Eoden Valmer's Characters

  • Mariston Thel

    Height: 6’ 1” above average height
    Weight: 14 stones. Mariston is well muscled and his build represents this, though more toned than muscle bulk.
    Current Age: 24

    Mariston is a handsome young man; he has few scars upon him as most injuries have been healed by magic means. He walks with a determined stride and a serious and almost stern look. However a closer look shows a face that seems quick to mirth and laughter. Almost always seen in the Plate of the Divine Shield. The gold highlighting detailed scrollwork. Hanging from a stout chain by the tassets of his armour is a small but thick tome. This is the canon of Torm. On his back a scabbard hold a finely crafted hand-and-a-half sword with gently curved and intricately detailed quillons. Also slung on his back is a large tower shield, within the curve of the tower shield a bow nestles against any damage. Mariston has piercing blue eyes and an open and honest expression. His stern gaze can seem quite off putting at first, but there is a certain glint to the eyes and kindliness to his expression. He stands tall and proud, but not in an arrogant fashion; more in the manner of one who is self assured and certain of their place in the world. He is always clean and smells of a mixture of soap and armour oil, which strangely he finds rather pleasant. Frequent replacement of the padded under garment worm with his armour stops any smells of battle building up. Though well groomed he is not vain and his shoulder length blonde hair tends to look slightly tousled. A tendency to frown when thinking deeply has caused some lines to mark his forehead and his mouth shows signs of laughter lines. He face is well tanned from wind and sun, however if ever seen in less than his armour the rest if his body is paler and shows little sign of having seen much of the sun, though his complexion is not sallow.