
  • A dwarf from a mountain dwelling clan, Tutonious was never like the other dwarven children, he was always making some concotion to make him stronger or bigger and once he even made himself so strong he moved the mountain he lived on twenty feet from where it originally was.
    When Tutonious demonstrated his skills with magic and chemistry he was granted permission to attend an elven school for magic and he graduated top of his class….He had not many friends many elves neglected him for his race and discriminated him by giving him the cold shoulder.Tutonious never rubbed anything in their faces he was a friendly being ,a noble dwarf, and an even greater friend,But the elves never saw him that way so thus Tutonious's journey around the world began.

    After two years of this self satisfying trip,Tutonious had somehow been lured to narfell some reason,even Tutonious himself does not know why he came here, but he knows as long as he is here he will do as much as he can to help the people in need.The onese who are neglected.....for he does not want anyone to be alone.....it is a path he thinks is crowded....His thought will never be understood he says. Tutonious has his own opinion about everything and has a vivid imagination..not common for a dwarf to have. Tutonious's story from now on is up to you....

    Login Name: Guardian of Pandi
    Characters full name:Tutonious

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