Keller Nought
Character: Keller Nought
Account: 99bullywugsKeller was born and raised in Throobin's Stand, a small hamlet in the frozen swamps of Damara up near the border with Vaasa. It's not clear who Throobin was, why he made his Stand, or what he stood against, but the town's pride and identity was built around the weathered stone plinith inscribed with magically glowing letters that it marks the location of Throobin's Famous Stand. Thus, they were not simply yet another moldering swamp hamlet, they were the sight of a famous, no, legendary stand... against something.
Life was slow in Throobin's Stand, slow and boring and extremely muddy. If you wanted variety, well, there were a variety of asps and vipers underfoot in the marsh, and sometimes in the town, all poisonous. Everyone wore knee-high leather mud boots. Everyone was poor, but since everyone was poor it wasn't as abrasive as it could have been.
The only real source of entertainment for a young person of vigor that could be performed upright and wearing your clothes was hunting, hunting and listening to the tales of adventure the Old Man spun. He had been an adventurer in his youth, down in the lands of Narfell. He told thrilling tales of dragons, bugbear kings, great clashes of armies, paladins like Kanen Hightower, black knights like Kara DuMonte, stoic dwarves, wise wizards, and more.
Keller had pretty much exhausted all the fun to be had in marsh hunting, and she was tired of simply listening to stories. So, having come of age, she packed a knapsack and her bow, kissed her parents goodbye forever, and set off for Narfell to make her name and fortune, trusting in her chosen goddess, Tymora, patroness of adventurers, to keep her road smooth.
She brought with her no tragic story, no great trauma or mighty vision, no command from the gods or specific quest... just a yearning for adventure, fame, and wealth, and the spirit and energy of youth. A blank slate.
Would the Old Man's tales prove of use? Or would they lead her astray? Will Tymora's luck preserve her? Or will that goddess's legendary rashness lead her you yet another shallow Narfell grave? Only time will tell.