DM Bastage - Non-Exclusive NPCs
This thread is for NPCs which I've created, but which are free for other DMs to use at their leisure. Any DM wishing to do so can PM me at any time on Discord for further background if they wish!
Elder Mistwalker
Status: Alive
Appearance: Mistwalker is a towering hulk of an ogre whose body is covered in multitudinous grotesque scars, from wounds which by all appearances should have ended her life.
Public Knowledge: Mistwalker is a druid, and one of the elders of the Circle of Quercatha Terr, which watches over the Rawlinswood. A druid of Eldath, it's said that she was once among the most fearsome warriors of the Giantspires. Following grievous injuries sustained in a failed attack on Peltarch, she found herself unable to continue on to the ogres' territory, and instead chose to seek solitude and quiet for her final moments in the shrine of Eldath. While lingering on the knife's edge between life and death, she claims to have had a vision of that goddess, and from that moment on, dedicated her life to peace and tranquility. A druid of no small power, she nonetheless refuses to use those gifts to cause harm to any living creature, regardless whether it reciprocates those feelings.
The Watcher
Status: Alive
Appearance: Varies. On the rare occasions when they do appear, they often take the forms of monstrous humanoids whose form has been wreathed in shadow. They always appear via a magical means similar to a sending spell, rather than in person.
Public Knowledge: Affiliated with the Order of the Shining Phoenix. Actual name, race, gender, or any other details are unknown.
Ivor Vartag
Status: Alive
Appearance: A grizzled veteran, Ivor looks to be in his late 40's despite only being in his mid 30's. Given the scars upon his face, arms, and anywhere else one might see, it's obvious that years of adventuring have not been kind to him.
Public Knowledge: Ivor is a member of House Vartag, a very minor Damaran noble house that are vassals of a vassal of the Duke of Arcata. Ivor is far down the pecking order even in that minor nobility, being a fifth son who stood to inherit nothing of his family's meager wealth. Despite the lack of opportunities that would logically create, he's somehow managed to become proficient with nearly every weapon imaginable, and currently serves as the master-at-arms of the Order of the Shining Phoenix.
Irvin of Ironspur
Status: Alive, in poor health
Appearance: A wizened, elderly man whose best years are far behind him, Irvin is old and infirm, to the point that he even has a difficult time simply walking for short distances.
Public Knowledge: Known more by reputation than directly, Irvin is the elderly chaplain of the Order of the Shining Phoenix. A priest of Mystra and a proponent of the Order opening itself up more to outsiders, Irvin is something of a controversial figure amongst his brothers and sisters in the Phoenix. It's known that he is in failing health due to advanced age.
Martin "The Mastiff" de Bospir
Status: Alive
Appearance: A tall and imposing figure in his early 30's, the Mastiff appears grim and dark-haired, with the build of a born soldier. The fact that he's trained to fight since childhood is evident in nearly every facet of his appearance.
Public Knowledge: While the Mastiff is known to be active in Narfell, it's not entirely clear what his role is. He is known to be a member of the Order of the Shining Phoenix, but stays out of combat for the most part. That last part is quite curious, since those who know of him speak often and highly of his prior military service as one of Cormyr's Purple Dragon Knights.
Alethra of Trail's End
Status: Alive
Appearance: Standing at roughly 5'7", Alethra would be about average height for a human. However, her pointed ears, bluish-gray skin and curly white, windblown hair mark her not as human, but rather as an air genasi.
Public Knowledge: Alethra is a gifted mage, as well as a member of the Order of the Shining Phoenix. In fact, it's said that she sits on the council of that order as its ranking mage. While few outside the order can attest to having seen her in action, that such an organization would trust her with that level of influence speaks volumes as to their opinions of her abilities. She's known to be exceptionally gabby, and friendly perhaps to a fault. Being closer with nature than many other wizards, she's often seen wandering the woods and trails of Narfell, enjoying the great outdoors and marveling at whatever small woodland creatures cross her path.
Lady Commander Vayla Donniger
Status: Alive
Appearance: Lady Commander Vayla is possessed of what can only be described as a mesmerizing presence. Not only is she tall and good-looking, but her glittering blonde hair and glowing golden eyes mark her as one of the only Aasimar in Narfell.
Public Knowledge: Lady Vayla is almost always seen wearing armor that bears the arms of the Order of the Shining Phoenix upon its surcoat. A holy symbol of Helm hangs around her neck at all times, and she is known to be one of his paladins. Nobody seems to be quite sure how old she is, however given her knowledge of warfare and strategy, it would seem that she is highly experienced. Given her experience, it is little surprise that she is currently serving as the Commander of her order, and is working on slowly rebuilding its presence in Narfell.
Ser Edric of Uthmere
Status: Alive
Appearance: Tall and powerfully built, Ser Edric looks the part of a born knight. Currently in his mid 20's, he's still somewhat green compared to most knights.
Public Knowledge: Ser Edric is a paladin of Torm, hailing from the city of Uthmere along the shores of the Easting Reach. How he came into Lord Osric's household is not known, however there is a clear bond of trust between the two that any visitors to Mavalgrad can attest to. He currently serves as the castle's master-at-arms and as captain of its small cadre of guards. Lord Maval's eldest son, Harold, is currently serving as his squire.
Alwin and Audra Maval
Status: Both Alive
Appearance: The younger two Maval children both favor their father's dark-haired and rough-hewn appearance, and could easily be mistaken for peasant children were it not for the fact that they are typically seen wearing their family's arms.
Public Knowledge: Alwin is Lord Osric and Lady Blaer's younger son, who at the age of twelve is only beginning to learn a soldier's skills. A keen study of swordplay, he's not especially good at it for his age. Young Alwin is fond of adventure stories and, rather than seriously practicing, prefers to use his training sword as a toy to reenact his favorite adventure stories.
Audra is Lord Osric and Lady Blaer's only daughter, upon whom the pair dote relentlessly. A girl of seven years, she's wanted for nothing despite her family's relative lack of wealth compared to other landed nobility in the Great Dale. As taken with adventure stories as her older brother Alwin, the pair are known to get into all sorts of trouble around the grounds of their keep, causing no small amount of consternation to those who work there.
Harold Maval
Status: Alive
Appearance: A tall and gangly boy of sixteen years, Harold Maval's looks favor his mother's side of the family, more than his father's. While he's still filling out his lanky frame, a life of training and hard work in the fields around his home has left him a toned and fit youth.
Public Knowledge: Harold Maval is the eldest son and heir of Lord Osric Maval and Lady Blaer Rosewood-Maval. Far more interested in military pursuits than his father, he is currently serving as the squire to Mavalgard's master-at-arms and resident paladin of Torm, Ser Edric of Uthmere. While often first taken to be somewhat awkward, given his age and lanky appearance, Harold has shown himself to be authoritative beyond his years, and he already commands the respect of the smallfolk of House Maval's demesne.
Lady Blaer Rosewood-Maval
Status: Alive
Appearance: Blaer is a female human with auburn hair and fair skin. Her physique is slight, and it's plain to see by looking at her that she is unaccustomed to physical labor.
Public Knowledge: Lady Blaer is married to Lord Osric Maval, lord of Mavalgard and its surrounding lands. Blaer is not a member of what would traditionally be considered the nobility - her family, House Rosewood, doesn't hold any hereditary titles in the name of any monarch, nor do they have levies which they can raise to go to war. Instead, her family are wealthy merchants from the city of Uthmere, whose trading coster is active across the Sea of Fallen Stars. The circumstances by which she came to be married to Lord Osric who, though a member of the nobility, had virtually nothing which house Rosewood wanted, are somewhat murky. Together, the couple have three children.
Lord Osric Maval
Status: Alive
Appearance: Osric is a human of average height and a reasonably athletic build. From appearances, one would guess that he is in his late 30's to early 40's, with gray beginning to show through his dark hair. Though of noble birth, his grizzled features and calloused hands suggest a life not unaccustomed to hard work.
Public Knowledge: Lord Osric is the current lord of Mavalgard, a small motte-and-bailey castle surrounded by wooden walls and with a stone keep. Mavalgard is located perhaps half a league or so south of the Great Road, the main route which travels through the Great Dale. Though of noble pedigree, clan Maval is not particularly wealthy - indeed, its greatest wealth comes from the bounty of crops and livestock raised on the lands around their keep, rather than from taxes or trade. This reliance on agriculture is reflected in their clan's arms - a crossed mattock and pitchfork on a maroon field.
Lord Osric is currently married to one Lady Blaer, and the couple have three children - two sons (Harold, 16 and Alwin, 12), and a daughter (Audra, 7).