Jiyyd Rumors

  • @16ada74c3d=Vortext:

    The sickness of the children grows. Now another victim of some arcane malady lies in the healers hut, tended by the gentle hands of Vroka. Mirkali consulted and tried many paths that Vroka could not but none showed any effect save that of remove fear.

    A possible lionkage to Clover has been theorized but nothing solid concluded. What was discovered was that fenberries seemed to at least hold back the development of the disease. This seemed to the concept that the game of 'fruit basket' with clover might have had a secondary effect.

    The trio of Gonnar, Sy, and Jerr set out to find some fenberries to see if they could aid the healer. A day later they arrived back at the hut with three baskets, each carefully labelled.

    basket 1. Collected just before dawn, harvested with an adamantite dagger. Location was on the hill just outside the temple of the four winds.

    basket 2. Ground variety found in the pixie glen of Norwick. Again harvested with the dagger. Time was midmorning.

    basket 3. Climbing variety found on the cliff edges in the spider forest. Harvested with a normal dagger, just after sundown.

    Each of the baskets were clean and carefully labelled and jerr dropped them off, hoping for the best. He comes and goes from the healing hut, always looking a bit concerned . . . but distracted.

    After a few days, Vroka has a few things to report in the progress of her two patients. The boy, Henry and the man, she has come to fknow as Alvaro, both seem to be recoperating and reovering from their illnesses just fine. But only after she used up all of the fenberries of the third basket tot reat them in conjunction with castings of Greater Restoration. The fienberries he tried from the first wo baskets didn't seem to have any effect at all and she had tried them first.

    The casting of Clarity as , the bard Mirkali had suggested toher, proved to take hte fear slant away from their manifested dreams but without Restoration theman stilll reerted back intoa comtose state, manifesting whateer he was dreaming around him as real. He managed to manifestt what Vroka could only guess to be his family, a rather disturbing sequence of scantily clad women. That is whee Vroka drew the line much to her colleague's disappointment and she tok ot casting Restoration upon the man. Vroka did start treating Henry with Claritya s wel too though until she could experiment through the basekts of fenberries.

    Alavaro never head of this Clover girl, while Henry appears to be one of the playmates Clover was seen by a few playing around various towns and cities around Narfel with. Between talking to the two Vroka is pretty sure there's way more where they came from and isn't sure that alll the Fenberries in Narfell could cure them all or which of the details knownof the Fenberries from the third basket made them work and the others not. If it was the location or such, then there was some real hurt to come stilll.

  • The sickness of the children grows. Now another victim of some arcane malady lies in the healers hut, tended by the gentle hands of Vroka. Mirkali consulted and tried many paths that Vroka could not but none showed any effect save that of remove fear.

    A possible lionkage to Clover has been theorized but nothing solid concluded. What was discovered was that fenberries seemed to at least hold back the development of the disease. This seemed to the concept that the game of 'fruit basket' with clover might have had a secondary effect.

    The trio of Gonnar, Sy, and Jerr set out to find some fenberries to see if they could aid the healer. A day later they arrived back at the hut with three baskets, each carefully labelled.

    basket 1. Collected just before dawn, harvested with an adamantite dagger. Location was on the hill just outside the temple of the four winds.

    basket 2. Ground variety found in the pixie glen of Norwick. Again harvested with the dagger. Time was midmorning.

    basket 3. Climbing variety found on the cliff edges in the spider forest. Harvested with a normal dagger, just after sundown.

    Each of the baskets were clean and carefully labelled and jerr dropped them off, hoping for the best. He comes and goes from the healing hut, always looking a bit concerned . . . but distracted.

  • …::Nathen Wingates, Kara Du'Monte, Lilin Roger, Evendur Mildsilver, Mirkali Vragnorich, as well as many more were seen on the rock just outside of Jiyyd, speaking of both casual and serious conversation. After roughly two hours of casual speach, there was an orc attack! With large sniper orcs, large axe holding orcs, and large magi orcs. There were no tiny orcs::

    ::The folks retreated further back into town, and defended accordingly. When barraged with catapults of firey death, the group of valiant, do-gooder heroes decided to take the fight to the orcs. Alas, rumor has it that when they came back, there were talking about duerger, and not orc. One can only wonder, the tiny possibility that the orcs might of been running away from the duerger, who were raiding the orcish territories?::

  • Legion Major Mog and Yolande were seen talking with a young lady by the Jiyyd wall in hushed tones but when onlookers came over to see what was going on the three of them quickly left for the Legion Hall. Some 15 minutes passed before the three emerged. It was said Mog's left hand was covered in fresh blood and look quite distressed with Yolande trying to reassure him. The unknown lady quickly disappeared. Rumor also has it that a sizable pool of blood about the size of a plate was found on the Legion hall floor.

  • Another storm rocked Jiyyd the other day. The storm's fury didn't quite match that of the previous storm, however there was one alarming incident. A hin mage of some power launched a lightning spell into the storm, causing a chain reaction of lightning arcs in the clouds which culminated in a powerful blast hitting the ground, slightly burning the mage.

    The mage along with a few others then sent multiple lightning spells into the clouds. A massive reaction of lightning arced through the clouds and blasted downward in two powerful strikes which badly hurt the gathered crowd, resulting in one death.

  • Vrocka, looking after a very sick little boy, seems mystified at the little boy's case. Henry is his name and he has al the symtpoms af a bad cold and yet no divine blessings have worked to cure him. Henry's cold isn't all that normal, monstrous plants that he claims are trying to eat him manifest around him from time to time. Usually when he's sleeping. Only spells of Restoration or Greater Restoration have proven to have any efect at all and theiy only seem to alleviate the symtpoms for a time.

    The only time Henry is awake is after one of these spells has been cast upon him., it seems as its efffects wear off and his symptoms return he inevitablly fals back into a deep un disturbable sleep. As best Vroka can guess from taking with the boy the few times they've had him awake, the monstrous plants recurring nightmares he's always had but they've grown more freequent since he got sick.

    Henry talks of a girl anemed Clover, a blue-haired half-elven girl, he and other children were playing with. Apparently, most of them caught this cold, eve Clover. And from what Vrocka has learned of Clover so far, she doesn't think Henry's nightmares manifested themselves before he got sick.

    She's working with herbal supplies she has on hand and extra the druid, Oreth was genrous enough to donate to help Henry. Vrocka hasn't had any luck so far finding an herbal remedy but she's still trying..

  • Slow rumors spread that before the storm broke, Grag and Sy'wyn were seen carrying the elven bard Sil between them to the temple of helm. Those nearby even say they heard Grag hitting something and yelling something about out demons! Whatever happened behind the doors is kept quiet though. Many saw Grag leave in robes and with his symbol out. Later Sy'wyn and Lyte were seen leaving, the elf priest's hood pulled almost low enough to hide a dark look on his face. Some saw him turn and trace something lightly on the door to the temple that glowed softly before fading from sight.

  • Rumors have it young Major Lyte of the Legion has been seen pacing near the doors to the Temple of Helm, sword and shield drawn, looking altogether deadly serious. Some conjecture arrises as to what this might forebode, with some citizens wonder if she might wish to join Helm's following.

  • Rumors are heard that the icey monk Keira has a thing for the loyal Priest Elith

  • _The duergar attack under cover of storm and darkness. They were heroically repelled by Grag, Uchi, Vall, Sy'wyn, Aghila, Dante and the slightly reluctant assistance of Keira.

    In the silence and aftermath people may have noticed Keira pause near the temple for a while before nodding approvingly and moving onward._

  • _Strange sounds can be heard behind a locked door in the temple of helm.

    Whimperings and foreign, pleading languages can be heard, punctuated by horrid screams. Although muted by the door, the screams are painful to the ear and invoke an unnamed dread._

  • tala can be heard talking to Arandor

    That must have been one strong breeze. I've never seen Ael fall over to a bugbear let alone a breeze… and his armor is uhm bulky. Glad we missed it.

  • A storm that passed through Jiyyd possessed winds strong enough to knock over the elf known as Aelhaearn. The elf smiled afterwards and told those nearby that it was obvious he was too lightweight to retain his footing in the face of such strong breezes, despite the bulkiness of his armor.

    His smile dropped when shortly thereafter a halfling was seen flying through the air, another victim of the wind, but the halfling's laughter and excitement over the ordeal only made the elf shake his head.

    Aelhaearn joined a number of other citizens that sought shelter from the storm in the Legion Hall.

  • Rumor has it that everyday at noon a runner from the Legion Hall leaves town and returns 15 minutes later bearing bundles of paper. To whom or why the runner is going back and forth is unknown.

  • A bloodied half orc/elf is seen being carryed into Jiyyd and then taken to healing wonders, 1/2 an hour later we walks out not looking all that happy and heads stright to the bandits, As soon as they rush to kill him he throws them a large sack of gold. From now on they have given up attemptign to kill him for killing there genral and now seem to be at peace with him.

    //you win belthor :evil:

  • Vroka has been seen patrolling the town lately looking over the crops. She is often praying to herself softly carrying a symbol depicting a blooming rose on a sunburst, wreathed in golden grain. She speaks of the recent storms and how they will be a great boon to this season's harvest. She is seen going to the local farmers and speaking with them in great length about their farms and seems to be pleased with what she hears. She is seen smiling a lot these days as her prayers have obviously been answered.

  • The sensation of being watched by something benevolent that people felt in the Temple of Helm has abruptly stopped. Sightings of the white, translucent spirit have also stopped. A few people whisper concerns about this being a bad omen.

  • Many of the townsfolk talk of the great storm that blew through Jiyyd a few days back. Many had to take shelter from the storm indoors and it was reported that the wind blew several shutters open and minor damage was reported all around. It was a welcomed sight though as the crops had been suffering in past years. The farmers and townsfolk speak of a good harvest to come if this storm was any indication.

  • It is rumored that now for an entire week the mysterious hooded woman has shut herself away in her tent among the refugees, and refuses to come out for anyone who has come to see her.

  • Rumor has it a large Legion force raided an orc supply depot in the spider caves. No casualties were had and vast amounts of ore, gems, and a chest of potions were brought back. Not too surprisingly Duergar were found in the spider caves and soundly defeated.