Jiyyd Rumors

  • General Theaon hears of this and makes haste towards the Legion Hall

  • *General Lyte, gone for several days, stumbles into Jiyyd early in the morning looking truly, miserably tired and worn.

    She speaks briefly to the gate guard, who goes running like crazy for Captain Jus'tine. The gate guards are doubled both east and west, and rumors abound that some new trouble is afoot.

    A squad of Legion soldiers soon leave town east, no doubt towards the far eastern outpost at the edge of the farmlands.

    Seemingly satisfied that things are moving forward, the woman stumbles towards the Legion hall, inquring with everyone she comes accross her need to speak to General Theaon IMMEDIATELY.

    Some of the local farmers look almost concerned, before they go back to their chores.*

  • Several people having mentioned Grummish worshipping half orcs asking questions in Jiyyd, First Seat of Safety Lyte warns Captain Jus'tine and the gate guards to be on alert for these shifty, probably evil persons.

  • The stench and gutural grunts were smelled and heard steadily over several days as a large number of half orcs wandered through and about town. They eventually tromped from the swamps and out the west gates and dissapeared into the plains.

  • @df6b91bba9=Tobias:

    After he passed out, a figure in a black and red trenchcoat and huge black helmet is seen drawing all over Benji's face with an ink pen enchanted to be unremovable.

    After a few days, the ink fades away, as normal ink is apt to do over time - much to the dark figure's chagrin.

    ///OOC - When he realizes that the "enchanted" pen was, indeed, just a plain old quill pen, he begins to question some of his other, more recent, purchases. Namely, the deed to a very famous bridge. :lol:

  • A short time ago, the girl who keeps enlisting help from the nearby willing adventurers was struck down, by rats.

    Apparently the vermin tried to take over Jiyyd… or so the local farmers and towsfolk say.

    A few adventureres know better, and watchwoman bascha recounts a tale.

    "So there I was, a'killin some more o'them vermin, and i reloaded another bolt in me trusty ole crossbow, when it went off. I think I got somebody on accident, but there was nobody wounded when I looked up there, so either I dreamed it, or they vanished."

    The rats seemed to flock towards a local magicker, who seems positively distraugh and unknowing of why it was all happening.
    Here and there throughout the night of rat-filled terror, a thin shape in a flowing coat was darting up out of the tall grass making blood fly, or sending arrows out like whispers from atop the archery stand.

    The poor inn-maid have a tale to recount as well.

    "So we hears the door open we do, and then summa those angry squeaky sounds, them rats trying ta make meals outta decent folk y'know... and then we heard a sound like the cook slicing up the meat for the pies, and when we looked, some girl in a coat was all blood covered and walking towards the bunks. She threw me some coin as I wasn't about to argue with her makin a mess, but that was until I saw the entryway! Rat carcasses the size o'dogs!

    How they got in there I don't know, but I'm glad she found em and not us... I'm asking fer a raise! "

    The girl mentioned is said to have a black coat and a bow, or something. She must not haev been terribly remarkable for nobody to remember her features. Fancy that.

  • Hammermaid of the Gali, Sela Thenders, taking pity on the recumbent form she sees lying there, goes to the nearest well, draws a bucket of cold water out and dumps it upon the raucously snoring Benji, thus both cleansing him of the graffiti and waking the poor bastard before Tiffiny sees him there….


  • Legion

    A triumphant Benji leaves the Regal Whore absolutely smashed on cheap ale. He waves around a giant oak crossbow, an apparent passed final test of the Crafter's Union.

    This attempts to test fire the weapon at the range were thwarted by the complexity of the weapon's loading mechanism and his apparent drunkenness.

    He finally passed out, curled into the fetal position, and slept peacefully next to the orcish combat dummy cradling his crossbow.

  • *First Seat of Safety of Jiyyd, Councilwoman Lyte is seen inspecting various fences and gates around Jiyyd, and then talking to farmers and petting cows, oxen and chickens, apparently inspecting their attitudes.

    She seems satisfied all is well, and is rumored to speculate that Jiyyd is apparently currently amidst a golden age of prosperity and goodness, with farmers not only not locking the doors to their homes, but also leaving gates unlatched so animals wander freely as they bask in their feelings of well being.

    She is seen with her pack and a warm smile, as she prepares for a rumored trip south, to parts unknown.

    "I shant be gone long, Basha. Dont let the banites blow the gate-door down while I'm away!"

    //Vacationing Monday!

  • ICC


    Crop circles appear over night in Norwick's fields. Strange geometric shapes or symbols best viewed from the air or a hill… On the plants laid down and immediately surrounding the crop circle, a bioluminous fungal blight has taken root. It casts a pale blue glow at night.

    Grak is at Jiyyd campfire, roasting mutton and claiming "Grak's bench" wholly with his large frame

    "Oi, Grak knew that dem shorties and land-thiefs of northen town were up to no good. Have ya gits heard about their newest trick, eh? They be growing something most vile at those fields they recently stole from others. Something so sinister, that they keeps constant military escort there, keeping nosy non-northern towners away".

    Grak always told ya that they were as crooked as diseased shortys nose! How long we have to take this kind of insolence, eh? Why other towns doesnt force them to burn downs all of their crop-fields.

    thinks a bit and continues

    "Whut happens when they feed their meat-animals with their special-crops, eh? Or worse, when they eats it themselfs! Surely them crops be enchanted and dem north-towners are up to no good. Grak says we bar town gates from such fiends and keep our crossbows nocked!"

  • A gaggle of enthusiastic gnomes and hins marched out of Jiyyd, lead by the jewelled Gilda Haven. Upon returning, the merry shouts of gem-hunting had faded, and most wore grave and disturbed expressions. The reasons for this change of mood was apparant to all, as a solemn frost mephit hauled the corpse of one human into the healers, along with the flayed hides of both humans and a gnome. Hungry hobgoblins are pointed out as the culprits.

  • Aramuil and a large group went to the ruins of Mintas Rhelgor; Aramuil said he wanted to examine the ruins. The group came backa little scratched up, but loaded up with hides and meat; Aramuil was speaking of starting an "excavation" of Mintas Rhelgor, how very odd.

  • Generals Lyte and Theaon of the Royal Troff Legion can be seen leading groups of Legioniers east out of town with wagons and tools over the past few weeks. If asked, they explain there is no cause for alarm…just some new security precautions going into place out beyond the farmlands for the town's welfare.

  • A bit of a commotion happened when a tearful mother spoke of the disappearance of her daughter, prompting a large group of adventurers to set out and save the child. They returned more than a day later with the child, and there is talk of Selune, a werewolf and three tests.

  • A tearstricken Rhistin is seen scurrying from the Jiyyd crafting hall. A couple of minutes later, Sald was seen searching the fire and the rest of town.

  • A few faint rumblings might also have been felt from the area near Mintas Rhelgor, and some hours later a bruised, battered, and partially chewed group trudge into town with weary and dispirited steps, carrying the mauled bodies of C'Tan, Jerrick and Mordechai. Not much is spoken of what transpired in the ruins, though it seems to have lead to some form of disagreement between Aelthas and Lycka, the two spouses leaving Jiyyd separately for once.

  • Rumor has it an elf and human were seen running eastward towards the cold stone mountains. Some say large rumblings could be heard coming off the mountains. Though the where abouts of the two in question remain unknown.

  • the young squire known as Calen can be seen wearing regular clothing or shorts traveling from the creek to the temple with buckets and rags. if the priest Sigmund is asked he says that Calen is serving at the Temple for now and his only time away is for his knight training.

  • _A small group of adventurers came through the eastern gates of Jiyyd, looking battered and bruised. One of them carrying the corpse of a fallen. Apparently they had just returned from a trip to the mountains.

    One of the group seemed to be cursed with lycanthrope after she was seemingly brought back to life. She was eventually caught by a paladin of Helm, who brought her back to the healer's, Vrocka working on a cure. It is reported that she will be all right, and returned to normal.

    Another of the group, a white haired mage, seemed to stubbornly stay near the gates, even though he was gravely injured and covered in blood. He seemed to be mumbling something about the possibility of undead giants coming. Though a red-haired half-elven scout seemed to not allow him to be stubborn, and she dragged him off toward the healers… the both of them were not seen leaving the healer's at least a day or two later.

    Onlookers wonder what type of force could cause such damage to a group. Snowgoblins? Or was something else involved?_

  • At the recently attacked helmite temple in Jiyyd, Rhiannon was seen bringing a small parcel inside, and emerging some time later with Calen, the two of them seen sitting close and chatting.

    One small rumor states they may have been sitting very close indeed.