A beautiful statue...BOB IS NO MORE!!

  • _Upon entering the gypsy camp a "beautiful" troll statue can be seen greeting any body that passes. Buried to the knees in the soft ground for stability the statue looms slightly west of the entrance and south of the tree stump puddle. Fadien Blackwood, the proud owner of this work of art, is seen painting it into a multi-colored (think clowns here) statuetesque decoration. The hair like area is painted a pale red, almost pink. The eyes are painted a bright brilliant blue. The small chain that circles the neck of the troll statue is painted a rich yellow. The skin of the troll is done up in a lilac purple, except for the face which is painted a stark white, with rosy red checks in perfect circles and bright red lips.

    Though the statue is truly horrific looking Fadien spends hours working on her wedding gift for Bow. She is seen constanly guarding her statue, making sure nobody tries to steal her two ton statue, or tries to destroy it. She has asked many members of the Romanji camp to help watch over her statue.

    Anybody not scared off by the statue, or who has not died laughing at it, will hear her tell how she only paid twenty gold for it and how when she gets a home, it will sit in her and Bow's main living quaters. She smiles proudly and then points out the tiny little details of the statue to anybody who seems interested._

    //Any DMs who want to keep this going can spawn a petrified troll and place it in that location after a server reset//

  • Hedia listens to a few people around camp talking about the new girl that was once a statue and shakes her head.

    you all dont seem to understand this girl is undead you all know them things that keep trying to kill us. But she does not have to fear me that is untill she does something to and puts the camp in danger. So untill that day she is free to walk the camp but i will always be watching her.

    she walks off and sits back down at a near by fire

  • _All who pass through camp now will notice that the troll statue that stood greeting everybody is now gone. The fence that was around it was slowly taken down, yet a ring of flowers still grows.

    Speaking softly, sounding a little bit sad, Fadien tells all who ask what happened to her statue, that it came to life and was actually an elven lass once the stone crumbled away from her. Speaking in elvish Fadien comments on the elven lass:_

    She is very nice, but Hedia no like her. She says she undead. I no know if she undead or not, but she very nice to me. She member of camp too, so she family. I kind of miss Bob, but it nice to have new sister too. She a wizzzzzzard! My brother Amendale was a wizard. I wish he would come home.

    Fadien's mind tends to wonder off and she begins to speak more of her family then of the statue and elven lass until somebody reminds her to stay on track.

  • Tobias, when no one is looking, mourns the trees that were killed to make a fence around Bob and allows his new cat Shadow (whom he found to temporarily replace the absent Dog) to urinate on the statue without reprecussion.

  • _While sitting around the camp fire, talking with Bow, Elrin, Kaona, and a few others, someone suggested that perhaps Fadien should put a fence around Bob to keep animals from peeing on him and people trampling the ground around him. Loving the idea, Fadien and Bow set out to cut some trees to create the fence. Working for several days, chopping and hauling wood, the fence slowly but surely went up. It was nothing fancy, just a few logs fastened together, a small gate created so that Fadien can get in to water the flowers and ferns her and Bow had gathered from the local woods.

    Upon the gate a small sign hangs wrote in beautiful elvish script upon a cross cut of deadwood:_

    This is Bob. Please do not let your pets in the fence to pee on Bob. If they do happen to pee on Bob, please be so kind as to clean him off. Also, Bob is not a place to dry your clothing. If you have a statue and would like it painted, please feel free to contact Fadien Blackwood.

    In much smaller script at the bottom:

    Property of Fadien Blackwood and Bow.

    Having completed their current task, Fadien take a few days to rest and admire all her hard work. Later in the week Fadien can be seen gathering small stones piling them not to far from the statue.

  • On a side-note, after scolding Dog for misbehaving and disobeying Tobias's instructions, Dog ran off into the forest and hasn't been seen yet. Feeling remorseful, Tobias searches and searches for Dog to no avail. He asks anyone who will listen (after a brief description of the wolf named Dog) if they have seen him.

  • _Fadien strolls up to her statue, whom she named Bob, glancing around to make sure nobody is looking, she leans in to hug Bob when the scent of urine fills her nostrils. Instantly her face flushes and her anger is apparent to any who may stroll past her. She hears tell that an un-neutered dog had been seen peeing on her statue, her symbol of love to her soon to be husband. Cursing in elvish and common, a first for this little lass, she pulls a large orcish sword from off her back and sets out to find the creature that defiled her statue, vowing no puppies shall be fathered by this unholy creature.

    After searching for the better part of the day for the dog that was described to her, Fadien gives up and carries a waterskin over to her statue, cleaning the urine off of it. Slipping into the shadows near the statue, she sits with a pile of rocks, ready to deck any creature that dares to pee on her statue again._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    ((recap, a few hours ago, before the urine was there))
    And the three adventurers were entasked by Raryldor to travel to spellweave academy or find experienced wizards, versed in the higher levels of the arcane arts and in the ancient lores, to examine the strange troll statue.
    "Yes, when we return my socks should be dried by then…" says Ethrun as he adjusts his wet laundries along the outstretched arms of the troll statue..
    "No sir dog.." cried Cike as Tobias' wolf named "dog" pissed at the side of the leg of the troll statue despite being told not to by its master. "Aww now that's going to be smell..."

  • Passerbys note that one of the statue's legs smells distinctly of dog urine…

  • Alvar Blackwood starts crying when he first sees it and fetches some flowers to put at its feet. He spends many hours staring at it shaking his head and feeling remorseful. He then notices Sy'wyn Blackwood walking by and realizes that his brother is indeed alive and has not been petrified and turned to stone. Feeling a little embarrased he stands up, shakes the leaves from his tunic, and goes looking for some fine Romani ale.

  • Sy'wyn can be seen watching his sister with her new "acquisition", an amused smile playing on his lips. After making sure she is not going to be hurt by the statue falling down, he leaves her to the decorations and is seen walking off to Katya's tree, his journal in hand flipped to a page with a sketch on it, mumbling about drow markings, and Eastlanders.