
  • Aishi is about 177 cm (5'10'') tall, weights about 70 kg (155 lbs), and looks rather muscular and fit. His body and face is covered with red-orange tattoos, which seem to represent flames. His skin is the tone of yellowish tan, and his head is bald, but the hair appears to be burned, rather than shaved off. His eyes are in contrast icy blue, and dart around very quickly, constantly gathering information of his surroundings.

    "My first memories are of a fire. I know there was something before the fire, but only in my dreams I catch glimpses of this previous life, a life of someone else. I was a little boy, and the city burned. Or maybe it was just our block or our house, but to me the whole world seemed to be covered in flames. The people I lived with, possibly my parents and siblings, I never saw them. There was only the smoke, the heat and the burning light. I ran, but didn't run very far. The fire spoke to me, and I stopped and sat down, watching the fire. I was covered in soot, sweat and dust, and no one paid attention to me. Everyone was focused on the fire. The flames took my old life away, and I was reborn.

    I sat there until the sun came up and flames died down. Then I rose and walked away.

    I remember only a few things from the years that followed. I was in a city, but didn't know its name. The streets were my home and I struggled everyday, I stole food from the markets, and still had to fight other kids to keep even a small bite to myself. The guards were always on our back, chasing us through the alleys and spanking us if they caught us. The temples were no better. Dirty and misbehaving kids were not wanted in their white marbled spotless temples. They had no intention of helping us, of treating us as we should have been treated. It was their way or nothing at all.

    One time there was this big festival in the city. People were careless and the goldpouches plentiful. In the market square there was a show, where a bald man breathed fire. This was not magic. First he lit torches by breathing on them, and then he did tricks with them, tossed them in the air and catched them on the way down. I lost all interest in everything but what this man was doing. Soon it grew dark and the man was joined by two more men. Everything, the city, the crowd, the street and the hunger, went away. First I thought they commanded the fire, but the longer I looked, the more I realized that they had become one with the fire. They danced with the fire, they gave life to fire, and the fire gave them the strenght to do everything, anything. Enchanted, I watched them, and their fire-tattood bodies.

    When they were done, the silently gathered everything up and walked away. I followed them. They must have noticed me, but they didn't do anything but walked in silence. So I followed them in silence. We left the city and headed toward the mountains. For three days we traveled, and none of us spoke. They gave me food and a blanket for the nights, but other than that, they hardly looked at me. Finally we came to the mountains, and walked up the path to a monastery.

    I am not allowed to go into detail about the life in the monastery. We are the Disciples of the Salamander and we worship the all-consuming fire, and Kossuth, the Father of the Fire.

    In the Order I found discipline and dedication. I learned to move with the fire, move with the quickness and grace of the Salamander, and to harness the power of the Dragons. It takes years to master these things and understading that, I am patient. One day the world will burn and everything will be destroyed, for this is the only way a new world can be born. This has happened before and will happen again. There is an inner fire in all of us, which must be mastered, for otherwise it will burn us. The world is constantly in flames, we just can't see it every day, because it burns so slow. The Master of the Flames can see this, and that makes him invinsible.

    I left the monastery to learn the world, to see the burning. There are legends and stories which I must see and hear. I will become the Master of the Flames, and I will be ready when the Flames come."

    Full character name: Aishi
    Playername: Raastin

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.