Ghosts in the Gypsy Camp

  • _Two ghosts can be seen wandering around camp and appear to be looking for something. Their heads dart in and out of solid objects, they seem to be searching every tent and shanty, and even, at times, people's bags that are on their back. They appear to be desperate and frantic, trying to call out to others and yet no words come out of their mouths. They spend a large amount of their time trying to get the attention of Miss Cotton, Nico Black, Sy'wyn Blackwood, and Eric Swiftrider. Any who see them find them bewildered and confused, sometimes noticing the people around them, other times oblivious to their surroundings. At times they walk with purpose. At other times they seem lost. They have only been seen at night and disappear with the rising dawn.

    Anyone who knows Alvar Blackwood and Pyavain Blackwood would recognize them despite their tortured and mournful expressions. When asked what they are looking for, their expression turns to sadness, and then to horror as they point to their hands and rub the ringless fingers. They point to the whole camp and make an expression that is easily identified as pending doom for all._

  • Though seldom seen as more than a shadow in the trees, Llach has gotten bolder of late and actually been seen near the fire with his cousins. He uses a small stick and draws figures in the dirt for his cousins (and anyone else to see)

    A large circle

    A rock that stands next to a leaf, he passes a ring from the rock to the leaf and then makes kissy faces as the rock and leaf touch.

    The leaf goes off with the ring and then is followed by another rock that hits the leaf and takes the ring away.

    The first rock returns and sees the leaf.

    At this point Llach picks up the first rock and points at the second one with the ring. He then points back into the forest and frowns. He obviously thinks that this is unfinished as the guilty party got away with the murder.

    He frowns and hugs his legs tight, looking about at the others before getting up and going into the woods, whistling for a companion who glides out of the shadows.

    Llach Blackwood
    Nars Skald

  • The ghosts of Alvar Blackwood and Pyavain Blackwood are no more. They have returned to their earthly form, bewildered and confused as everything that transpired is blurred and jumbled.

    ((Thanks everyone. Was a blast!))

  • The ghosts, when seen, have been standing in a particular spot located in the Dank Caverns. Rumors have spread of a vision that was seen there of a gateway in the rift between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The ghosts, using a make shift ouija board have described the spot as the place where Rlia died one-thousand years ago. The rumors spread quickly to all members of the Gypsy Camp…

    //Sat April 16th, 12midnight EST, -5 GMT, Gypsy Pass Fires//

  • _Continuing to use the alphabet sheets created by Oreth and Mirkali, Alvar spells out the following in elvish:

    O… N... L... Y... I... N... T... H... E... D... A... R... K... N... E... S... S... A... R... E... W... E... F... R... E... E

    B... Y... T... H... E... D... A... W... N... S... L... I... G... H... T... W... E... A... R... E... M... A... D... E... T... O... S... U... F... F... E... R... A... T... S... I... N... T... I... S... H... A... N... D... S... W... I... T... H... T... H... E... R... O... M... A... N... I... A... N... C... I... E... N... T... S

    T... H... E... C... U... R... S... E... A... F... F... E... C... T... S... U... S... A... L... L

    A... L... L... R... O... M... A... N... I... S... U... F... F... E... R

    T... H... E... R... I... N... G... M... U... S... T... B... E... F... O... U... N... D

    R... I... L... A... I... S... T... H... E... K... E... Y

    He then fades from view as the dawn's light approaches._

  • _The Ghost of Alvar Blackwood in one of his clear moments points out letters on the sheets created by Oreth and Mirkali.

    R… I... N... G

    S... I... N... T... I

    D... E... A... T... H

    A... L... L

    L... O... S... T_

  • On one of these occasions, Oreth makes clear for a second time that, if either spirit needs a body to act, or a mouth to speak, that he will not fight them for possession of his own body, if they have the ability to use it.

  • _The ghosts in the camp continue their frantic search. Most times they appear sad and mournful. Recently, however, they have begun to appear angry at times to camp members not actively searching every waking moment for the item they desperately seek.

    If they encounter a camp member that is relaxing idly by the fire their expression turns to great sadness. They drop to their knees and try to embrace the person but their hands pass right through them. They point to each individual in turn and then to their own ghostly form, clearly pointing out that the fate of all camp members is death if the item is not found soon._

  • _In a rare moment of clarity, one of the ghosts, the ghost of Alvar Blackwood, approaches the great King himself and gestures frantically. Forming his arms in a large circle, he then points to each member of the camp present, points to his own ghostly form, and then kneels at the King's feet apparently sobbing although no noises or tears flow.

    Then suddenly his face grows blank again. He stands up and continues his searching._