She who will make shadows dance

  • The beginning of the night hunts

    She had snuck out once again, after leaving a note for her dad in their secret message box of the previous days trouble not involving herself of course, but she had felt something calling to her when she first saw the Poofy Lady go well... Poof. Well... Now that she's had time to think about it, it was more like the Poofy Lady just... Faded away. But Glír wasn't going to change Poofy Ladies title to Fading Lady, it sounded like too fancy a name for her target...

    Shaking her head she stopped getting distracted and scanned the Peltarch city nightscape from a wall "I'll catch her, and figure out how to do that too." Slowly she moved out, sticking to walls and shadows as she moved throughout Peltarch searching.
    As someone that makes a small amount of coin delivering messages for people, there wasn't a place inside Peltarch, Norwick, or their immediate surrounding areas that she didn't know well
    "Where could she have gone..?"
    Glír once again found herself in the sundial square, frowning "Every report I have gathered through rumors says that this is the area she's been frequenting and been seen the most at... But she only gets seen when she wants to... How do I find someone like that, outside of maybe laying traps..?" Glír seriously considered laying traps before shaking her her head and sighing "No, if I laid traps inside the city, someone innocent bystander would get hurt... And a real Lady wouldn't do something like that."
    She began to make her way towards the docks, pulling out an apple while keeping her eyes open "I'll just have to find Poofy Lady the hard way... But if I got three qualities from dad, they'd be; Hope, Determination, and a love for apples!"

    Glír Nightenggale, then began to continue her night hunts for Linah Losell... The Poofy Lady.

  • Many nights later of frequent dusk to dawn searching

    Glír Nightenggale gritting her teeth, kicked the sundial in frustration, "How can I still not find her? I've been running and skulking around the city for weeks now and haven't spotted or heard from her once, and I've searched this entire city several times!" She had stopped her personal messaging business, purely focusing on this search, yet had not seen a shadow or heard a whisper since she made her decision to figure The Poofy Lady out.

    Sighing Glír made her way to the gardens in Peltarch commons to relax for awhile and think, after entering and sitting on a nearby bench she looked up at the well lit moonlight, "Seriously, she must've left the city at some point... Will I have to expand my search further..? The roads haven't been very safe of late though..."
    Sighing again she pulls an apple from her bag and takes a bite out of it as she continues to think aloud, "It might be good practice to sneak down to Norwick and begin searching there... But it might also just turn out to be a major time sink, with no results to be yielded... Wait..."
    Stopping herself from taking another bite of her apple as she comes across another idea, "Maybe I can pay other people for information..? It might work, but I haven't been doing my messaging business the last couple of weeks and my funds aren't doing so well... And cutting back on apples is unacceptable."
    Shaking her head as she takes another bite of the apple. "But seriously... What do I do to find the Poofy Lady..? I should've at least tried to get her name... Maybe I'll have to find Mr. Raryldor and see what info he might cough up? They seemed to know each other..."
    Tilting her head as she finishes yet another bite of the apple and nods to herself, "Yeah... I am going to have to seek out some outside help at least... But no one else will see her if she doesn't want them to... Hmmm... Yea, I'll look for Mr. Raryldor, then see what information I might be able to get from him on the Poofy Lady."
    Finishing up the apple with another big bite, Glír takes the seeds and scatters them around the garden while kicking dirt over each spread out seed before leaving the gardens and heading back to Sundial Circle to search some more, "Well, might as well keep searching until I see Mr. Raryldor again."