Threats made

  • Devath speaks to the King, and anyone who will hear about the threats Shadowstrider made. He stood at the fire, and many other Rom where right there, and clearly stated that next time they would meet, Devath would die. Devath didn't seem too impressed, but could still be seen discussing this issue with the King and several Elders afterward.

  • Darryanna listens quietly as Dev and shadow talk then afterward listens as Dev tells his side of it

    after listening to Erok and Jirka, Darry speaks up in a low voice

    farken dev….gonna drag us all into his damn fued....I gave him the priest of mask message when it was just a request...Dev chose to discard it....wonder if he told the people he supposedly gave the gold to know about this shrugs ...the camp should know I figure at least....

    slips into the shadows a look of disgust on her face

    Sul'lina aka Pinky aka Darryanna aka corpse girl )

  • Council of Moradin

    ::Jirka listens and speak in her normall agressive manner::

    BAH! If ye be stealin frem im ye kin nae expect antin else! Now.. ye be gali… Ye tell em shadowman te seek me out before he go killin people. Thar will be nae killin in te camp er nae whar else. Un guud beatin pearaps, but nae killin.

  • Hedia sighs as she hears about the threats and goes into the inner camp for some rest

  • Erok watches in the shadows with folded arms and narrowed eyes as Devath does his talking. He walks up and speaks to Devath just as he walks away from King Horgan, the King still within earshot.

    Meesa tink it not soz owta da usualz to getz 'un t'reat wen yoosis stealz thingz frum sum'un. If'n yoosis stealz frum Erok, meesa wud bash yer 'ead ta getz it back tooz. Tinkz yoosis shud givez back wut yoosis takez, Gali 'r not. Mebee Erok makez it 'is prolem? Den weesa seez wut da King 'as ta sez bout yoosis stealin'.

    He snorts rather loudly, then plods off towards inner Camp.