The King's Announcements

  • ((A thread used primarily for the DMs to post up messages from the leaders of the Gypsy Camp, although IG and IC interaction with the King that the entire camp would hear about could be posted by players as well.))

  • _::After speaking with Horgan at length… The Gali Elders, Arandor and Sy'wynn, are seen spreading the word of the King to all the Rom and Gali. Speaking the decision they have come to on the recent tensions with Peltarch::

    _"The man known as Arthro… Is Gali no more. He left of his own free will and shall recieve neither aid nor hostility from us. Likewise we will not aid Peltarch in his hunt or capture. Yet be wary of him, for he will likely hold a grudge. Should he prove himself to be a threat, then it will be dealt with as such... Until then, keep your distance."

    "As for the three Gali... Olivia, Mavado, and Rolan. They are to stay away from Peltarch entirely or risk being banned from the camp. If these three agree to this then they shall always be welcomed here and recieve our protection as any Gali would."

    "Let it also be known that while we are always willing to cooperate 'civilly' with the other towns... We do not take kindly to 'ANYONE' barging into our home and threatening our Gali. No matter who they think they are, or what they represent, Gaje must 'ALWAYS' be 'RESPECTFUL'... Or the King himself will toss them into the chasms."

    "With that said, back to your drinking and feasting and let us try to move past this... As we all know well there are far greater matters to concern ourselves with. Enjoy what small measure of peace we may have."

    Edit: Message is approved by RaptorDM.__

  • _::Word from the King spreads quickly throughout the camp. With all the new Gali seeming to take up residence within the camp. The elders have decided to give the Gali a voice once more. The Romani elders have given titles of Gali Elders to Sy'wyn Blackwood and the one known as Elrin by some and Arandor by others. Word spreads that they shall have equal voice on all Camp decisions within the Romani Elders.

    Those with concerns or in need to learn will be given guidence by the Gali elders. The king lets it be known that the same respect given to the Romani elders is to also be given to Sy'wyn and Arandor, as the king would expect nothing less. Any who talk to the King or the other elders will be told this is true and much welcomed::_

                                                  • @0ee25571c0=Elrin:

    After speaking privately with the Gali Arandor for a time. King Horgan emerges from Katya's tree, and the both of them walk out to the main fires as the King makes his announcement

    King Horgan Mearst: "I have an annnouncement to make."

    He looks to all camp members and Romani gathered, before speaking again

    "Myself and the rest of the elders have talked many a night… We have decided that with so many Gali moving in, and so many Romani coming and going. It is time to have a voice for the Gali... So we have spoken in private for many months now... We have chosen several to become what we shall call Gali elders. The first we bring in is one that is well-respected by both Gali and Romani alike. Elrin here, will be our first Gali elder voice…"

    He states, motioning to Arandor standing beside him, smiling

    "Elrin, if you have any words…"

    Arandor clears his throat and takes a moment before speaking

    Arandor Silmarien: "I am honored, and I will do my best to uphold the tradition and the honor of the Romani people. But fear not, I will not think myself so high and mighty… I wish only to help."

    Arandor bows his head to everyone and takes a step back as the King nods to his words

    King Horgan Mearst: "Those who are Gali and need to learn are yours to teach, Elrin… Those of the Gali worthy of a voice shall speak to you and you shall speak to me... Now I must get back to drinking or uhhh ::pauses:: thinking. yes that is it. Thinking."

    The King bows his head to everyone

    "Enjoy your evening all. and do not give Elrin a hard time. He is now considered an equal to the Romani elders. Disrespect him and you disrespect the elders…"

    And with that, the King wanders back over to his fire to do some 'thinking'. While Arandor distributes bottles of wine in celebration, so that everyone else might do some 'thinking' of their own.


    _Alvar looks to the king and back to Sy'wyn, looks back to the king, and back to Sy'wyn. Stealing a few moments away from anyone, he moves to the dark forest where anyone who followed him stealthfully would have seen him break out into hysterical fits of laughter, talking all the while to a badger about how crazy everyone in Narfell is.

    Only after composing himself does he go back and congratulate his brother for becoming a well respected and trusted leader of the Gypsy community. He pays his respects to the king, and gives him a gift of specially seasoned badger jerky, then he wanders off in search of his other brother Amendale, who has been missing several months now._


    Belade Galadon, together with a group of like-minded individuals, applaude for Arandor, and get one hell of a party started, though some of the people who are in it keep their weapons withing grasping distance always.


    Amendal smirks from the shadows as he sees his brother Sy'wyn risen up in the camp of "round ears". Careful that no one can see him he watches as his two brothers talk over the new "Elder". He walks back into the forest and fades into nothing as the spell of invisibility envelopes him.


    Sy'wyn can be seen leaving the fires a little after the announcement, and walking out into the Nars Pass. Any who follow will see him kneeled near the watch fire, his oft mended cloak wrapped close around him, and the hood pulled low, murmuring softly in elvish, and seemingly seeking guidance from Fenmarel.


    _tala smiles proudly at Arandor and waits for the well wishers to say their peace to him. Later she is seen speaking to him although that is in no way unusal as they are often seen talking quietly by the fires

    those nearby might over hear her murmur something to him though along the lines of You still have to help with the chores_

  • The chancellor of Norwick greets the Rom King

    On a sunny day a man in dark grey and dull red armor walks through the trees arching over the camp's entrance. He removes a large, fanged great helm and clanks through the grass and dirt, past the campfires, to approach the rom King.

    "I …am Mecc." he says slowly, in a dull monotone, "chancellor…of Norwick." He lays a small, well-crafted box on the earth before the gypsy monarch and opens it to reveal that it is filled to the brim with semi-precious stones.

    The King nods politely to Mecc, looking down at the offerings. "Most gracious offer Mecc." He examines the gift then closes the lid of the box

    "A gift…for you...and your family" he says slowly "…I many Gali...and hunted...with your my hunt mates" He rises and leaves the box.

    "Yes Mecc, you were once a welcomed member of our camp". He lifts a bottle of Romani spirts from his side pouch, Opens the top.

    "but…I pack elder...of the the south...and would...speak...of the future...of your camp...and my pack." He stands quietly, awaiting the King's response.

    The King reaches out with the bottle of spirts to Mecc, offering a drink. "Elder ya say? Of the barbaric town called Norwick I am to assume you mean? Well then what do ya wish to discuss and just how can ya assist tha camp? Ya know the Romani way Mecc. We take care of our own and deal with our own issues. But I shall listen to what you have to say. Waits for Mecc to take the bottle of spirts and talk.

    The red-skinned tribal priest nods slowly, his new armor creaking with the obvious ill-care of a amateur care. "I come… offer...greetings...and to" he says slowly, his face devoid of expression.

    "As… chancellor... of the town... of Norwick... I am... responsable... for the lives... of my... new kinsmen... but I... swore... an oath... to protect... the romani... people... as... my pack mates... and that... oath... I will always... keep."

    He pauses for a time then adds calmly, "Send word…if ever...the Romani...are in need." He bows his head slightly in deference to the noble rom, and prepares to depart.

    The King purses his lips in thought and speaks after a moment. Your honoring your word to your own adopted people is what every Romani hopes for Mecc. Thank you. Let us only pray to the four winds of Shaundakul that there is never conflict with your obligations as chancellor. He gives a warm smile.

    It was good seeing you again gali prala… may your path always be true. He then goes back to tending his fire.