Posters With the Insignia of the Troff Legion

  • Posters have been spotted going up along the Nars from the Crossroads to the Ridge, as well as the Heroes Bluff, Eastern Bog, and Nars Glade. From a distance, these signs appear to have the insignia of the Troff Legion on them.

    Over the last year, Narfell has seen an increased amount of threats in both the north and the south, with more no doubt lurking, waiting for an opportunity to strike. While the towns of the region valiantly defend their walls from such threats, they are often unable to address the threats outside of their jurisdiction, or evil that has not yet threatened their walls.

    Are you someone with a selfless desire interested in the common good in the region of Narfell? To protect those in need of aid regardless of where they live? To strike evil in the heart before they even realize what happened? If so, then join the Troff Legion!

    The Troff Legion welcomes any and all individuals of a wide variety of skills and feats and operate in deep ranges of terrains to act as a mobile strike force against evil! The Legion believes that evil inherently seeks to dominate, control, and destroy those weaker than they! The principles and tactics of the Legion are aimed at countering such activities! Through working together under concepts of discipline and teamwork, a body of individuals can accomplish much more together than separately!

    So whether you fight with a sword, fight with a bow, fight in the shadows, study the arcane, or have any other unique skill – if you have a burning desire to protect this region from the evils that threaten it, then the Troff Legion needs you!

    Visit our headquarters on the Heroes Bluff for more information.