DM EVENT: Spring Festival - Sponsored by Copper Star Trading - Ariula Willowstream - 9th August

  • DM

    With Spring fast approaching and the livestock, and wild animals preparing to bring their young into the world, there are few even in the cities, who wouldn't celebrate the seasonal change overseen by the many deities of fertility, growth and prosperity. The land owners as much as farmers and labourers or even guild journeymen, apprentices and masters all do not hesitate to bring their wares to show off to prospective buyers as well as to show the bounty of both their table and their fields.

    In Hinhold the wagons of the Halfling Priestess of Yondalla, Ariula Willowstream have been emptied so with that she heads into town, her armour and weapons put aside and just wearing a simple dress to make an announcement, seemingly well received by both council and locals that she will be sponsoring the spring festival in the hold, and all are welcome.

    She asks anyone with something special by means of trade-goods, to sell, or if they be a brewer, cook or farmer to gather hence in two tendays to celebrate spring, and to bring their families. She remarks in conclusion: "Bring your own entertainment, games to organise, songs and stories to tell, and your own celebrations. I can't do all that myself, i'm paying for as much food and drink you can fit inside you after all!"

    EVENT: Will be on Friday 9th August - approx 2000hrs Current UK Time - 2200hrs subject to availability. I will confirm closer to the time

    [ POST Any preparations / IC posts in response here - Any actions you want to take you don't want to announce publicly, please DM me on Discord ]

  • Calistra recently traveled through Hinhold markets and noticed the townsfolk's renewed vigor with spring's arrival. Secretly seething at the joyous mood over the end of winter, she keeps her distance and dare not take part for fear of divine retribution.

    ((OOC - won't be able to make. weekdays during that time it tough for me since i'm east coast state-side. weekends are more forgiving. hope its a good event!))

  • Legion

    Martoushca Leaffall eagerly readies herself to contribute to the fertility festivities.

    ((20:00 is 05:00 down here. Will be able to make it, but may be interrupted at 07:00 our time - 22:00 your time by waking family. I'll set up b'fast for them before the game and let them sleep in - should be fine.))