A call to for Shepherds far and wide (Message from the Chauntean Church)
To those Chaunteans who work hard daily, working hard to care for the land and each other, who give of themselves daily to see quotas are met, the Chauntean church officially offers people a chance at growth and opportunity should you desire it.
The Chauntean church is currently seeking shepherds and field guardians; clerics and paladins who are looking to step up and be educated in the ways of the Grain Goddess to look over the fields and its people, to learn more of Her ways and use them to help the local communities. You will be trained by myself; Anna Tiller and by my daughter, Varya and be provided with supplies and amenities to help your growth.
The path will not be an easy one, you will be taught not only matters of faith and basic combat (advanced should your heart be set on becoming a Field Guardian), you will also eat, sleep, and breathe your new lifestyle, becoming one with it and the Grain Goddess should you seek the divine path.
To those Chaunteans who wish not to be clergy or Field Guardians, we will extend our offer to you as well, granting education and supplies if you need it. We have wonderful people like Fodel and my husband, the Baron Thom Tiller who follow such paths, acting not only as field workers, but protectors of all we cherish.
This comes at great risk to your lives and well being, but you will not be alone. We will be here for you to help you along the way. Those who put the time and effort in who prove themselves worthy will be granted something very special from the Chauntean church as a gift for your commitment to furthering the faith and protecting our people.
This offer is extended to ALL Chaunteans, not just those of Peltarch. Together we will help all of Narfell's faithful of the Grain Goddess and those who rely on her gifts thrive well!
(OOC: Anyone who'd be interested in making a Chauntean character, no matter what it is, will be provided amenities by my two Chauntean characters. If you play your character and find you enjoy them and use them on at least a semi-regular basis, Anna may be inclined to enchant something for you as well.)
Ravos hears about the combat training for the farmers and goes to offer his expertise when not engaged in his duties. He's often seen around the estate, and seems glad to offer his assistance to the training.
"Those who have invested sweat and toil in the land, have the most reason to defend it. Those who grew up on hard work and who rise before the dawn often make the finest fighters. I feel sure we'll discover some great aptitude here", he's heard to remark to those training.
He also offers a suggestion to the estate, that while waiting for defenders to have available forces to defend the farmlands comprehensively, there may be an innovative solution here. "Perhaps the best of the trainees can be introduced to a defender Lieutenant and so we have defenders with all the equipment and weaponry that comes with it provided for those who are most knowledgable of the local land."
Lady Varya Tiller has announced that she's going to start personally training any willing farmers on the Tiller barony in the art of martial combat. Any farmers (standard NPCs) that may be interested will be given thorough training, as well as equipment to do so, and those that show potential will be provided with their own weapons and armor when it seems appropriate.
Farmers will be trained how to deal with kobolds and other threats to the lands. They'll be taught how to fight warriors, and sewer cultists, and threats to the land should defenders not be present. One of the Tiller Farms biggest secret seemed to have been made open, a collection of irrigation channels, pipes and passaged down below meant to care for the fields and allow for escape in case there's an attack, and the more skilled of the potential trainees will be taught on how to deal with slimes, cultists, and lesser threats until defenders can come deal with the situation.
He would receive a hand-delivered reply
Dear Vasold Ulrich
I sincerely appreciate the efforts you are willing to offer us as we work on creating our humble shrine. I would be most appreciative of the efforts you'd be willing to put in to assisting us. Feel free to find me on the fields at any point and just speak to me freely as desired.
Regarding the kobolds, unfortunately its no easy matter in regards to dealing with them so long as we have open borders, but I can assure you my daughter, Varya Tiller has been working on it for awhile, and if you have any insights on how to make sure they leave us alone for good she may appreciate them.
I hope we can speak soon.
Baroness Anna Tiller, High Harvestmistress of Chauntea
:: A Note is pinned to the construction site of the shrine in the nars farmlands on the tiller estate ::
It appears that the construction of a shrine is being undertaken here, and i surmise it is one place dedicated to the wellbeing of farmers and rural workers.
I Vasold Ulrich place myself under the duty of persecution at the behest of rightful temples under one of my duties of the Penance of Duty, in service to the Order of the Golden Lion, a Knightly order of Torm.
I've taken it upon myself to push back kobold forces in the area, who are still seen to raid farmland, but i formally place myself at your disposal, should the priest or priestess of this place care to present themselves to me. My duty requires myself to act in accordance with any of your champions in whatever menial tasks you may demand of me, or tasks of great peril. Equally, i can aid in the construction, security or tend to the workers in any useful fashion, so be it not contradict my oaths of service, and faith. The period of my service is required to be one tenday, depending on need, so other temples in need can benefit in other settlements over time.
I await an audience or communication with yourselves.
May the true stand with you all.
Sir Vasold Ulrich - Order of the Golden Lion.