Chaevre's Magical and Mundane Wares

  • Official Sales Representative of the Consortium

    Posted on a big flyer in the Market

    Chaevre' has brought to your local Peltarch area, magical supplies for all your needs. We have items that are deliverable upon request, and we have specials that are one time only. (Or until we aquire another, which can't be aquired on demand, so if you would like something, please be patient and we will inform you upon aquiring one). We also have bulk discounts for some items. Our special items will be updated as we aquire new items for sale.

    Remember, if Chaevre' didn't deliver it, quality is not guaranteed!

    1x Inflict Minor Wounds - 3 gold each
    1x Protection from Evil - 150 gold each
    1x True Strike - 200 gold
    3x Tashas Hideous Laughter - 80 gold each
    1x Death Armor - 400 gold each
    1x Sleep - 100 gold each
    1x Expeditious Retreat - 150 gold each
    1x Bless - 80 gold each
    1x Ray of Enfeeblement - 150 gold each


    1x Lore - 70 each each
    1x Belladonna Extract - 100 each
    3x Barkskin - 150 each
    3x Bulls Strength - 250 each
    1x Sparkle (light) - 5 gold each
    1x Spring Water (Bless) 100 gold each


    48x Lightning Bolts (1d6 electric) - 12 gold each
    12x Bolt of Fire (1d6 fire) - 12 gold each
    2x Stinging Bolt (1 Acid) - 3 gold each
    2x Duergar Bolts (1 Slashing) - 3 gold each


    Assassins Rage (bastard sword use by evil assassins +1 fire) - 600

    1x Main Gauche (+2 Parry) - 200

    Masterwork Iron Warhammer - 1035
    Masterwork Iron Light Hammer - 1009
    Masterwork Brass Longsword - 729
    Masterwork Bronze Bastard Sword - 525

    Masterwork Cherry Longbow (-80% +1 to hit, +1 mighty) - 1552
    Masterwork Cherry Longstaff (-80% +1 to hit +1 blunt vs Outsiders)- 1009
    Masterwork Oak Longstaff (-80% +1 to hit, ) - 696


    2x Dark Robe of Thought- 1100 (+1 int, -1 wis, Use by CE)


    Masterwork Brass Horsetail Coif - 500
    Masterwork Brass Horse Tail Helm - 500
    Masterwork Brass Plumed Helm - 500
    Masterwork Brass Mandible Helm - 500
    Masterwork Brass Plumed Helm - 500


    Special Orders***

    As Chaevre has become more adept in her magical abilities and having handled so many magical artifacts she has decided to begin taking special orders for anything not in her lists of wares to be specially made by her for the highest paying persons!

    ***= If you want me to make you something it will have to be by emerwyns new magic item creation rule, all crafts will be done in the safety of Chae's own home after she pays for the materials to be added otherwise she will rent other facilities, all materials and spellcomponents must be given to Chae before she will make anything and she holds the right to charge extra for her services, all items must be DM approved.

    Orders are not to be posted here but can be asked to me in game or on irc or redirected to Custodis and must be passed by a DM as well for approval.

    We Also Buy!

    Have anything that needs selling? Approach me and lets have a look, Im always looking for new merchandise, preferably those that is hard to come by.
    Need something sold? Give your items to me as well as the price you want them sold for and if I think its doable I will sell it for you, for a price.
    Items are not insured so leaving them in my care is at owners risk.

    Financing Options

    Financing options are available pending trustworthiness and customer value. And also the price of the item to be financed. Rates may be percentage based on monthly increases, or flat increase. All of this negotiable.


    Announcements go out to all the cities and towns of narfell, announcing
    that Chaevre' Vaelen has began to Bank wealth for anyone who is afraid
    to or does not wish to carry their money on their person.
    The cost for this service is very little,

    5 gold to start service, all customers will be issued an account number
    as well as a password that they must use to access their funding.

    30% interest on all Credit withdrawals up to a maximum amount dependant on the person the Credit goes to, Higher trustworthyness means higher credit allowance.
    Interest is rounded up.

    If anyone wishes to close their account they must first pay off all debts and fees,
    their account will be deleted from record and they must start fresh if they wish to open a second account.

    Business Accounts!

    What qualifies as a business account is an account in which more then 5 people have access to the funds
    as well as are able to make deposits/withdraw/make payments, the benefit to a business account will be reduced
    fee for starting the account, and reduced interest on credit.
    There also will be a minimum deposit of 5000 gold.

    The business or guild leader must open the account and make the initial minimum deposit, they must then provide a list
    of all members who will be able to access the money, and must always inform of any changes to the list ie; additions/deletions

    Start Fee: Waived
    Interest on Credit: 10%
    Minimum Deposit 5000 gold

    note to everyone
    Failure to make payment on outstanding credit within ( 1 Rl month) will result in the account being locked and
    me selling the account to a collector.

    as always I hold the right to refuse service

    ((This is not done with DM help, all the credit money comes out of my pocket, im just starting this service so i dont know of any
    possible bugs or loopholes or exploits i may have overlooked, even if it may be IC for you to do so, please try not to take
    advantage of the system as over time pc's may come to use it frequently and i wouldnt want someone else's fun ruined over
    any pc's exploitation, if the system doesnt work out for me or others i will refund all money and stop the service))


    Fine Print

    All Prices are subject to change without notice and may vary based on supply and demand. Also note that regular customers who make large orders often will always recieve special care. Please also note that if you are willing to pay for the items then I will be willing to sell them to you, no matter who you are or what you are affiliated with.

    [Updated 12/15/2005]

  • Upon hearing news of the auction, Guard Captain Lisa Braithwaite takes off towards the courthouse in a full sprint.

  • Chaevre' makes an announcement that she will be reopening shop! She will be holding a promotional auction to help get the word out which will be held at a future date.
    Anyone wishing to have an item or service auctioned can deliver the item to Chaevre' or if needed a pickup can be arranged.
    Commission on all sales is to be 15% of the items final sale price or 10% of the items listed price if it is not sold.

    The auction will be run in a slightly different manner than most may be used to.
    All items will be collected and when the auction date is set, a list of everything and the list price will be posted to the public.
    Bidders will then make a bid privately on the item they wish to buy and the list will be updated with the new price.
    This means you will not know who you are bidding against or who is bidding on an item.
    The auction will continue until no more bids are made and for a minimum amount of time. Once the auction ends winners will be contacted to make arrangement for delivery of the item.
    Unsold items will be held until the 10% fee is collected, alternatively the item can be held and can be sold on consignment.

    Some suggestions on things to sell.

    Magic items of all kinds.
    Crafted equipment.
    Scrolls and Potions.
    Trade vouchers such as a discount coupon for a crafting or enchantment service.
    Mundane equipment.
    Crafting Materials.

    Duplicate items of any kind will be sold in the order it was received unless they are listed at different values in which case they will be sold based on the bidding. ie if a 100g sword is listed and a 120g sword is listed the 100g sword will likely be bid on first. if the bidder bids up to equal the value of the 120g sword then following bids will be made on the second sword in order to promote the items sale.

    if a bid and sale is not honored the item will go to the previous bidder and the one who dishonored the bid will be blacklisted from future auctions.

    Chaevre' holds the right to refuse an item if too many duplicates are being sold or if it is something that will not likely sell do to list price or availability of the item through regular sources.

    ((Auction list will be posted on Saturday, bids can be made in game in person, via forum pm, or via in game tell to any of my characters if im not in game as Chaevre'. List will be updated regularily, as soon as i get the bid if possible or on my breaks if i am at work. Auction will close 1 week from the starting day and 1 day after no more bids are being made.))

    Once the auction ends I will update the list of items for sale and will begin business anew. New policies will be in place so be sure to read the fine print once it is complete!

  • Chaevre's wares closed permanently

    Some Scrolls and Potions added, removed Scimitar.


    Removed sold items, added some potions and most importantly BUMP!

    Added some wood weapons, removed a few things, and modified prices.

    Got some traps and a divine scroll.

    Sold some weapons, armor and almost all the scrolls. No additions.

    Added heavy armors and some arrows.

    Added magic shortsword