DM_Durandal NPCs (Current)

  • DM

    DM_Durandal NPCs (Current)

    Please find in this thread a list of all the NPC's that are solely under my control as DM.

    There will be a separate thread later for NPC's which are not exclusively mine.

  • DM

    Ariula Willowstrem - Priestess of Yondalla

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    Physical Description:
    Ariula Willowstream - Is a priestess of Yondalla and the leader of Copper Star Trading. She is exceptionally tall for a lightfoot hin, with folk often thinking she has elven blood, but that's where any sense of refinement in her bearing ends. She is a physically imposing athletic figure, with a shock of fairly unkempt blonde hair, about as well kept as any soldier in the field while in battle. She is fair of appearance though and is surprisingly vain, in her mannerisms.

    Public Knowledge:
    She is known for her very well equipped and tactically sound group of forces who travel with her, as well equipped as any notorious mercenary group, but without doubt being a trading organisation. The "coppers" as she refers to her armed forces, refer not to her by her name but simply as "Priestess". Her retinue is known to number approximately twenty, of which some are heavily equipped for melee, some skirmishing and others clearly divine or clerical devotees of Yondalla.

    Hailing from Damara, where it's widely known her caravan travelled from, she has so far worked well with locals in dealing with a Nars Bandit ambush, and is known to use a crossbow with an array of different magical bolts readily at hand. It seems she is welcome at Hinhold since Copper Star Trading encamped there, with her herd of pigs and wild boar.

    Thematic Music:
    Ambient Empire Atmosphere.

  • DM

    Wavebreaker Lieutenant Alvetina Feron

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    Physical Description:
    Lieutenant Alvetina Feron, is a martially inclined member of the mercantile guild the Wavebreakers is a well known face in the docks of Peltarch, she appears to be of Raumtheran origins, and her accent speaks to these tones, though clearly she's been in the Narfell region some decades. Her appearance perhaps hints at origins in Thesk, Impiltur or even Aglarond, or perhaps a lineage across these human dominated regions. She's perhaps around forty years of age in considerably good health having dealt with lethal encounters of the enemies of her guilds' trade on many occasion.
    She is seen armed at all times, and even in negotiations where weapons are often frowned upon.

    Public Knowledge:
    A passionate individual, she is known to both be an eminent negotiator yet leads units of wavebreakers when needed to defend their interests, often first and foremost aboard ship, effectively acting as in command of marines or other armed contingents embarked.
    In recent times she has sought out perhaps a different life, and she's said to have an adventurous spirit about her and been seen out of the city for long periods some say travelling west, or south or aboard riverboats travelling the long river journey to Helgabal or even to the mouth of the Sea of Fallen stars.
    She has now returned to the city and has been seen in the company of the occasional Seafarer, and with Larel Ophreaus on more than one occasion, consulting with him on matters of mutual concern some assume, perhaps of a more personal nature or perhaps simply keeping tabs on him. She's also been seen in conversation with Peltarch property owners in the commerce district and market traders.

    Thematic Music:

    They all died. (Spoiler Warning if you've not seen "Furious - 2017")

  • DM

    Bronnia Forgebrand - Priestess of Sharindlar

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    Physical Description:
    Bronnia, the Dwarven priestess, always wears the gold and bronze twisted fire-torc crossed with a fine dwarven steel needle around her neck, the symbol of Sharindlar Dwarven goddess of Healing and Mercy.
    Sharindlar Background. She is tall and broad in stature for a Dwarf, especially for females with fiery red-auburn hair, and is as fair in appearance as she is in her mannerisms which always appear to be with the best interests of her charges. Her regard is as much for her assistants, "husbands", the contingent of well equipped warriors and caravan guards, or the livestock in her care.
    Her dwarven accent is incredibly well spoken, and shows a significant degree of studious background, though her common bears some accents reminiscent of Damaran background, introducing some harsher sounding dwarven accents into her tone.

    Public Knowledge:
    Bronnia was first known in the region when she arrived with scores of Oxen, travelling like a working herd in the early spring months, who's condition seem to be prize-winning in quality, some of the female oxen pregnant, and the herd protecting the younger members almost as if they are wild and not husbanded by her and her team. Passing close by Blackbridge, and Peltarch briefly, stopping to take on supplies from merchants in those places, her herd travelled onto Norwick, seemingly having been expected by some folk in Norwick, the Redcloaks deploying extra archers and guards by the northern watchtower to cover her charges from any hostile elements in the Nars. Though her caravan guards have been given leave to rest a while in the town, it's become known she is the very hands on and practical owner of the Pale Star Trading Company, operating out of the Ashanath regional town of Two Stars.
    Her arrival has been noted, with some locals speaking with some concern for her living in her caravan outside the norwick walls, while some of her contingent have been seen in conversation from folk from Peltarch and some even from as far as High-Hold. Her arrival in town has It's certainly well received by a few dwarven males she's smiled at and spoken to briefly before heading into the great hall for a number of meetings.

    Thematic Music:

    Tanz mit mir.

  • DM

    Seafarer Larel Ophreaus

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    Physical Description:
    Larel is a male seafarer in his later 20s; swarthy in skin and eyes, with dark brown almost black hair and beard in the manner worn in Damara. This sets him apart from the local Narsfolk. He is lively in his mannerisms seeking often to put those he speaks with at their ease with a direct and forthright manner. He could some say have been a performer as he is known for his poise and sure footed nature when moving aboard ship.

    Public Knowledge:
    Larel is a well known male captain of the mercantile seafarer guild, who is often seen in the company of Wavebreaker Verom a well known hardy Lieutenant of the other main guild of Peltarch. Larel is known in the last year or so to have not only achieved his first command as captain, but also it is said some mercantile aplomb in his guild. It's rumoured his financial ideas have got many in the guild remarking its high time he bought himself some new attire. In the last few months he has not been seen aboard ship, instead it is said he's been spending a long while at his accommodation, upon this matter noone it's location is seen as a mystery. He rarely interacts through messengers or go-betweens doing his business direct and in-person, accompanied at all times by some heavily armed seafarer guards.

    In recent times, he's been seen a lot in the commerce district, speaking of his gratitude to those who helped resolve the matter of the "haunted" stalls, as well as the coordinated approach of both guards and cerulean knights. He's also shown support to the recent increase in Waukeen devotion seen in this district.

    Thematic Music:

    Our fathers were pleased with noisome fish.