Ambitions of a Would-Be Firelord

  • The following is the collective ramblings and writings of Firebrand Fenris; inside his personal chronicle.

  • {{The Scene: A low burning brazier licks the last remnants of firewood, casting a dim light that bounces and reflects from the tents interior walls. A gentle plume of smoke wafts from a stick of incense that smolders on a make-shift desk, more a crate taken from the nearby bazaar. A stack of books rests tumultuously on one side towards the back, on the other a candle burned down to the last of it's wick and wax. The soft snores and sleep sounds of a half-nude giantess behind him, he bends his back and begins writing.}}

    I will begin; by writing that the following is a collection of the experiences, thoughts and investigations of the Firebrand, Fenris. They serve no more purpose than prosperity.

    Sitting by the north-wall of the tent that makes... for now, Aruhan and my home, I can hear the shouts and cries still echoing through the crisp twilight air, from the "Rant Stand" .... or so it has been called.

    I have my own thoughts on the current fear pressed into the cities mind, potential war fought with the orcs. I could write about the whisperings of Gruumsh and how Orckind can never be trusted nor bargained with due to that simple fact, however.

    There is a larger threat to come, one that little seem concerned of... or perhaps not concerned yet feel hopeless in the face of it, I know not. I have attached, to the bottom of this page, an excerpt from 'The Prophecies of Bask." A book I obtained from the Oscuran libraries.

    "The Herald Comes." These three words make sleep an impossible dream, a quandary that I cannot seem to crack, I know of the coming threat, and yet feel helpless in spite of it. I have sent envoys to the Wolves of Narfell, to the Drudic Circle of the Rawlinswood, hoping.... praying for any information that might grant us the edge against the coming darkness.

    As of yet... no word has returned to me, and so I flick through the prophecies, hoping for an explanation, perhaps one more detail that will prove the deadly chink in the plated armor of this plot.

    Aruhan has been a boon to me, I did not expect to find her in my arms, albeit after a steady stream of enchantments has been cast. But now she lays, beautiful in the flickering candlelight beside me. She has been an anchor in my quest, always keeping me from being lost at sea, whenever the trials and tribulation of this singular investigation prove too much.
    Although... some times I feel as if I am robbing the girl of true happiness... to be with a man she cannot touch, unless various and vigorous enchantments have been cast to protect her... to be with a man that is seven summers or more her elder.

    However I digress, the Herald and whatever blight may track his heels is the true threat, and I fear only the light of Kossuth's flame will keep the darkness at bay.

    The following is the attached excerpt from 'The Prophecies of Bask.'
    There will come a day, when the sun shall turn dark and the skies black. A blight will follow The Herald, the trapped shall be released and the hidden shall be revealed. This scourge will be so vile, that even Lady Talona herself will be threatened.

    {{There is a few scratched notes dotted beside the Prophecy...
    "Sky-Black...perhaps an Eclipse?"
    "The trapped shall be released..... Oscura maybe?"
    "Even Talona will be threatened... so it must be different than the blight nigh a century ago"