Santos de'Caliga account: MR.Eddie

  • Santos is the son of Nomad Leader that is loyal to Bane .

    At the age of 12 soon after killing a man that was trying to steal a goat .
    He was given to the church of Bane as gift to Bane . He was picked out to learn the ways of the God of Dread . After years of hard training of mind and body he took the test of faith . Where he was beaton and cut and burned and whiped while the asked him if Bane was his master after . Passing the test and some healing he went back to his people were he was given a wife .

    He loved her and cared deeply about her but Bane was/is his first love . He was sent out with a group to stop some Flaming Fists Mercs while he was gone his wife started giving birth to there twin sons but something happend and her and the babies all died .

    Soon after that Santos came back home and burned them. Left his people for good . He was soon called to Zhentil keep . Where he was given the mission to stop a heritic and to aid the Banites of Narfell .
    then he left from the near the moon sea all the way to Narfell guided by the Zhentarim and his faith .

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.