Nathelin's Journal continue

  • It’s been a long time since I wrote. I got my memories back but it’s not all there. I thank mercy that I
    never lost them to the void. That name sparks fear into me. It’s easier to deal with those that think
    they are all powerful, than those that know and have all power to shape existence to their will.
    Everything seems like a nightmare Zacho is a nightmare. I had plenty of time to breathe and
    compose myself to at least try and not be afraid of him. Speaking of nightmares. My memories
    separate into two chests one from Narfell and the other are journeys from my time away from

    Long while back I had spent time away from Narfell to meditate truth and Verika was right.
    I needed to let go . So I let Sima go and other thoughts too. I had thinking what did standing up to
    that jerk accomplished, I was lucky. I did not have plan but I covered my distance when the Lich had
    set Verika against me. After she had managed to set herself free. To did day I still do not fully
    Understand how but it seems she exploited his weakness.

    (// There is a whole lot long story unrelated to Narfell but something fun to write up to why Nath was away. If you want to skip look for story end. This is more of a creative exercise and not really canon to any Narfell going ons.)

    During my time away I had walked into a whole heap of trouble. I cannot go back home. The
    Order of the Flames of Vengeance is still there. The Flames of Vengeance an order consist of
    dedicated Hoarans and Kossuthans dedicated to rooting out demons and it’s worshippers and
    I’d support them but they have done dastard crimes against the innocent. The Damaran village of
    Vlaasta and it’s people was its lastest victim.
    The moment the commander had the townspeople rounded up for execution I could see the
    hatred in his eyes or was it blind zeal? He gathered up the local bath keeper’s couple and their
    young son and daughter. They spent time taking care of me while I was there. They had most gentle
    hearts and never left their business home. They were all accused of the heresy of conspire with
    demons. They also harboured a ‘traitorous assassin’ who was known to be the Flame edge .

    The commander wanted me to join them. He declared that their execution is signed and sealed by
    the Damaran officials and that he had the power execute me on the spot with them as what’s that
    word co-conspira something. Every fibre of my being and soul said no. I did not care If I died for I
    had fallen into despair. What could I do, I was surrounded by a company of the order
    and the guards and the village leaders stood helplessly on the side of path and on the the law. I
    never questioned Damaran law, but where was orderly process. This whole thing got to be a
    mistake. I just stood there daring for them to get closer. He knew my answer, I was in their lack of
    mercy. I was lucky I was not the only ones that had problems with them. A few mercenary groups
    stood against them beside me and one of them was a vocal Olimis the Old Calimshan Paladin of
    Lathander a Commander of the larger groups.

    I braced for the fight to the death until sounds of brimstone and a dozen unholy portals
    appear and swarms and demons jumped out. If they suspected I was a demon caller then, I had
    no doubts they believe I was one now did the only thing I could think of that moment. The guard
    crumbled over while my feet swiped his leg. A final stunning punch to the side of his head and he
    was out. The family was free of his grasp and they came to my embrace.
    The mercenaries freed the other captives. A couple of them under the paladin’s
    order to escort everyone out of the city and find a new safe spot for the refugees. It seemed they
    had the chaos handled with bravery as they clashed with the legion of demons pouring from the

    We battled through waves of demons and order zealots to dash through alleys and side paths.
    I could only watch helplessly as townspeople massacred by claws and barbs of the
    fiends and also the valiant bystanders defending us against them. By the last stretch we could see
    the light but with eager approach more swarms of demons appeared before us. It was more than we
    could handle let alone protect the remaining couple of townspeople and the bath keeper couple and
    their children.

    They were locusts towards us. We prepared ourselves and with a flash among the light demons
    were flanked by many. First by a strike from a corrosive dagger and hails of arrows then
    terror roars from great blades and axes rend demon flesh. This was our chance to finish them off as
    took the front to vanquish those planar monsters with our new unknown allies.
    The assassin unveiled her hood. They called her Teris of Darmshall was a sullen red headed Vaasan
    with a look that pierce. I was surprised that the townspeople flock to her like a saviour. She had the
    warm smile of the sun.
    More to surprise I looked at her friends, darkened robed mages and grey shades of leathers hoods
    equipped with magical bows and the sharpest looking axes and blades that gleam with sunlight.
    They were scary looking force and lucky for us all the fighting was there and we were at the
    exhausted breaths.

    So I wished to ask her if she had anything to do with the demon summoning but she had the
    crowd’s heart and I just couldn’t. She said that she had no part of that and not all was as it
    seemed. I had no idea what that meant and there was no time to ponder. The mercenaries which all lived
    regrouped with their bonds. There was nothing left of the village as it become a fire wreckage for a
    tenday. All I could do was look over the refugees at the top of the hill as we left for the new
    Assassin’s safe haven.

    When I’m not in Narfell I usually spend time with the mercenaries. It seems they have an alliance
    with the assassin against the order. I don’t like to fight but creating safe passage from the grips
    of the Flames of vengeance is a worthwhile hobby to say the least. I remember for the very least
    they have their mission and though it’s worthy, my time in Narfell is not done.

    (//Story end )

    Now Back to Narfell.
    I always leave Narfell to Narfell business I do not wish to bring my troubles there. That is why I’m
    always in disguise with a new name out of Narfell and hardly speak of my time there.
    That is why when I see fire, I seem all out of mind.

    I guess that is why when forest was on fire I could do nothing but watch as the group summon
    Water elementals and fight the fires. When I returned I found out that Darius finds me to be a most
    hated enemy. He told me I was not important to him at all. Guess he lied. There is still stuff to do in
    Narfell and I come to terms and grips with my weakness and moved on from my savior complex. I
    don’t think I feel much for Sima now. If she returns I will help her. I think she is safer where she is
    now, she has good disguise.

    It’s it been with me always it bailed me out again. It is a true friend. It may have darkness but by
    mercy, I will do what it takes to help him. Then we bond and we become closest friends. Maybe have
    connection that Verika and Khyale have. It was there for me when I’m lonely. We can help each
    other and heal and find renew purpose in Narfell.

  • It’s been long time since I contemplate. The helmet served me better than I told Pious. I didn’t have
    heart to tell him the truth.

    (This is next part of story. It’s pretty long. End of story is located with another brackets like this one.)
    I went back to Damara for a moment after I got helm. When I got letter from them saying that they
    will break out the captives. There was a long power struggle between the Resistance and the Flames
    of Vengeance. In shadows the resistance gain financial and people support from nobles and
    lordships to even a little. Overall the resistance went far with constant caravan raids. It was clever
    idea but they went down the well too many times and they got tricked by bounty hunter groups and
    shady bandits. Those that escaped made it to the sanctuary and those caught by time go by they
    were sent into Flame of vengeance citadel. I had been waiting long time to help but even with
    willpower and courage lost, could not let those ones get tortured anymore.

    When headed closer towards sanctuary a flash of blade threatened my neck. I recognise two of them
    One that drew dagger was Teris’s personal scout and the other illusion underdark mage Glardiss. I
    was quick to reveal name and allowed them to remove my helm.. His spell determined my magic and
    he impressed and told me to hurry that time was near. The hideout was underneath ruins. We took
    several passages to get to underground caverns onto it connect into large hole with
    many rooms. Meeting room was in middle of the hideout with a big circle of tables and chairs.
    Papers of plans of the citadel and map of the lands details of the three village. The citadel was if I
    remember.. think north-east of the Ironspur, between The Galena snake and Icelace rivers. The
    villages caught my eye. One on left side that looked more like gathering of farms marked with a rat,
    the other that look more like outpost marked with a lightning bolt and the other with a shard of ice. I
    did not know what it meant but it didn’t sound good and when I asked they told me not to worry
    about it and that they will sneak in the citadel at the eve of night. I had a sense of forebode but I was
    already there to help. It did not help when I asked where the Paladin’s mercenary groups were and
    they reply that they do not need them to rescue the captives.

    It took a long trip and we went around the Trail’s end to sneak through ravines and mountains to get
    from behind the citadel. It was strange there was little flame of vengeance patrols or bounty hunters
    on the path. The six of us, The assassin Roderick brothers of Praka, The underdark gnome and a
    quiet no-nonsense female half elf scout from the Rawlinswood, myself and Teris our leader climbed
    up first and broke into lower citadel with a grapple hook and rope and we all climbed after and
    those that weren’t good climbers the illusionist bolsters us with magic.

    Something was not right. We were at dormitory level and most guards should have been aware and
    maybe awoke at presence. We were silent but they looked ill on their beds.. Vomit and excrement
    filled the floor some even looked like death’s door would have been..ughhh merciful. They were not
    merciful any chance they got they slit their pale death throats some calling for mercy and finding
    none. I just closed my eyes…..They took the dead’s clothing and dressed as the enemy walking past
    them all. They said that I did not need to dress up since I was in black leather with a helm. The had
    information that that once in a while rogues and assassin’s would come by to help test their
    awareness in strange game of hide and tag. I just closed eyes as they murder them all unaware that
    they die by one dressed as their own.

    All I could tell myself was this was wrong but only valid excuse was the the flame of vengeance were
    murderers of innocence.Finally the cells was behind the Citadel, it was easy to kill the jailor and the
    guards. After we freed the captives and make escape from behind the citadel they waited for us.
    The captain of the citadel a very mad powerful looking mage of Kossuth, looking of seared heat with
    his fire robes. A handful of guards stood next to him a few look same as sick ones but at least they
    could stand.

    Cassius the Captain of the hold begrudge remarked Teris’s clever plan. I couldn’t believe that I was
    too dim..Actually I can believe that I was too dim to realise what the plan they executed to infiltrate
    without issue. They had plan in advance to weaken the three villages nearby as distraction. She
    persuade a champion of Talos and a few of his giants allies that included a storm giant create storms
    and to strike the outpost to the south. Her other allies, Talona worshippers that took aspiration and
    inspired to be Plague Rats poisoned the farm villages to the south west of the Citadel.
    The dames of the western villages were taken by servants of the Frost maiden from the Great
    Glacier by orders of the new Ice-queen. They encase the whole village in frost. Most of the forces
    that was usually stationed in the citadel scattered to each of the village to put out the dangers.
    It shocked me that she was not only a planning genius but she had so much connections and
    resources to use.

    It came to a clash and I was nearly out of mind getting grips that we became the monsters that we
    fought against…Teris told me that the ends justified the means. She also told me not to feel bad for
    the villages. The Zhents ran the outpost the other villages supplied slaves and bodies for their
    Banite necromancer allies. I tell myself how did this all come into bad fruit. That wasn’t the worst
    part of all.. The underlings never had a chance. They were all demoralised and few sickly. They fell fast under strokes like all hope was taken away.

    Teris spent time torturing him with thrusts to his guts and spleen. The captain spat an insult, that we
    were no better than brigands and thugs. He was right. I should have said no when I got the chance.
    Could I had said no.. Chain breaker was right to call me coward before. Teris choked him and
    screamed into his ear that at least we were not what that word? Hypo-something Demon
    worshippers. She choked the blood out of his mouth.

    There was so much revelations to bear. Through much searching Teris placed the captain’s left on a
    strange looking hook hand sigil on the wall of his room. It took the illusionist spells to uncover the
    magic sign. The wall creak open and we shrine of deprave acts. Mutilate corpses, skeleton and
    profane half stich undead that was once Flame of vengeance warriors and people from nearby
    villages. A tainted book that name demon king sat on an Altar that look like a hideous monster with
    leather strange wings and very sharp teeth. I still don’t remember name except begin with Fraz.

    We did what Verika would do in this instance.. Burn down the whole place down. Who knows they
    both would get along..
    After they pat each other on back and thanked me for help, I told them that I don’t think I will come
    back to help this was too much of ordeal and need more reflection. They told me that I will always
    have friend in them but I just left for Narfell and promised myself not to look back.

    (End of story)
    So this is where I’m at now. I reflect on things to come and have to deal with my emotions. I feel sick
    inside for all that happened, but I centre myself, got to move on with reflection and become better
    so I don’t ruin lives anymore. The Monks will make me whole again and I can reflect and learn to be
    better and one with all. I still think about what needs to be done. I will see Sahno soon.

  • On another note now that my mind is more gathered, i realize the Elves in Narfell though they seem divided there is a unity that they will help each other for cause. I'm not an Elf but i can understand their tongue and write when i put on the ring. Seems they got a trial to finish. They were there to help see the trauma in my mind and uncover. I should at least help them at time of need when around.

    Seems my secret friend is encouraging them too in own way. Now back to meditation and sleep for the day.

  • // Oh yeah Vlaasta is a name of village I made up it would be at west of Praka.