Clothing Design contest!!!

  • Word gets around the camp that the camps very own tailor, Folen Smevlo. Renowned for his work in fashion design is offering a contest to all those within the camp who think they can match his work. To enter up to 4 designs to be judged by Folen Smevlo himself. The top 5 designs will be rewarded. Only one prize per contestant. Best design will be awarded if more then one of your 4 designs are considered. The prizes to be won are as follows:

    5th place: Receives 100 gold
    4th place: Receives 200 gold
    3rd place: Recieves 300 gold
    2nd place: Recieves 500 gold and one bonus enchantment on the runner up peice of clothing.
    1st place: Recieves 750 gold and two bonus enchantments on the winning garment.

    _All designs must be turned in to Folen Smevlo no later then ::gives a date:: (April 2nd, 05). The designs will be judged and the winners will be announced a week after the deadline. (april 4th, 05).

    Designs should have the gypsy camp way of life in its creation. Natural colors are encouraged and Folen Smevlo is fond of the gypsy blue._

    (All erf's must be of the clothing variety. Regular clothes or Robes are ok. Send no more then 4 designs to Be sure to put Narf Design contest GC in the subject line or you may end up as trash in my spam can).

    (All winning designs will be brought into the game to be sold by Smelvo with your designer name on the item).

  • The 5 sets of clothing that won are to be available for sale to camp members from the Folen Smevlo, the Gypsy Pass clothier when this build comes up (next day or so… hopefully).

  • Legion

    Is It too late to turn in my Half-Orcs have Style Too" Collection.. Or my "Two BIG Two Dumb" Collection? 😛 Or my personal favorite… The "BNB" Underwear collection (Bigger N' Better) hehe ok I am done now 🙂

  • ((contest is closed. Those that sent in your .erf's to be judged. I will be sending Kerby the erf's to judge. When she has the chance to look at them and rank them. We will compare our votes and winners will be anounced soon)).

  • Today is the submission date for this contest.

  • And just to add my two cents… the gypsies are excellent leather workers and workers of silk... as Belthor mentioned... gypsy blue and natural colors... the Romani use something called a coldberry that grows in the Hidden Pass which has that rich royal blue. They have a secret recipe that includes odd ingredients (one of the reasons the dogs are kept around camp 😛 ). Thier wine comes from vinyards of a type of grape that grows up trees... so the maroons would be good as well. The metals they tend to work in our from the caves and are mostly copper. I have highlighted the color of metal generally used as well as the gypsy blue color.

    To let you know what entries that I'll tend to vote for:

    • use natural colors
    • make sense for gypsy use (either formal or for day to day use)
    • have descriptions that are IC and add to the flavour of the item
    • are lower priced in the toolset (best will be below 400 gps), if you add any properties to them
    • are gender and age specific (i.e. they are made for male or female… not both... and Romani women traditionally wear dresses... especially trhe older ones)
    • clothing or perhaps light armor (not medium or heavy armors)