Gypsy Housing
Minor Tent (no interior, but will have map note and a clickable placed on the tent stating who it belongs to) = 1,800gp
2x2 Tent = 3,500gp
4x6 Cave = 5,000gp
4x6 Rebuilt Cave (can be built as any interior tileset) = 8,000gp
Custom Built Housing = 250gp per Square (minimum 5,000gp)Add-ons:
- All Placeables added - 100gp per Placeable (includes sitting script)
- All Scripts (except sitting scripts - Priced on an Individual Case Basis)
- NPCs - 3,000gp each (max 6th level of any basic and mundane class… i.e. no PrCs, no Planars, no Dragons, no Magical Beast, etc...)
- Lobby spawn link - 1,000gp
A few notes on how Gypsy Housing works.
- Romani pride themselves on being close to thier home's natural setup and the mobility of thier homes… they would generally prefer a tent to a more permanent structure. They will try to minimize permanent changes to the area.
- It is not JUST based on having the gold
- Housing is given IC based upon how helpful and active a camp member is. Those that are more integral get preference.
- Seniority counts (by that I mean time as a camp member)
- Request for quarters larger than is needed is frowned upon (it is seen as wasteful of the holy lands of their families birthplace.
- Families and couples have higher priority for larger spaces.
- Placement of the home will be up to the SDM, although requests can be made.
- Player must build it themselves in the toolset (i.e. unless I am feeling particularly energetic, I will not be building these for players)
- The key to the door will also be the tag for the PC's lobby spawn
- No secret doors that require heartbeat monitors
- No excessive visual effects that are magical without IC explanations
- No takeable items built in (i.e. kegs that give 1 wine per reset)
- C-Token Required
- Shared quarters are possible (splitting costs and having multiple keys)
- Player must remain active to retain housing (DM discretion)
- Request should be put in the Housing & Development forum with Gypsy Camp as a prefix and the Character Name requested afterwards.