowes
    -Paladin of Selune, member of the Troff Legion.
    -Human, female, 18 years old, dark tan, silver-white hair. Usually dressed in a white robe, or leather armour in the colours of the Legion.

    -Kara Du'Monte
    -Paladin, knight of the phoenix, member of the Guardians.
    -Is willing to help anyone who needs it. Is a proficient smith, and can make most types of iron armour. Is looking for anybody who would be willing to help reclaim Mintas Rhelgor.