The Book of Vin

  • Day 1.

    I have finally arrived in Peltarch. The journey was colder than expected and the ship was waylaid when after a particularly cold night left the ships hull partially frozen into the river. It took the crew hours to free it and ended up delaying us by a day. After getting here I immediately began to explore.
    Outside the walls and just slightly to the east I found a swamp completely infested with kobolds. As aid to the city I culled a good number of them before retreating to lick my wounds. I need to improve.

    Deaths noted:
    Kobold slinger- blunt force trauma
    Kobold- blunt force trauma
    Kobold- blunt force trauma
    Kobold- blunt force trauma
    Kobold- blunt force trauma
    Kobold slinger- blunt force trauma
    Kobold- blunt force trauma
    Kobold- blunt force trauma
    Kobold shamen- blunt force trauma
    Kobold bowman- blunt force trauma

  • Day.....
    I have lost track of how long I've been here.... it hasn't yet been a year, but it is certainly more than a month. In the monastery time meant little. Each day bled into the other. A corpse was brought in, we tended to it, recorded their name and sent it off to be buried or cremated. Everything none in near silence, the flicker of our hands enough to convey what needed to be said. So different from here...

    Yet I find myself reflecting on this since despite how close I was to our lord I was there, how steeped in his works.... I have never felt as close to him as I have here. Twice. Twice I have slipped from this mortal coil only to be shunted back to this plane, bleary eyed and dazed as I woke up on a cold hard floor, an unfamiliar voice speaking to me with concern.

    Lately I have felt closer to my lord, and I can feel his hand on my shoulder, guiding me. This has not been as clear as recently when I ventured out with a group past The Deadhorse Inn. It was a large group, perhaps that should have led me to be wary, but many were people I had ventured with before and I found competent.

    And they were for the most part. We managed to slay many things that left me feeling a cold sense of dread just looking at them, so perhaps it is ironic that it was mere bandits were our undoing. The first was killed effortlessly before our leader Ax called for a scout to venture forth and see what was ahead, one more adept at blending into the shadows. But we had grown complacent, Axer who had been acting as a... "scout" charged forward to try and lure them back much to the horror of our leader. As he came galloping back... they followed. Bandits.

    There were a decent number of them, maybe 10 in total, but things descended into chaos as the others met them in battle. From the back chanting rang out and Blue Raven and I sprinted forth to deal with it. That was our error. Magic rained down on us and I watched my companions fall before my sight was ripped from me with a horrible wave of divine power. Blinded I ran, I was no good to them in this state no I needed to retreat and heal somewhere safe before I could come back and help. But with no frame of reference on where I was, I didn't manage to make it far enough away and as I raised a bottle to my lips I felt 5 arrows pierce into my back.

    I fell, my consciousness fading as I could feel my lifes blood pour from me until I felt his touch once more, urging me to rise. Divine power flooded me and I found myself back on my feet, my eyes clear and my body hale. My god had seen fit to bring me back, to intercede on my behalf, and I wasn't about to waste this blessing granted to me. Slipping into the shadows I began to help gather my fallen companions.

    Two others had survived, Noemi who had heard the call for retreat and Axer who had seen he was at a disadvantage and fallen back. Together we returned with the bodies and as the other two had seemingly decided that they preferred the Triad, I lent Noemi most of what I had not expecting to see the gold again. As I am barred from that temple, I went to seeing to more mundane matters such as selling items so that we could at least have something from this. I will admit I was still in shock. Would not anyone be in shock when their god goes out of their way to make sure you are safe?

    Anyways I returned as quickly as I could and found that all had been safely returned, barring Ax who needed ministrations elsewhere. While there was some irritation at my selling of what I had I ignored it, at that moment nothing could drag me out of the feeling of awe I felt. Soon Ax returned as well and what else people had gathered was sold earing us each some small amount of coin. And with that I returned to Norwick, begin pulled aside by the dwarf, Maythor, who gave me a skinning knife he had offered me week previously.

    I spoke with Ax after and found it rather... insightful if troubling in some aspects. He is of a practical mind but seems to be ashamed of it, idolizing those foolish heroes that if left to run rampant would see us all dead to their ideals. I should most likely speak to him at a later date, I will admit I find him a valuable asset and it would be a shame to lose him to folly.

    (four names are written in bold each described in various graphic detail on their deaths)

  • Day 9
    My day started with a mugging. As I went down the Nars pass I found myself accosted by a ruffian... by which I mean Tory stepped from behind a sign post and proclaimed I was being robbed. At this point I think I am numb to her antics and just walked past with her quickly falling into step beside me with a giggle.

    She then suggested we visit the gnolls and I followed her lead. We quickly worked our way through some of their younger ilk before coming upon some more experienced warriors. With it just being the two of us we strove to lure them away for one on two fights making the going slow but satisfying. Eventually we reached a cave where their strongest dwelled.

    Cautiously we entered and during our first confrontation with the creatures within I was almost cut down in one fell swoop by one of their matriarchs. We somehow managed to slay it before staunching my wounds. After a short breather I pushed for us to continue. Perhaps Torys insanity has infected me but it just felt... wrong to just leave.

    So we slowly made our way through Tory eventually resorting to traps to slow and confound our enemies until finally.... none were left . Satisfied we gathered our spoils and opted to use some newly purchased rune stones to return to town.

    Upon heading to Norwick we found an event in progress. They called it Fight Night, which is an apt name if not one with any particular amount of flair. Which I suppose does suit Norwicks sensibilities. After selling what we had found and dividing the gold we returned to observe the festivities just in time for the bare knuckle fights.

    Tory encouraged me to enter and I agreed. The first match was between a man named Atlas.... and a nude man whose name I don't think I caught. Despite his nudity the man put up a valient fight lasting for several long minutes before he was eventually knocked to the ground, winded, with Atlas the winner.

    A half elven man named Lence was then called to fight a woman named Seraphina. He is... strange... the entire fight he was apologizing as he slowly wore her down. In the end he won but it didn't seem to be by an overly large margin and finally it was time for my fight. They had pitted me against a gnomish woman who seemed rather friendly. She settled into a fighting stance and as the organizer yelled for us to go I dashed in.

    I... do not think what I did next was against the rules. However upon reviewing how the others fought.... none of them did as I did... I struck her in the head to disoriente her then proceeded to strike her several times before knocking her prone and delivering a final blow that left her laying there gasping for air.

    No one admonished me for my actions but I could tell some found it a bit brutal. Retreating back to my wall they called forth hose who had lost their matches and drew lots who would re enter the competition as a contestant had unexpectedly withdrawn. The woman Seraphina ended up winning the draw and came to stand beside me

    She began murmering advice to me about fighting Lence as it was quickly becoming obvious that I would be fighting him in the finals as he finally finished off Atlas after a protracted fight. Then it was once again my turn to fight, this time against Seraphina. We squared up and once again I was the first one to strike. However my fists failed me as she seemed to shrug off my blows.

    Perhaps I would have even lost if not for wards the high priest at my temple had etched into my gauntlets. They flared with power every time I struck her and allowed me eventually prevail against her. She is a powerful warrior and I was impressed by her tenancy as I was left to my final fight against Lence.

    It was rather... rough. The tactics I had used in my previous fights didn't work against him and my punches never seemed to land exactly where I wanted. Despite that I was able to hit him reliably and began to wear him down. Alas it wasn't enough maybe if I had gathered my energy to grant me a second wind I might have won but I did not think of that at the time and was brought low by one final blow between my eyes.

    I have sparred with my fellow monks before, back at my temple but never before has defeat felt... bitter. Not even when I had been struck down by that hulking bug monstrosity had I felt such... annoyance and mostly at myself. He wasn't even solely a fist fighter as someone pointed out he had also won the archery contest and in the free for all fight they had next he used a sword.

    Despite the small flame of irritation that had sprung up inside me I schooled my reactions and tried to push away my emotions as I settled in to watch the following fights. They helped a bit but it wasn't until a woman named Varya stepped into the ring that I found some amusement. Never have I seen someone taunt someone else with bad puns... but it seemed to be remarkably effective.

    If my voice was not as it is I would consider taking up her example. She fought against Atlas in what turned into a battle of attrition as both seemed to shrug of or block the blows of the other. Tory eventually got bored and cast haste on them both to speed up the fight and eventually Varya prevailed.

    With that fight night packed up as Tory cast darkness over the area. I look forward to the next one and swear no... know I will do better.

    (Several entries are written below, all featuring gnolls)

  • Day 8
    I have discovered there are orcs to the west. I will admit I did a cursory look around Peltarch but had not ventured close enough to the woods to notice their presence. Once again Tory and I ended up forming a team together. I think I am beginning to grow numb to her insanity as I actually began to enjoy her company. She was the one to actually suggest we venture there and a woman warrior joined us, Kanna I think her name was.

    The three of us easily cut through their ranks before heading below. We met little resistance there though as we headed deeper we encountered a gaggle of children guarded by a few older orcs. They charged us and we cut them down. The children ran panicked but one dropped to their knees beside a dead orc. He called it his father and collected its axe.

    I warned it that of it attempted to attack us I wouldn't show any mercy and it seemed to believe me as it hugged the axe to its chest as it ran off. Foolishly it ran back mere minutes later to attack Kanna so I grabbed it and snapped its neck. More than merciful I would think.

    We continued into the cave, a rumbling steadily growing louder as we went as the floor shook beneath us. We eventually came to a large clearing where gas belched from the ground in small eruptions that could knock the less sure of foot over. There we found their leader who fell as the others had before we beat a quick retreat to the upper floors as we found the eruptions made us anxious.

    There we found a door and made our way out into the deeper wood. Making our way through the woods we found stronger resistance in the orcs that dwelled there. We had to turn back after awhile though as our magics had begun to fade and Tory did not feel secure enough to rest to regain them. I am quite interested in returning here on my own to test my mettle.

    (There is quite a litany of orcs with various causes of death including "Orc child- snapped neck")

  • Day 7
    It has only one day and I've already gone back on my word. Today I woke and left the inn only to see Tory sitting at a nearby Cafe. She began waving at me as she tried to get me to come over. Valuing my sanity I pretended not to see her and walked by. I safely managed to make to my store front, depositing some wares and checking my prices before slowly walking by the Cafe on my way back only to find her gone.

    I will admit I do feel a slight but of responsibility towards her. Like seeing a jumper on a cliff and deciding to just walk away and let them dash themselves on the rocks below. So reluctantly I left town. It was surprisingly easy to find her as she'd left a trail of dead animals in her wake. Seeing she was well I began to turn back only to get sucked back in as she asked if I would like to visit some nearby Hobgoblins. Reluctantly I agreed but to be honest it was uneventful.

    She is surprisingly competent for a mage and perhaps such power lends to mental instabilities as the only other mage I have conversed with at length also had a rather peculiar personality. We finished up and headed back to Blackridge where we met up with Owen. Together we decided to travel into the mines which Tory claimed were filled with Hobgoblins.

    We easily made it through the first two floors with some minor incidents whee Tory led us astray. Then we entered the third floor only to be surprised by Bugbears. While these were also rather easy to dispatch I do wish we had known they were there. We continued until we seemed to exit the mines and enter a natural cave system where we were attacked by massive stone lions with wings.

    Fighting them was taxing and after searching ahead and only finding more we decided to turn back. While not the most lucrative adventure I must say it was nice to have a good mage and a competent shield at my side.

    (Many entries are written down and fill up a full page on their own)

  • Day 6
    I regret EVERYTHING. After a short excursion the night before with a rather friendly and fairly powerful Dwarven family I decided to examine the wares in Norwick. On my way there I met HER, she eagerly waved at me and immediately started telling me about this fighting pit they have.

    Interested I followed her down into it where she then led me to see the fighters which felt bordering on illegal. We quickly left and ended up traveling together over the next week. I think my ear almost fell off with her incessant chatting and when we finally reached Blackridge I was relieved.... Which was short lived as she immediately offered to tour around the area.

    I warily accepted and we immediately went somewhere that I am almost POSITIVE was highly illegal as she had to pick the lock and, upon opening the door there was a GODS DAMNED DEMON. IN A CIRCLE. JUST STANDING THERE BOUND IN PLACE. Did she leave after showing me this demon? OF COURSE NOT. She just had to walk up to it, almost breaking the circle to say hi... She even claimed it was the receptionist.

    She then insisted we at least peek through the next door. Upon opening I heard someone begin a spell and immediately closed the door to glare at her...AND SHE GIGGLED. GIGGLED!!!!! I do no think I have met a more mentally unstable person in my life!

    We then wandered around to relatively more sane areas before she showed me a trap door in one of the caves. Entering it led to a hidden room only for the door to lock behind us. The only other door we could see led down into a steamy mechanical ruin and, unable to find a way out we descended.

    Annoying little mechanical spiders kept attacking incessantly and occasionally we would be confronted by a bigger guardian. It took awhile but we managed to clear them all up until some stairs. They led yet further down and with that we decided to just turn back. Upon further exploration of the hidden room we managed to find an exit and finally leave.

    I am never going out with this woman again.

    Deaths noted:
    Snow Goblin- arrow in eye
    Snow goblin- magical damage
    Snow goblin- magical damage
    Snow goblin- magical damage
    Snow goblin- magical damage
    Snow Goblin- bludgeoning
    Clockwork creature- bludgeoning
    Clockwork creature- bludgeoning
    Clockwork creature- arrow in gears

  • Day 5
    My training continues. I have definitely grown stronger but it is still not enough. Finally I managed to clear that wretched kobold cave, both floors of it. I think they recognize me now when I slip from the shadows as they run when they spot me only to attempt ambushes further into their halls. Regardless I think I have mostly graduated from terrorizing them.

    Instead I decided to try assaulting the giants on my own. However on my way to the gates a woman called out to me. She offered a quest, in return for her magical services she wished for some of the flowers the giants seemed to covet. Seeing it as quite a simple task I agreed.

    Never. Never in my life have I felt the amount of power flood through my body as it did this day. Perhaps this is what lends some mages their arrogance, knowing they can flick their fingers and mutter a few words and this is the result. I felt incredible and immediately rushed to complete my quest.

    It was incredible, they crumpled before me and I was soon able to procure the flowers she wished for. Perhaps I should seek a more magically inclined friend? Sebo is a mage and decently powerful perhaps I should try to cement a friendship with him? It is tempting if only for that feeling of power.... though if I am being honest with myself I do not think it would work out well. It doesn't feel like he respects me overly much h and I do not think I could deal with him speaking to me like I was an imbecile again.

    I shall have to think on this.

    Deaths Noted:
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned
    Hill Giant: bludgeoned

  • Day 4
    I think I'm married? I was writing in my book when I was approached by another hin. He asked if I was single and since I have yet to find a team to work with I replied yes. He then asked a few other questions culminating in asking to be my boyfriend. I will admit I am not well versed in relationships. Life in a monastery that doubles as a crypt does not lend to the best social encounters especially when most work is done in silence.

    However I think I handled myself well, friends are something everyone has, so I accepted. It was then that that we heard screaming from the west and rushing over we found hill giants had broken through the gates. We managed to dispatch them, though there was a casualty in the process. One of the guardsmen had met his end. (I will need to inquire on his name to ensure he is properly added to my book)

    Shortly afterwards we met with Sebo, a rather impertinent gnome wizard I had met previously, and decided to assault the giants on their own terf. After receiving his magics we made quick work of some of the weaker giants before heading further into their lands.

    After my pitiful performances in the swamp on my own I was rather surprised at how easily we were able to assault them. Even those stronger giants still fell before us with relative ease. Then Pippin, the other hin, came up to me after picking over a corpse. He asked for my to hold out my hand and, obliging, he slipped a ring onto my finger and proclaimed us married.

    I will admit I was rather stunned. Are all marriages this abrupt? Wouldn't one get to know their partner first? What does marriage even entail? I know it results in the two living together but nothing else. He then grinned and dashed off and we went back to fighting giants. We safely returned and sold our spoils but he ran off before we could discuss this further.

    I do like the ring but don't think I'm ready for this level of commitment. Do I just give it back? Would that even matter? I honestly don't know what to do. I think I will take out these frustrations on the kobolds, however unfair that may be and hopefully that will still my mind.

    Deaths Noted:
    Hill Giant- bludgeoning
    Hill Giant- gutted
    Hill Giant- blood loss
    Hill Giant- bolt in the eye
    Hill Giant- bludgeoning
    Hill Giant- bludgeoning
    Hill Giant- blood loss
    Hill Giant- bludgeoning
    Malformed Giant- cracked skull
    Large Wolf- bludgeoning
    Large wolf- bolt in the neck
    Large Wolf- cracked skull
    Large Wolf- broken neck
    Owen- crushed

  • Day 3
    Death. I have my lords soft touch on my soul this day. While out scouting near Norwick I came upon a massive insectoid beasts among the hobgoblins. Not knowing what it was I kept back while observing it. However it seemed to have noticed me and in a moment of distraction it was upon me having launched into the dirt and rock of the Cliffside to burrow up to me. I tried to escape it without drawing undo attention from the hobgoblins around us but it was for naught as it struck me down. I remember laying there bleeding out as my vision went blurry, the awful creature not even seeming to care about my death as it casually ambled off.... then... nothing.

    I next woke on a pallet in a dark city unknown to me with an unknown man standing over me. I know he introduced himself but I must confess my mind was far too muddled to remember it. He left and I just lay there for awhile as I slowly collected myself before giving the priest thanks and entering the city proper. It appeared to be underground and after speaking to some of the citizens I eventually found it was named Obscura. I wandered around, lost, before I eventually found the docks. I am fairly sure I was extorted by the captian but at the least he did get me to Peltarch.

    Today I will rest.

    Deaths Noted:
    Vin- Crushed

  • Day 2
    My exploration into the swamps have continued. Today I managed to deal with most of their cave before having to retreat. However upon leaving I discovered someone else seems to have been engaging in the same activities. Following the trail of bodies deeper into the swamps I came upon a man in a fierce battle with some lizardfolk.
    While I say fierce it was mostly on the lizardfolks side as they frantically tried to defeat a man who they didn't even seem to be able to touch. In a few short minutes he had finished them off and began collecting his spoils. As is my duty I noted down their deaths before following him in deeper. As he fought with the lizardfolk I quietly scouted ahead occasionally stepping back to warn him when they were attempting an ambush. While I don't think I was very effective at communicating, he thought I was speaking about him ambushing them, he managed to finish off the last of them without sustaining any overt injuries. The same could not be said for me as I was hit by a few stray arrows while leaving the shadows to speak with him.
    While I have improved from my earlier performance I still find myself lacking. It is shameful that I can be brought low by blows not even aimed at me.

    Deaths Noted:
    Kobold- bludgeoning damage
    Kobold- bludgeoning damage
    Kobold- bludgeoning damage
    Kobold- bludgeoning damage
    Kobold shamen- bludgeoning damage
    Kobold slinger- bludgeoning damage
    Kobold- bludgeoning damage
    Kobold- bludgeoning damage
    Kobold slinger- bludgeoning damage
    Lizardfolk bard- stabbed in the stomach
    Lizardfolk crossbowman- bloodloss
    Lizardfolk warrior- bloodloss
    Lizardfolk archer- decapitated
    Lizardfolk bard- bloodloss
    Lizardfolk warrior- gutted
    Lizardfolk warrior- bloodloss