Indestructible Master of War! (A Quest to become a Divine Champion of Clangeddin Silverbeard)

  • Written in the dwarven script
    Day 4:
    I got camp set up and I'll be here from here on out. I have already killed about 50 bandits but they keep coming. I should have 50 more before long at this rate. I am sure that Clangeddin is pleased with my works. Thorin would be proud too. I think he enjoys watching me fight. Rightly so for a priest of Clangeddin.
    The rain has stopped. Time to go out on patrol.

    Day 5:
    Thorin came by camp and my assumptions were confirmed. He and Clangeddin approves of my actions here. So much so, Thorin was able to cast many blessings upon me. I hope it's enough to last until Clangeddin calls me to the great forge.

    Day 6:
    Thorin, Sparrow, Jane, and I went to visit the ettins in search of nickel. We were doing good killing the giant kin. We even took down their shaman. The farkin Duergar show up. It was a tough battle but Clangeddinn smiled as we were victorious verses our evil kin. It was long before we figured out why they were there. Dumathoin blessed us as we found iron and silver. We took it all and got the hells out of there. Covered in ettin and duergar blood, I returned to camp to defend the ridge against the bandits. By Clangeddin's blessing, I will succeed.

    Day 7:
    Left camp and went with a group to Fort Ormpor. Thorin, some other folks, and I fought a bunch of Creel and Crimson something another. Was a good fight and got some good loot. Clangeddin would be proud of both Thorin and I.

    Day 12:
    Some bandit wench tells me that it's my time to die. Well it didn't take much to kill her but before I did I found out where her ilk was holed up, not far to the southwest from my own camp. I go and investigate and several males are camped out on the ridge. I warned them to leave or die. They chose to fight but I didn't fight hard enough and was beaten down. I prayed to Clangeddin but, at first it seemed that he didn't answer. Prayers are always answered though, and sometimes that answer is no and I had accepted that it was my time to go to the Great Forge. That's when a dwarf, Dirty Darius he called himself, appeared. He killed the rest of the bandits just as I had broke free from my bonds. I am sure he was the answer to my prayers. Praise Clangeddin!
    If the day weren't trying enough here comes a banite spouting shite from her pie-hole. Seems she came looking for converts or a fight. I obliged her with a fight. She kicked my arse but Clangeddin was pleased by the fight for he healed me and I felt his power run through me. The darkness faded and light prevailed. My axe glowed with a bright, silvery light. I didn't know what to think at the time but the banite seemed deeply bothered by it.
    Yet the day ain't over yet. Some mercenary calling himself Big Dan came looking for me. The damned banite was still here but dwarf-friend Jane had showed up not long before Big Dan. He and Jane went back and forth until he got mad and slapped her with his big sword. I let them go at it for a bit then stepped in to help. We cut him down pretty well I thought. It wasn't long before his kin, I reckon it was, came for the farker's body and sword. Jane made a deal with them. I reckon they'll be coming back for my head but let them come. By Clangeddin's graces I'll be ready for them.

    Day 15:
    I haven't seen any bandits on the ridge in 3 days now. I think they got the idea. I have begun to venture away from camp on occasion. Occasionally, gnolls come nosing around camp. I don't have time or patience for the dog-faced bastards. Besides, it's more fun to cut them down.
    I found them! They moved south to the bridge and seem a little bit tougher than before but, I still bust their asses. Clangeddin be praised! I want to move camp to the bridge but I have a feeling that the Father of Battle commands me to stay put. For now, I will let the river run red with their blood.
    I went to the Kuo-Toa caves and emerged victorious! I discovered a few of them carried gems of the Duergar. It seems they have been trading with my vile cousins. However, I didn't see any while down there. A good thing too! I can't manage them without Alaghor Thorin. With he and the power of the Father of Battle, I am an indestructible master of war! Praise Clangeddin, the Lord of Battle!

    Day 17:
    Went fishing in the fish caves. They make a real mess when their heads pop under the weight of my axe. Glory to the Father of Battle as I emerged victorious, covered in their ichor. It was a glorious day indeed.

  • Day 48:
    It seems that the bandits have given up. Good thing too. I've been itching to kill something. These last few days I've taken off from adventuring and spent it praying at, what's left of the temple in Aura Runedar. I still haven't seen Alaghor Thorin. I hope he's alright.
    Blue, Ramsteg, and I went to pay the giants a visit. Everything was going as well as expected except for one incident. Those damned manticore! I was fighting three or four giants when, before I knew what happened Blue and Rammy both were screaming at me. I looked and I was standing in a pool of blood. At first, I thought it was that of the giants that I was chopping to bits. It wasn't. In fact, I had not felt the spikes that found their way though my armor and had me nearly drained. Blue was fighting a manticore. It was set on killing me and was doing a good job about it. I kept fighting the giants even though I was near death. It wasn't long before we decided it was time to change tactics. She may be no dwarf but she has been a blessing from Clangeddin himself. Many giants would die this day because of her. Blue, my friend, here's to you. May your goddess cherish you as much as I. I thank the Father of Battle for bringing you into my life and hope we remain friends forever.

  • Day 45:
    For the last 10-day and two, I've been doing my best to keep the bandits off of the bridge. I was doing a good job at it too.
    Today I heard there was trouble with the Creel, a group that plagues Ormpor and seem to be lead by the ancient red dragon bitch Rass. We fought very well for quite some time. Vick and Blue did good at drawing a few at a time and we took the Creel bastards down fairly well without casualties. Then came the winged farker they call a Skald. I see why they call them that as they'll skeld your arse if you get too close. I had no elemental protections so I shot at it with my crossbow. Did pretty good at that for a bit. Then the farker decided to come after me! I ran best I could hoping to keep him of the archers long enough for them to put him down. It was a sound tactic, or so I thought. I was hurt bad when I reached for one of the Creel Wines in my belt. Before the wine with healing properties touched my lips I felt something pierce my chest and I fell. I was dead before I hit the ground, I know it. I never saw the ground come up to meet me in the fall.
    I woke up in a nothingness known as the Fugue Plane. It where souls go to await their fate. The lass Shesarai was there too. Before long a demon appeared asking for our souls in exchange for sending us back to the land of the living. I, flat out, told him that my soul belonged to the Father of Battle, Clangeddin. Before the demon could say anything Clangeddin appeared! I farkin seen him with my own eyes and it was a glorious sight. I was sure I was going to the Great Forge and I was willing and ready. The Lord of Battle wasn't there for me though. Not in the sense of taking me to the Great Forge anyway. He and the Demon had very few words the Clangeddin spoke a word of great power. The demon exploded in tiny little bits. It was the most awesome thing I ever saw in all of my days! Just as quick as he came, my Lord was gone.
    I woke up in the living world again. Was it all a dream? No, it wasn't. Everything happened. The battle, the fall, the demon, and Clangeddin! It was all as real as I am sitting here writing this now. Praise the Lord of Battle! Glory to Clangeddin! I only wish that Alaghor Thorin were here to hear it first hand. He won't believe it!

  • Day 27:
    I met a new kinsman named Dozer. As a joke I call him Sleepy on occasion. He's a good lad. He likes to drink and fight just like I do. To see what he could do, we (Dozer, the human Tyrus, the gnome Filfred, and I) went giant hunting. We did pretty damn good too. We killed many giants and even a few cat-like things, that shoot spikes out of their backs, the gnome called them Manticores. I call them a pain in the arse. After we cleared the area Filfred wanted to "take a peek" into a cave. Just a peek, he said. It will be fun, he said. Yeah, if you like flaming axes burning your arse up and having to run an elven mile to find cover. We did it though. Well except for the human, Tyrus, he was the smart one out of the group as he hauled arse back to the city. Anyway, there were ogres in the cave and we weren't welcome form the start. After reaching cover and deciding to continue we fought and killed 2 of the giant-kin but, something didn't feel right. Filfred got a bit upset because Dozer and I didn't feel right about the whole thing. I'm not sure what it was but it was like the Father of Battle was saying "Get the fark out of there". We did just that. As we came out of the cave we fought and killed a few more hill giants. We then made our way back to the city and went our separate ways to women, ale, and whatever gnomes like.

    Day 30:
    It's been quite a while since I've seen any bandits and was thinking about packing up camp while buying supplies in Peltarch. Then an elf came and spoke of bandits on the bridge. Praise the Lord of Battle! The idiots haven't leaned their lesson yet. I set off to the bridge to make the pass safe again. There were four of them. Two caster wenches and two warriors with tower shields would die today and die well they did.

    Day 31:
    The lad. Reyer came to visit me at the camp. We sat by the fire and talked a while before Alaghor Thorin came for a visit as well. Thorin wanted to show me the plans for the new dwarf home. I still haven't gotten around to looking at them yet as I just took them and shoved them in my pack. I'll get around to it before too much longer. Thorin didn't stay long as he had other things to attend.
    Reyer and I talked a while longer then decided to go gather some coin from the Kuo-Toa. We did just that and quite a bit of it too. Before we went though, I wanted to check the bridge. It was a good thing I did too! There were more of the bastards just waiting to die and I wasn't about to disappoint them. Reyer hit me with a couple of his spells, which are most helpful, and I went to work on them. After a bit of fighting I noticed arrows flying in form a great distance. At first, I thought it was one of the caster wenches shooting at me but, then an arrow hit a bandit square in the face and he fell dead. I took the chance for a quick glance and saw the elf lass, Ting, plucking away with her bow. By Clangeddin I swear, ifin she was shorter, rounder, and had whiskers on her chin, I would do my best to make her my wife. That is one tough lass.

    Day 33:
    After a day of drinking and singing in the city, I decided to go giant hunting again. This time Dozer, the lass Jane, Reyer, Tyrus and I went. It was a lot of fun except for the fact that there were a lot more of the manticores the time. By Clangeddin's beard, I hate those pains in the arse. We were victorious and came back well enough but it cost me nearly every potion I had, including those healing wines from the Creel. I reckon I will have to see about making the next trip to Ormpor, if there is one, for more.

  • Day 25:
    There's been talk of going to snuff out the Creel once and for all. Well, today would be a good day for it. A rather large group went to Ormpor where the Creel reside. Their fort was well fortified and their warriors and archers struck with deadly precision. Yet they were no match for the force that the Lord of Battle sent to make war upon them.

  • Day 22:
    I haven't seen any bandits in four or five days now. I reckon they got the idea! I have to admit that I miss them a little bit. They were a good fight. Oh well, it's good to know that the pass is once again safe for travelers. I'll stick around camp for a while longer just to make sure they don't return. If they do, well I'll be slapping them around once more. Time to patrol the pass, I'll record any changes that I find.

    Day 23:
    While out on patrol, I ran into a half-orc that calls himself Grunk. I'm not too sure about him but he seems to be okay. He claims to like fighting the undead. I can't say I blame him. This time though, he wanted to go fight giants. It's funny how the Lord of Battle uses others for his will to be done. We went out into the mountains and fought some giants. Clangeddin had to be happy as I was hitting them hard with my axe. Many giants fell this day. I can't wait to go and kill more!