Jiyyd Rumors

  • Legion Private Calen is seen walking around Jiyyd on his daily patrols usually followed around by the new legion recruit Fayde. with each of the townsfolk he talks to he explains the new recruit can understand basic communication, however with words she does not explain she will ask and the easiest way to communicate is to show her what you are talking about then repeat it. He has also been seen entering and exiting the Helmite Temple regularly again.

  • Telli becomes concerned over the recent rumors circulating about her fellow Chauntea follower.

  • Rumours start coming in that a giant metal golem rampaged through Jiyyd, killing several guardsmen and women who got in it's way before running through Norwick, turning one brave soul to stone, and heading into the Rawlins to kill goblins.

    It voiced several instructions, including one to destroy Norwick, and one to destroy Spellweaver Keep whilst on it's rampage.

    It seems to have been created by a Calendal, whoever that is or was.

  • ((Why don't people start new threads any more? So much easier to keep track of things))

  • Said sign soon dissapears.

  • A sign appears next to the hull of the ship
    Rent for Flying ship Berth. 100gp a week. Minimum rent one week. Crop Damages may be negotiated. Payable to Danaley of the Guardians.
    Admitance to berth for public: 10gp, conditions as above, and at rentees discretion.
    Repairs and Assistance: Individually priced per requirements, speak to the Guardians.

  • Aramuil makes a rare appearance in Jiyyd to examine the odd ship, he spends several hours speaking to the crew and examining the craft.

  • Legion

    Benji does a double take seeing the wreckage. He slowly puts the pieces together in his head making sense of what happened.

    He approaches the crew and adjusts his glasses.

    Let me know if you need anything.

  • _People are talking about a great fireball plummeting through the sky over the pass and landing east of Jiyyd with a huge bang. Rumors are heard of skyships and evil mages.. of course that's just ridiculous.. but oddly enough, there seems to be a large ship sitting near the Guardian Hall east of Jiyyd, that happened to conveniently crush one of their crops under its hull.

    It seems to have attracted quite a bit of attention from the residents of the town and sailors are seen working on its burnt hull day and night to get it up and running again. The Captain, known as Beeter seems to be nice enough and talks to almost everyone that wanders by.

    Soon enough, he says the Star Harpy will be under way.. even though its not in water. Peasants say he is a crazy man.. who knows._

  • _Throughout the next few days, the knight known as Kara appears to have been remaining near to her home in the trees to both recover and work herself up into a frenzy of excercise and training. Most often, she is seen with a sword in hand, practicing combat moves with an expert precision

    Other times, she is seen leading off a mount whilst she carries a lance against her shoulder, heading out towards the small jousting range set up within the nearby forest clearing behind her home.

    Regardless of where around the small forest, her focus appears to be quite complete to those observing.

    Why is another matter altogether._

  • Legion

    Benji rolls over, complaining in Gnomish about the singing

  • On nights when the moon is full, ventures near the long road may hear the sound of female singing off in the trees. The singing is a combination of tongues, praising Eiliestraee. Some have seen Dondiah accompanied by Elith going by there on said nights.

  • Legion

    A large Half Orc that any common person to Jiyyd would know is Grag was seen limping to the infirmary and its been said he has been resting and in prayer with vroka for several days now.

  • Private Calen was seen entering the Temple of Helm and shortly after there was heard constant singing and what seems to be prayer that went on for an entire day. Emerging from the temple, his smile was big and his eyes shining in the sunlight. He was last seen walking off to the west whistling a tune and in deep thought that caused a smile to show

  • An unusual party trooped west through Jiyyd and headed into the Nars pass. Citizens of Jiyyd cleared the road as Reilash, Dietrick, Re'rith, Miea, Telli, and Ginger escorted a fiery wagon and two fiery steeds north to Peltarch. However, there are no rumours of the group passing through the gates of Peltarch.

  • a herd of deer has been seen in the farmlands. Also white stags grazing in the grass and on some of the farms.

  • Legion

    loud clanging can be heard reverberating out of the thick stone walls of the Legion Hall's laboratory

  • _Jiyyd patrols have continued to increase after a few snow goblin thieves were caught. Lady Just'ene was seen speaking with Private Calen, who has returned to his duties, about his return and the farmers losing chickens.

    She commented on how Calen seems to be walking taller and more purposeful. He was heard to give the credit to the god Torm, the gods servant miss Celestria, and his own patron Helm. He then walked on through Jiyyd proper the Farmlands, and the Central plains on patrol._

  • _There have been much traffic around Helm´s Temple in Jyyid the last couple of days, peoples in Jyyid have seen a squire of Helm called Eldoih Myrhindir visiting the Temple a lot.

    He has also seen helping the guards of Jiyyd with patroling and scouting the lands around the great town._

  • Legion

    Benji mutters to himself after talking with Drudo

    <g>Such sucker for the ladies.</g>