Scheduled player group

  • Thanks Z. I would prefer a weekend group as well, but I already have a Sunday evening PnP group I play with and asking the wife and kid to not have a family evening ain't gonna fly for me. Is there a weekday combination that would make this more palatable for you, as not many others have preferences. So it could just as easily be a Tue / Thu thing.

  • Unfortunately, I'm going to have to pass.

    I play soccer on Mondays, so I'll never be able to play on Mondays. Wednesdays are also very iffy - I usually work late on Wednesdays.

    Thanks for organizing this - it's a great idea. Maybe in the future another group will start on the weekends.


  • Looks like most folks are available most evenings. So lets try for Monday & Wednesday evenings from 7:30p - 10pm EST? I had intended for everyone to start from scratch, so let me know if you AREN'T interested in that. Going to try and keep the levels within about three of each other.

    How about this so far?

    Kerby : __________Tank
    St.Croix : ________Ranged Damage?
    Atel : ____________Heals+
    RedneckDM : ___Melee Damage
    Andelas : ________Heals+?
    Speedy_Z : ______Scout
    Necrofai : _______Spell Damage / Buffs?
    DragonSai : _____Tank?

    Still like jello so speak up if you want something else and I'll balance those with flexibility accordingly. : )

  • @speedy_z_ said in Scheduled player group: Is the plan to only play these characters at this time? Kind of like the old weekly PnP sessions? That way we all stay around the same level?

    I hadn't thought about that Z. In my mind it was everyone starting a new character and playing together. The problem with ONLY playing these characters when we are on those slotted times/days is that the rest of the server's interactions and changes continue to happen. So it'd almost be like we're not in-synch with the rest of the universe.

    The flip side is that if we ARE in a DM sponsored event and we cut it off to take it up where we left off, then folks playing their toons between sessions may end up with different resources, spell slots, be in different places, etc...

    Perhaps we all try to stay within a couple levels of each other and if we are in a DM sponsored event as a group... or the group is way far from the central maps and we as a group decided to cut it off till next session, that we all leave those toons alone till next time?


  • Account: DragonSai
    Days Available:most days.
    Times available 6pm-10pm might get away till 11pm this is standard mountain time
    Roles perfered Starla, however I can make a new character for this set if we like... I probably should have more then one character anyways.

  • Account:Necrofai
    Days available: Most days
    Times: Evenings EST
    Preferred roles: support

  • I might be interested in doing this. Unfortunately, my "get in game and play for a few hours" time is limited to the weekends - maybe some Wednesday evenings (but probably not - I try to work late on Wednesdays).

    Is the plan to only play these characters at this time? Kind of like the old weekly PnP sessions? That way we all stay around the same level?

    Regardless, if I'm going to make a new character for this (assuming you don't want Z nerfing everyone's xp - but I'd be happy to bring him as a tank/support cleric), I'd like to try a monk...maybe a mage...but probably a monk. I like to multi-class, so I'd take some scout skills to make him useful. He'll be worthless as a tank...until later levels.

    Finally, I have zero desire to play an evil character or even associate with them as a non-evil. So, if it turns out to be an evil group, I'm out - OOCly and ICly.


    Account Name: Speedy_Z_
    Days Available: Friday evening to Sunday night
    Times Available: Any if consistent (PST - West coast USA)
    Role Preferred: Monk/scout

  • Sure - preferred role any other than tank.

  • Account Name: RedneckDM
    Days Available: Most any except Sunday... Family day
    Times Available: Most any with prior notice.
    Role Preferred: Archer/Scout if Faelar... Frontline Basher if Negan... No where near any of you if Buurbag.

  • Account Name: Caleil24
    Days Available: Sometimes
    Times Available: Evenings
    Role Preferred: Support (be it bard, druid or cleric)

  • Account Name: St.Croix
    Days Available: Yes
    Times Available: 7pm - 12am
    Role Preferred: Ting

  • Account Name: Kerby
    Days Available: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
    Times Available: 7pm - 12am
    Role Preferred: Tank