Jiyyd Rumors
Rumor has it Grag and Keira are the newest item.
When Jerr hears this he laughs and thanks the teller for brightening his day. He leaves the gates giggling softly to himself.
Rumor has it Grag and Keira are the newest item.
_Keira still frequents Jiyyd and seems on good terms with most of the locals, particularly Grag. Whatever drove her to an uncharacteristic display of aggression and possessiveness seems to have passed.
She adds nothing to general rumor beyond her presence_
// Individual requests for information welcome. Thanks to Caoimh for making my life more complicated!
Ting is heard to remark that white stags are clearly creatures of great evil and that they ruined her life… but then again ... the elf has been known to be a little bit crazy at times...
Hearing the rumor as he passes through town, Genzir remarks that Keira should know better, and if she's still killing white stags without at least giving due honor to the woodland gods, she's probably just trying to provoke people and deserves no sympathy for these incidents.
_An incident occured in Jiyyd where a druid with no shoes attacked Keira for killing a white stag. The attack occured right in the middle of the commons with guards clearly watching. It seems the angry druid didnt care for consequences and swung his sword.
Keira walked out with Lilly to the sisterhood, and the druid followed. Another fight broke out between the two. Keira managed to knock down the druid once, but as soon as he got up, he angrily knocked her down and she did not get back up for some time. Lilly interfered, tripping the druid as he wasnt watching her… allowing Keira a few nasty kicks in. She continued to kick the druid and was also needed to be subdued by onlookers.
Justene said that the druid is not allowed back into Jiyyd. It seems this only proves the stero-type of druids being overly agressive, similiar happenings taking place with the negotiations of the Yaun-ti._
Rumors spread fastly of a woman in dark clothing preaching about the yuan-ti and words of norwick signing a treaty with them. She was also seen talking to a important elf in white and grey about how the yuan-ti plan to enslave everyone like the suarials are. she was heard frantically screaming.. "Yes Master, Yes Master" as the soon fate of those that side with the Yuan-ti…....
After a drow and a host of spiders attacked the town over several days, a sizeable group came across a Yuan-ti mage or priestess on the road. The rumors vary, but the common thread is that the Yuan-ti wish a treaty or help against the drow and a certain Enchantress. Some of the rumors suggest that the Keeper and Archdruid seriously considered the proposition so far as naming a date to meet with the Yuan-ti again. Others suggest the druids were once again fearlessly aggressive in the face of peaceful negotiations.
Some of the old posters about the Midsummer Festival are renewed.
((The event's today… and uh... for those who didn't get it... you can click on the colored Midsummer Festival to see the poster
Double post :pissed:
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
rumor has it that a suppostly Drow as sneaked past the gates and entered Jyyid. The fact is that the area around the watch tower next to the West gate was covered with traps. The posible Drow vanished with out any trace
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
A noticeably angry Fadia has been seen in town asking about the situation. Once answers start coming, she begins looking for wolf…still looking pretty damn angry
Many witnesses both adventurers, townsfolk and guards tell of a well known druid in wolf form assailing the girl Star. The girl did not fight back and frequently asked Wolf why he attacked her but no answer came and eventually she hid under a cloak of darkness. The guards ejected Wolf from the town.
Word spreads that an Oscuran named Corde is seeking "Blackened Mushrooms" and will pay a small sum for any that are found. It is said that word should be sent to him in the city if the trade is meant to be done outside of Oscura, or a seller can simply find him in the city if there is fine.
Upon hearing these Rumors Sarvalos speaks up letting it be known that these Rumors are nothing more than Lies and Slander, he asks the person responsible for such acquisations seek him out and speak to him face to face instead of running his mouth of behind his back. Sarvalos then tells the Truth on what happend, Recounting what happened he tells a tale of hunting in the swamp with a legionnaire Private named Daeren Steel, who in the heat of the fight Fled leaving sarvalos to fight on his own, on his fleeing he brought many of the swamps creatures into the town, once the battle was won within the Swamp Sarvalos headed out to jiyyd to find his fleeing companion when he bore witness to a Dead farmer and some dead livestock, sarvalos fought off the remaining Stirges and then proceeded to check the Farmer for signs of life, not looting, if any of the city watchmen wish to question sarvalos further he will willingly turn himself in for questionning
_A large copper dragon swept through Jiyyd from the south some days ago, making off with a cow. William has been heard making inquiries as to the owner of the cow taken by the dragon.
Not long after, an adventurer was chased from the swamp by wisps, which then attacked and killed Farmer Shantie and a number of cows before being themselves destroyed.
One Sarvalos was seen to loot Shantie's body before he fled the town.
Farmer Shantie was brought to Healing Wonders by Elridith of the Legion, where Finnius was kind enough to raise her._
_Will heads down to the crafter's hall to see if he can find someone to build a pair of ballistae to replace the ones destroyed by the orcs at the south gate during the attack.
He notes that the catapult there was destroyed at the same time.
Someone close enough to hear the discussion with the crafters might overhear Will saying that the town can't wait for the Council to notice that the orcs attacked Jiyyd more than a month ago._
A couple of posters appear in Jiyyd, advertising a Midsummer Festival.
((If there's any costs to be covered for placing the posters and/or keeping them in place, please contact me.))
Recently, a very petite woman dressed in a white robe and a white metal mask has been seen around town mostly with Serenity, but also with some others. Those who have met her know her as Hope, though her garb provides no clues as to who she is or what she looks like.
*KULL spreads the word that after a long patrol, when he was on his way to jyyid, a sneaky woman steped away from the shadows and started shooting at him and saying "murdurers, your children shall born with out a father" and with that sayd, such misteriouse woman vanished in thin air.
Witness of such sneak attack where the elf named Thorn and a human named Marious.Kull can also be heard saying that he suspects that this woman might be one of the Eastlanders children that have been reported to attack some travelers along the nars*
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”