The threat from Jiyyd's shadows.

  • Soldiers from the Troff legion, guards from Hinhold and Peltarch will report similar stories after being approached by a wounded and rather disheveled group coming back from Jiyyd's ruins.

    Anyone having the autority to get more details from the guards or soldiers, will be able to get their names or descriptions as they shared it with the guards openly.

    The group will report they come accross group of renegade bandits hiding next to Jiyyd's ruins. They will have reported that they are currently building catapults and others engines, and from the panicked and pretty intense report made by Maya, thoses catapults could be able to reach the Troff Legion camp, Hinhold, and maybe even Nars Pass road once finished.

    The group will insist that it's urgent to send some troups here before the renegades are able to finish building theses catapults.

  • @mayasenden said in The threat from Jiyyd's shadows.:

    The next afternoon, after the awfull events taking place and the last caravan ambush, Maya will come at the Troff Legion Camp, asking for an audience with the General.
    Finding him not available, she will ask to escalate her request to him and mentions she will come back along the day.

    Upon being notified, General Theaon lets the Legion troops know to allow Maya into the Hall to speak with him.

    ((If we can't meet up IG, feel free to RP this over a forum PM or Discord PM.))

  • The next afternoon, after the awfull events taking place and the last caravan ambush, Maya will come at the Troff Legion Camp, asking for an audience with the General.
    Finding him not available, she will ask to escalate her request to him and mentions she will come back along the day.

  • Legion

    @araighn said in The threat from Jiyyd's shadows.:

    "You have your orders. We've trained for this in the past. Now carry on!"

    Private Leaffall responds to the General's orders with a salute


  • While recovering in Peltarch's infirmary, a newly enlisted Defender hears the news from his peers. Under Sargent Everard's orders, when he has recovered, Grimvug will report for duty and perform patrols along the eastern bluff.

  • Upon hearing this report, General Theaon Thorn of the Troff Legion orders Legion troops to erect heavy artillery along the eastern wall of the Bluff. He also advises Hinhold do the same along their eastern wall.

    "Send word to Peltarch and Norwick to keep an eye on their eastern side - and as to Peltarch, inform them that the Troff Legion is formally requesting aid in the form of manpower, and naval capabilities along the Scar if possible. If these Renegades can move along the Scar, both towns are potentially in danger of being attacked. We'll need to form a taskforce to cross the Scar, assess the situation, and if possible, destroy the Renegade's heavy artillery before they get the chance to use it. If we are unable to destroy their artillery, we at least need to get a fix on their positions for our weaponry to aim at."

    "You have your orders. We've trained for this in the past. Now carry on!"