A Dwarf Walks Through Town...
After the most recent large ant attack on Norwick, which left multiple Norwick Guards and citizens dead, Union Master Brumir Silverhammer walks about town, observing the chaos left behind in the attack's wake. Shaking his head, Brumir speaks with a group of nearby citizens.
"This be wut years o incompetent, invisible leadership has led to. Wut e'er happened ta tha days o when strong leaders like Maythor Troff or Dwin Dolvak, who would never be this ill-prepared fer such an attack? Er who kept gud relations wit Norwick's allies!?"
"Aye, ye know - allies. Wut ye had afore yer current leaders watched tha old Silver Valley fall and did nuttin' until 'em giant bugs were half-way through town near tha lumber yard? Er when tha despicable greys attacked and led ruin ta Aura Runedar, nay ta mention did so frum outside on Norwick's land as well as underground! Nay a finger was lifted! It should be o no surprise yer so called 'leaders' were late ta helpin' its own citizens. They care more 'bout thar fish fark allies ta tha north, - ye know, creatures who would slit yer throats an' eat yer insides should ye walk outside these walls - then they do thar own people an' tha town's more trustworthy, former allies who they've since alienated!"
"Maybe it be 'bout time ye lot start lookin' fer new leadership, cause this hear be nuttin' but incompetence!"
Hearing the rumors of the ant attack in Norwick, Calistra had to visit and see the aftermath for herself. Walking about and seeing the clean up, she stops at the pile of giant ant carcasses.
Inspecting the creatures, she makes a comment out loud but towards no one in particular:"Hmm, perhaps the blessings and bounty of Chauntea are too great. It calls even to the monstrous and unwanted..."
She turns around with a cold and uncaring expression and makes her way to the Spellweaver's tower.