Kato's notes

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    Mahir A.

    While investigating Mahir A. with a very talted bard by the name of Lilly, we came upon a rather stranger discovery. I had taken her to the formation near the old Jiyyd cave, to ask if she knew of rocks similar to this, and where I could find them. While studying the strange rune marks a spark lit within the stones. Lightening later struck and a white beam rose up from the ground. I feared at first that an outsider would enter our planes, but Lilly entered the light without little hesitation. I charged after her and we both fell on to the ground, near some odd ruins behind the temple of Helm.

    It seem like all Mahir A. is, is some form of Teleportation device, but I will not confirm this before I have spoken to people that has dwelled within this land for some time.

    Note to self: Find out what the odd ruin behind the temple of Helm used to be.

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    I was right.

    Since my short arrivel to this land I have encountered several stone formations, better known as "Menhir" or standing stones. I was directed to the town of Jiyyd and Norwick, and with good reason for not only is the "menhir" within its very walls but quite active in both locations. I have been attempting to map out the area of the other remaining menhir, within this country.

    Menhir A. Within the walls of Jiyyd
    Menhir B. Windy-planes
    Menhir C. Within the walls of Norwick
    Menhir D. Somewhere out in the Nars ???
    Menhir E. Somewhere out in the Rowlin woods ???

    There is also some crystal scattered about the landscape, but I have yet to see any of these suposed glowing gems. It seem I have some exploring to do, after supper.