
  • Nars Tradesman grunts and laughs as he listens to Santos.

    "A Banite, of all people, talking of honor and grace? Ha!

    Spits on the ground and heads off towards Jiyyd.

  • I take this task and look forward to helping the City make sure to handle my duty with Honnor and grace . I like to thank you all once again for hiring me .

  • DM

    Magistrate Barrim rubs his moustache on hearing Zyphlin's comments…

    "hmm Zyphlin - Banite is he..? i know we have a few around...keep me informed on this lot, didn't know we had so many." Glad to hear you are keeping your eyes open - I've been busy in the arcane lore section of the library, - we should sit down and discuss things soon.

    "Any idea how much he was offered for this job Zyphlin - did you sign the approval for him old friend?"

    "Dirty job indeed - i wonder how long he will last in the job, executioners traditionally have a difficult life."

  • Perhaps it's a ploy to get someone on the insides… hmmmm.

  • Zyphlin smiles a bit at hearing the news

    Will be rather entertaining when one of the banite bunch screws up and one of thier own has to lop off thier head.

  • Santos de'Caliga has been employed as Peltarch's official executioner, charged with executing criminals in accordance with the instructions of the magristrate.

  • As long as it is a big public spectacle I don't care who does it 🙂

  • Nealparr, Just talk to Rando. I am sure he would love to blow up another prisoner for fun… The best ones are when you tie a gnome to one of the barrels and tell him you are going to shoot him to the moon. They get so excited about the thought of seeing the moon :!: :!: 😛

  • @e8d884f8dc=metagod:

    Norwick prisoners are traditionally kegged by Norwick Militia 🙂

    I know! But Custodis locked me up and then his computer died :x I was soooo looking forward to the keg.

  • DM

    I would suggest you apply IC to the Magistrates's Office (i.e. Pm me probably) in a letter, or approach my character Barrim in-game.
    Let me know what times you play, but approach me IC as a Player for this one rather than a DM.
    Always good to see people enthusiastic about the city.

  • I believe that there is a pants-eating orc that plays that part in Nor'ick as well.

  • Norwick prisoners are traditionally kegged by Norwick Militia 🙂

  • ((I have a character in the Norwick jails waiting on execution. Maybe we can work something out.))

  • I think we can work something out. 😉