For Sale: The Mystic Lodge and Shop
Roslyn raises her bid to 40,000
Rary throws in another 2000 behind seth to set him at 38000
The City announces that bidding will end ((11h45m from this post)) at which point the live auction will begin in the commerce distract merchant square.
((if you cannot be in game you can PM me the PC you want their and their maximum bid at which point during the live auction I will assume your PC bids increment by 1k if they are outbid.))
*Bessy in full sincerity bids 5000 coins and the promise to pray to ward off any misfortune for the Peltarch land administration workers so nothing bad happens to them... *
seth bids 36,000
Samwell eyes Amilmathien suspiciously
Wait, what? Looking around to the others with a shocked expression Did you just hear what she said? She's offering to back any bidder who agrees to not compete with what she sells in her shop.
Are you trying to rig this auction? Corner the market? Stifle competition? Keep prices falsely inflated? Control Peltarch's economy?
Never! The good citizens of Peltarch deserve a fair and honest shopkeeper who will sell quality goods for a fair price. That is what I intend to do.
I bid 35,000 gold pieces.
Amilmathien speaks quietly:
"Should any of the bidders wish to agree to a deal where the items they sell do not overlap with the items I specialize in with my store in the Marketplace, I will put some of my money behind that bidder."
34,000. I really do not know him at all. But this is fun.
32,000, eh? nods slowly while eyeing Vick
Seth must be a real special friend. smirks
32,000 just for fun.
Samwell politely raises his hand
Roslyn's bid raises to 30,000 gold pieces
The offer is increased to 26,000 on Kenton Seth's behalf.
Samwell Ward quietly treads into the lodge, gives it a thorough inspection, and asks several questions about the building. Apparently satisfied, he offers 25,000 gold pieces for the Mystic Lodge.
Being aware of Seth's Distinguished record he offers 23,000 on Seth's behalf. (This is a true bid with any ownership going to Kenton Seth)
Roslyn raises her bid to 22,000 gold pieces.
Seth ups his bid to 20,000gp and makes sure the city is aware of his service record
Ros ups her bid to 18,000
Macavity bids 16000