The Journalistic Memoranda of Eowiel Senella.

  • Eowiel's room is filled with various stacks of papers, manuscripts, scrolls and parchments, some of these haphasardly comprise her journals since coming to Narfell.

    Well, continuing with tradition, on entering a new land I start a new record of my travells, including details of places and hopefully the names of everyone I meet. Though I doubt I'll stay here long, from what I've seen thus far. Seems a relativlely small town, Norwick by name, run by barbarians apparantly. My sister, whose reunion with myself is detailed in previous memoranda, had sent me word she is in the area and has decided to meet me here sometime in the coming months, so my stay will be that long at least.

    The inn here is comfortable, if a bit noisy, with people walking in and out booking rooms, and a drunken dwarf bellowing occasionally in the background. The town is quiet enough from my initial impressions, with any lawbreakers being swiftly dealt with by the local militia and their apparantly brutal commander, Uthger.

    I've already been shown around the local woods by a local elven ranger, Thriomyril Amana, and they are quite literally crawling with goblins. Still, I've not lost my skill with the bow, I was glad to find. We chanced across a merchant out mining in the woods actually, Terin Cormin, was his name. Human fellow, seemed quite friendly. Offered to sell me a new blade, and while the offer was tempting I simply couldn't spare the gold.

    However, I am not above menial tasks in order to earn said gold, and the local farmers and so fourth, namely Fine Ogden and Wald Kendt, had plenty of work for me to do. Though I must say, the rats in Kendt's barn were quite filthy.

    It wasn't long before I had bought the blade, which was bronze and of a fine quality indeed, and found myself as handy with it as I was when I last held such a weapon. Still no sign of my sister, but I am finding the place to be less dull than my initial impression made it out to be. There seems a wealth of interesting people passing through and living here on a daily basis, and where there are interesting people there are interesting stories.

    I've already heard from Thriomyril an interesting tale of his about a friend of his,priest of Lathander who fell to a Shade Lord it would seem. Now, with a bit of light editing, that would make a fabulously tragic tale. Infact, I belive I will leave this entry on that note and begin formulating said tale.

    Eowiel Senella

    ((needed to start this before I forget how things were when eo first arrived in narfell,hehe,more to come naturally))

  • A New Joy

    I appear to be a year or so remiss in my journal writings. Well. I suppose it is not too lax. There was the time I was so upset in Sembia that I did not write a journal for a decade afterwards. Rude fellows, as I recall. I have not the time to recap on lost time, as I am making a trip to Hoarsgate. I await the outcome of the trip with both trepidation and excitement. May Corellon understand what I am doing.

    The next pages are a little tattered and crumpled.
    I am now in an Inn in Hoarsgate. I have not met the Priestess yet, that is schedualed for tomorrow. Now is my final chance to back out. I have prayed to The First and most of the Seldarine and I am yet uncertain as to the right path. I have prayed to Corellon all my life, especially since becoming a Bard. He is fond of Bards, afterall. Surely if I want the favour of a God, I would pray to both my racial Lord and such a lover of the Arts? Yet, find myself wondering lately. Questioning as to weither I am justified. Praying for a good performance? Praying to write a better tale? Praying even for the prosperity of the College? Are these prayers concieted because they are of a selfish nature?

    So what do I do then? I am an elf, aloof, a wanderer, a traveller by nature and by manner. Or am I? I was meant to leave Narfell for Rasheman after a mere month, when I had met with Ice. Now Ice has already left it seems, and I yet remain. Affiliated with a Bardic College, no less. I have made friends in many lands, many long dead now, indeed. Never before has the thought of leaving friends behind hindered my wanderer's spirit. Yet I remain. Perhaps my wanderlust has been quelled by a century of sating? Perhaps I need a break from it all, the constant moving. Perhaps my curiousity is merely discovering new things without the need of constant travell. Things I had overlooked before.

    Nevertheless, I find my outlook changing. Where before I saw a human aquaintance sighing, I now see a dear friend in need of company. Where once I saw some common peasant girl crying, I now see a youthful spirit that deserves more. Why should I waste prayers on myself, when these people are far more unhappy than I? I cannot find a counter to this reasoning. Lliira has been in my thoughts for some time now. Indeed, here I be, in this very Inn to meet with a priestess. Am I betraying Corellon? Hardly. I cannot imagine myself not praying to Corellon merely because I have a different patron. The same for the rest of the Seldarine. I am an elf, and nothing can replace the eternal bond I will always share with my beloved pantheon. Therefore I reason I need not worry about my approaching new faith.

    Yet it is impossible not to be anxious. I daresay it would be abnormal not to be worried to some extent. Dispite this, I perchance feel the best solution to my restless debate and thoughts and questions would be to simply rest, and await the morrow, whereupon I will have done with this, for weal, or for woe.

    For Weal, or for Woe. It is completed. At a risk of sounding somewhat cliché, I feel invigourated with a new excitement. I am definately looking forward to returning home now. The only failing of this trip is that I have not managed to find a present for Demi. This damnnable city is wet, windy and cold, without a single suitable gift whatsoever. I shall have to find something in Peltarch when I return or somesuch. Well. It is a lengthy trip back, and today was tiring, as delightful as it was. As a final note, and a final bit of clichéness, I will go to my rest feeling…joyful.

  • I was in Norwick the other day, on a visit. First time I was there since moving to Jiyyd. It started out rather well, I met up with good old Ka'ell and then Validus and had a nice enough time with them. Then Validus wanted me to go to Jiyyd to meet up with Lina, his lover, but I was at that time delayed because some lunatic decided to shoot me with an arrow!

    Naturally my first response was to sigh. Verily this was Norwick. Secondly I turned around and leveled my own elven longbow at the rediculous fellow, who had shot again and missed a few times, apparantly having gotten luckly the first time as he seemed a terrible shot. Naturally I didn't intend on actually shooting him, I don't usually like shooting things other than monsters. (And the eastlanders, who seem to know no mercy.) Anyway, the militia in all their ineptitude came barging onto the scene and soon he was, I'm afraid to say, a rather bloody mess on the floor and dragged off to the cells.

    So then I wandered off into the Rawlins to clear my head. I spent a few days in there before I met up with a group running by screaming about a portal opening up in the deeper western woods. Now, dispite the obvious danger, I ignored the wise choice of turning around and heading back to Jiyyd and let my curiousity take over. So off I trotted into the deeper woods with them to take a look at this portal, and indeed portal it was. No sooner had we arrived than I sensed the music of the weave was torn around three stones, causing temporary links between various random planes. I was just about to investigate further when various elemental creatures and some shadow creatures began coming from the portal one by one. This was quite offsetting as they were very lethal in intent and prowess. Another man who ran to get help returned with a mage and we proceeded to examine the portal stones while the rest of the poor folks were forced to hold off the near invincible creatures being summoned from it. And unfortunatly for them the mage and I got into a slight dissagreement about how to close the portal. I, listening to the song of the weave, heard that if the stones were smashed, the song would flow back into place, the wedges driving it askew being removed and all that. The mage unfortunatly, decided doing that would somehow rupture the weave further, so we entered into debate on the matter. I was of course very annoyed at this, because while he and I fussed, our poor fellows were being battered and beaten around by the creatures. Eventually I got annoyed and simply shouted "Charge the stones, destroy them all!".
    The mage's annoyance at this was cut short as the portal did indeed close as the stones were smashed into little rocks. So then finally I could head back home here to Jiyyd.

    Now I'm still rather tired from all the fracas with that portal, so I'll have to delay my trip up to the city and spend some time with Doran instead. I'll send up a letter to Demi and Bruno explaining my lateness of arrival. (I am, unlike my sister Ice, perfectly able to inform people of impunctuality. She has gone completely missing again for a whole month and neither Jaroo nor I know where she has gone to. By the First, it is rather rude of her.)

    Ah, here is Doran now, just coming up from her room. Hah..she wants to know if I'll go and play with her in the mud, I didn't even know it was raining outside, I suppose I've been writing a bit too long. Well, hopefully I won't get too muddy with the girl. Honestly, I don't know what her fascination for mud is…its neither heigenic nor clean. But she seems to have so much fun, so who am I to say anything?

  • I decided on moving to Jiyyd at last. I was in Jiyyd with Terin and we were talking about moving there, since he was living there and Rick too and whatnot. So I decided I had been pondering it for far too long and I decided to simply flip a coin on the whole perplexing issue. It came up heads, and so I went to the herald and it was done.

    It really is a much calmer and more relaxing place than Norwick was. I've been spending a few weeks on and off in the city aswell, its becoming quite a fascinating place to me, though the most fun is simply sitting in the commons talking to Bruno and Clandra and Arryn. The day before I left to return to Jiyyd I was in the commons with Arryn and Delvana, when a wounded fellow stumbled in and sat down, dripping blood all over the place. Arryn decided to see if I could hum any healing tunes, so I decided to put on a small show for him,since the fellow wasn't overly hurt and it wouldn't do any harm.

    So I healed him up that way, all flashy and as I recall Arryn's words were "Good..not entirely nessecary, but good." I also met another friendly enough bard in the foothills,while I was taking a walk in the area to see what it was like. (It was lovely,there was a beautiful view of the Icelace Lake). Demi Arkania Rei Can'dii. Its a lovely name, so I took note to remember it. She helped me save some poor hin who nearly died out there to some kobolds too, so she seems nice by most regards, even if she didn't seem inclined to call me simply "Eowiel" and not "Miss Eowiel".
    So then I made my preparations to leave and came back here to the Regal Whore. I think the best thing about getting out of Norwick though, is that I don't have toput up with that old goon Fine staring down my tunic whenever he passed me, or worse, when I was working for him.
    I met someone who seems to be a bit talented too,as a bard, Doran something or other…very young girl, I'll have to keep an eye on her, Arryn might like to meet her sometime.

    Now I had best move on, the patrons seem to be getting very rowdy for some reason. I shall head to my room and write a bit more of my next story I think.

  • An excellent day all round. I was just considering that I might be able to make it to the city for a vist with the help of some of my friends,Kaywen and Gert most likely,when who should wander into Norwick but Arryn Raven himself? Lucky stuff,that.

    Anyway, fortune was really with me that day because I had just finished writing the aforementioned story about the priests. I told it to Arryn, he was quite delighted to meet a bard, and his reaction was incredible. I knew it was probably my best story, but I didn't think it was that good. In anycase he gave me a key to the theatre right then and there, and escorted me up to the city too. Very nice person, Arryn, couldn't imagine anyone not getting along with the fellow. So I'm in my new room right now writing this, I've not been here more than a week or so, I've been getting settled in to the place. The city is big enough, and looks very nice compared to alot of cities I've been to.

    The first person I got talking to here was one Bruno Galpen, very nice fellow too. Getting married sometime in the future too, to Clandra no less. Oh my. Just reread my previous entries, it would seem I didn't mention this dancer I met down in Norwick. Clandra Jorinson, really nice girl by any means, she even danced for me,dispite there being nobody else there. Quite charitable of her..anyway, thats who Bruno is going to marry. So, Bruno and I were chatting away, and he wanted to see me do something bardlike, so I decided to try out my old juggling act (which I hadn't practiced since I first came to norwick due to the recent ban of magic again). Suffice to say, it was a good thing he had his tower shield with him. But, I managed to make the gems light up in the end afterall, and he was delighted with that bit, so we had a good time.

    I'm planning on moving to Jiyyd from Norwick in order to make travelling up to the college easier on myself, and because the magic ban in Norwick is far too frustrating sometimes. And some of the militia members are really annoying to watch too. Also, now that Terin and Rick live in Jiyyd, I'm sure it would be a good enough place to live.

    Hm, speaking of that, I had better get ready for my journey back south, I can't be spending much longer dallying writing journals when there's a trip to be made.

  • My sister has arrived safely, which is fantastic really. I was starting to miss her. I've been remiss in this journal too, but its not as though I've left it more than a few months. I do find things to be getting a bit paced here in Norwick, probably all the time I spend with humans and such. I quite enjoy the company of humans, very interesting folk usually, whereas elves can often be a bit boring. My sister never shared this view though, but alot of our views differ, so thats no great suprise.

    She's already settled in with the other druids here and I do believe she has already gotten involved in some manner of tryst with one of them. Honestly, she says I am hasty for my time with humans, and here she is, not two months here and she already is swooning over some Jaroo fellow. I expect I'll have to have a talk with him, make sure his intentions are respectable and all that nonsense…as if Ice couldn't handle herself. Still, better I do it and get it off my chest.

    What else has happened...oh yes. Part of the reason I've been so remiss in my entries. My dear friend Thriomyril Amana has been slain by goblins in the Rawlinswood. I don't even know how it happened, only that his body was dragged back for a quick buriel. This town is so terribly morbid. Thriomyril was by no means the only person to fall that day. I honestly wonder how the Friar manages to keep a cheery face all the time, though I suppose he is probably sexing up Kia alot of the time too, the old coot.

    In any case, my good friend Terin has been very supportive too. And, looking on the bright side of things, I've made quite alot of money from performing and from doing odd jobs for Fine and Wald. I got a bargain price on an elven longbow too and Thedia, Ryan and I often go hunting in the woods now to make some more money. I also go out with Ka'ell, one of the Overseerers of the Spellweaver Keep. He's a good sort. And I'm working on a story based on something Thriomyril told me before he died. Apparantly a good friend of his had died not long before I arrived in the region, and he died fighting undead apparantly. On hearing the whole account I found it made for a very interesting stroy, if I could manage to rework it, so I've started on that. The Bardic College in Peltarch still seems a faraway dream, considering the Nars is far too dangerous to attempt even with the assistance of my friends. I'm not overly concerned though, I'm not exactly pressed for time.

  • Not a bad month. Aside from my sister not arriving yet, but she has always been rather impunctual so I'm not suprised. Besides, this town seems rather more interesting than I first gave it credit for. People come and go day by day at a tremendous rate. Currently I'm sitting at the campfire by the south gates of the town, where the flux of people coming and going seems to be centered. There are a few others here, they seem friendly enough. One of them is bleeding a bit, oh wait, some fellow just healed him, how nice!

    I've been venturing into the local forests, the Rawlinswood, with another elf by the name of Thriomyril Amana. He seems a decent sort, very comfortable in the forests. On our first foray he was kind enough to point out all the various deadly areas of the forest and its creatures. We also met a fellow mining what Thriomyril said was tin. Terin Cormin, he was called, and apparantly quite the merchant. I'll have to keep that in mind in case I want to buy something before I leave. He seemed a nice enough fellow to talk to at the very least, he was very polite and friendly dispite clearly being busy.

    I also made the aquaintence of a nice human girl by the name of Kaywen, and fellow by the name of Ryan Forgehammer and another elf by the name of Thedia. They were all very nice, and my stay here has been made rather pleasent thanks to their friendliness.

    There was a new temple to Lathander built within the month too. Which is nice to see, I've always liked followers of Lathander, they're not usually annoying goons..which reminds me. There was a goblin attack yesterday, and one of the aforementioned goons nigh botched it.

    We were all ready to defend the gates, I was heading up to the tower with the other archers, stringing my longbow, and everything was going swimingly. Untill this galoot of a fool stands up and starts bellowing all kinds of nonsense about "taking comand in the name of the Red Army". Now I had heard all about this army, and personally its mad, a military force that answers only to itself is only asking for trouble. But, he started roaring at us, who were on our way to various defenceive positions, to stop and listen to him. Then aong came the goblins and luckily we had the sense to ignore the goon. I made sure to get his name though. Rando. I hope he gets a bit of sense from today.

    ((heh,poor rando,and its funny cause Nathal considered him a great guy))