Romni kids...

  • Just one thing that gets to me, how on earth do Jonni and jenni stay young?! checks Jonni for a imortal spell or something I think it'd be great if they they suddenly turned into adults or teenagers, and we had some more children running around! ^^
    gets ready for the rotten tomatoes

  • all of the kids in the pass and camp appear to wear new boots for the winter, and if asked about it, they say that a nice lady, Belade Galadon, paid for them.

  • Well I'm pretty sure I've seen Jonni wearing some nice new fancy boots thinks Lest I also saw him in the docks as well….

  • @82a31e658e=Oreth:

    Yeah, where do you think Katya gets her eye and gland money?

    I will refrain from making a comment on Katya's…negotiable virtue. Or maybe I won't.

  • Yeah, where do you think Katya gets her eye and gland money?

  • What are you talking about? We sent them to the finest schools in Pelt, and they came back with every last coin from the noble kid's pockets, and the teacher's apple. Sounds like a fine edcation to me.

  • tis a shame them kids dont have a proper school to go to…

  • Not me

  • @cafe0b62d7:

    Grow up?

    True. Who says any of us are going to do that?

  • @1463295fc7:

    How can I be awesome like you when I grow up?

    Grow up? 😛 😉

  • @a178eb7cef:

    It's low on the list… but having automated walk paths that have the sit emote... the drink emote and the sleep emote would be cool and add a lot to the realism of the NPCs.

    How can I be awesome like you when I grow up?

  • claps Well done Kerby 😉

  • I am almost completely done with the revamp of the Gypsy Camp screen. I will be moving on to the Gypsy Pass screen next. And yes… they are on my hit list of changes.

    One of the items on my wish list is to have NPCs that would have walking paths and emotes that would reflect a average day and night for them... people tend to sleep at night in thier tent... perhaps st and eat a couple timesa day... maybe have a skin of wine and laugh and talk a bit about the fires before walking to thier tents and going to sleep.

    It's low on the list... but having automated walk paths that have the sit emote... the drink emote and the sleep emote would be cool and add a lot to the realism of the NPCs.

  • Yep. It's a triggered symbol spell that casts "Summon Samara" on the reader, with a time delay of seven days.

    Okay, I should really stop now. This silliness totally doesn't belong in this forum.

  • The Halfling Defence League


    Yeah. Until you realize that they never sleep. And then inevitably there are creepy references to long-haired pale girls, strange creepy image-scrolls containing haunting monochromatic images, and the well in norwick.


    And then they look at that scroll…you know....the one with the circle drawn on it....and then they die after suchandsuch number of days.

  • Yeah. Until you realize that they never sleep. And then inevitably there are creepy references to long-haired pale girls, strange creepy image-scrolls containing haunting monochromatic images, and the well in norwick.

  • wow, all play and no work? :?
    lol sounds like fun ^^

  • Until then, they play hide and seek. 24 hours a day.

  • Oh that is easy, all Romni kids are called Jonni or Jenni untill they earn their adult names. There is a big rite of passage yadda yadda and then they egt their adult names and become contributing members of the camp.

  • Shhh, they are really Hins in disguise. Don't tell anyone.